Chapter Two: Christian and Angel's Thirteenth Birthday! Pt.2

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                                                                                ~ Flash back continue ~             “Thank you Doctor Lanie for allowing us to be apart of this appointment. I really appreciate it. I guess I was actually needed after all.” I said to Doctor Lanie but looking at Christopher and he smiled.             “Yes, thank you Doctor Lanie. My little guy needed his grandma. But we really need to get to the airstrip so he can spend some time with her and his aunt and uncle.” Christopher said helping Imani off the table.             “No problem but Imani and Carissa monitor your sugar, salt, and spicy intake while you two are in Morocco. These boys are already big. The future Alpha is measuring twenty-three inches and appears to be already seven pounds and you still have four weeks to go so he has four weeks to grow. The future Beta is measuring nineteen inches long and approximately six and a half pounds. They are going to be big babies and the deliveries may not be easy, so I suggest that all support is on the ground. Besides that, safe travels Alphas and Betas.” Doctor Lanie said with a smile.             As soon as she finished speaking the monitor scrambled and shut off. Caelan and Brian were both standing looking like crazy people with huge grins on their faces and awe in their eyes. I was about to say something when my phone started to ring. I grabbed it off Caelan desk and saw Christopher’s FaceTime image flash across the screen.             “Hey mom, we are heading to the airport now. I just spoke with the new pilot, Danny, and he said we have been pushed back to a 6:30 pm departure because we missed our original window that means we won’t land in Casablanca until 8:30 or 9:00 pm. Can you move the twin’s dinner until 9:00 just to be safe?” Christopher asked and I smile at his dinner reference.             “I will ask the kitchen now but I’m sure it won’t be a problem. Let me see how the twin’s feel about it.” I said to him, and he smiled.             “I already spoke with Angel and Christian and told them what’s going on and they were both okay with a later start, but Angel asked me to let you know” Christopher said, and I smiled.             A few minutes later there was a knock on Caelan’s office door, and he opened it to a smiling Angel and an ecstatic Christian.             “My brother’s having a boy, I was hoping for a nephew. I’m going to be the best aunt in the world.” Angel said full of excitement bouncing up and down, and I laughed at her.             “I honestly was hoping for a niece, but I will love him just as much. Mom, have you talked to Christopher, he said something about them missing their flight window because our nephew was being stubborn and cause the appointment to go longer than they expected! They’re leaving later now so that means they will be also arriving later.” Christian said and I nodded at him.             “Yes, I spoke with him. Are you two okay with us starting later around 8:30 or 9:00 pm?” I asked them and Angel nodded but Christian just smiled.             “Just as long as they are not late to our eighteenth birthday ball, I think it will be okay to start at 9:00 pm for our thirteenth?” Christian said and I laughed.             “So, we are already planning an eighteenth birthday ball, huh?” I said and Christian hunched his shoulders.             “Well, let’s discuss that all over tonight’s dinner because I’m starving.” Angel said and I smiled.             “Okay, let’s go eat.” Caelan said as we all turned to walk out of his office.             When we got to the kitchen, I spoke with Marla regarding the time change for tomorrow’s dinner and she explained that everything will be fine. We all sat and ate dinner discussing the twin’s ideas for their sixteenth and eighteenth milestone birthdays. Caelan and I both were surprised that neither of them really cared about a sixteenth birthday and would be satisfied with a family dinner like this one or a family vacation somewhere. With three years to decide, Caelan and I left that topic alone and moved on to their eighteenth birthday celebration instead.             “I honestly want a big royal ball for our eighteenth birthday.” Christian said with a firm expression.             “Yep, it needs to be huge, the biggest celebration of the century or decade or whatever.” Angel chimed in then stuffed her mouth with some spinach ravioli’s.             “Yes, I agree.” Christian said smiling at his twin and I chuckled.             “You two aren’t ever this elaborate. Why so big for your eighteenth?” Caelan asked and they both looked at each other before Christian responded.             “Because we are pretty awesome, and I think we would have both proved that we earned it. Plus, do you see this place dad? We live in a Palace for Goddess sake and it is the most stylish and modern Palace in the world. Not to mention she’s going to be the future Queen and I’m just Amazing. Why wouldn’t we have the best party to have been heard of in a long time.” Christian said and Angel nodded in agreement with a mouth full of food.             “Can’t argue with that! So, I guess we will be throwing the party of this lifetime. It’s a good thing we have five years to prepare for it, right honey.” Caelan said with a chuckle, and I nodded and laughed lightly.             After dinner, Caelan and I went to our room to discuss our twin’s craziness a little more. I was a little tired, so I took my shower and climbed in bed. Caelan joined me a little later after discussing something with Brian. It was near 10:00 pm when Caelan finally came to bed, and I was able to finally relax. After he climbed into bed with me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him and we both drifted off into a restful sleep.             The next morning, I woke up excited that all my babies will be here today and my youngest are officially teenagers. Thank the Goddess they are so much more mature than a normal thirteen-year-old. I climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and start the shower but as soon as I reached the bathroom door my phone FaceTime ring tone rang out and I walked back to my nightstand to grab it. I was surprised when the caller Id flashed Mia, so I answered it quickly.             “Hey Cousin, how are you?” I said as soon as I answered the call.             “Ahhh, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes? I’m okay, I just wanted to let you know that we should be landing in Casablanca around 4:30 pm. I wanted to surprise you, so I asked Angel to not tell you that we were coming for their birthday dinner, and yes we know it’s not a party and only a private family dinner.” Mia said and I smiled.             “Well, you guys are family and the more the merrier.” I said with a smile, and she smiled back.             We talked for another twenty minutes then she said it was time for them to get back to their jet it was being refueled. Once we ended our call I walked back towards the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then turned the shower on so it could get warm. Once it was at the right temperature I climbed in and quickly washed up, so I could have breakfast with my teenage babies. When I got out of the shower, I mind linked Angel and asked her to meet me with her brother in the dining room.             Caelan was in the dining room with them when I arrived, and I smiled. It’s been a while since the four of us have sat down at breakfast together. I kissed my babies and said Happy Birthday before taking my seat. The kitchen staff brought out Angel and Christian’s favorite breakfast spread a few minutes later. We had pancakes, eggs, steak, and red potatoes with fresh squeezed orange and apple juice. It was delicious and we ate it in a comfortable silence until Angel started to squeal in her seat.             “What’s with you? What’s got you so excited?” Caelan asked her and she smiled brightly.             “I get to see my brothers and sister and their mates today and mommy get a surprise today also.” Angel said in a very excited tone and Caelan raised an eyebrow at her.             “Yeah, I got a call from Mia this morning, they will be here around 5:00 pm today.” I said to Caelan and he smiled and nodded.             “That is a surprise, it’s going to be great seeing family.” Caelan said and I smiled.             When we finished our breakfast, the twins went to get dressed for the day and I went to Caelan’s office with him. We spent the rest of the day kind of in our own space until Mia and her family arrived and since Christopher and the rest of the gang were able to skip a jet refuel, they arrived just an hour after Mia and her family did. Since we still had to wait for dinner to be ready, we all sat around and talked, catching up with each other. 
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