Chapter 8-5

635 Words

River was beyond furious. She was mortified and humiliated. She angrily wiped at the tears spilling down her face. That arrogant man-w***e. That—that slimy weasel. That… she was so mad she couldn’t even think of any more bad things to call him. That jerk! she thought with a nod. She had never been so shocked or hurt in all her life. To think he told her she was his. Fat lot that meant! Torak must have had over twenty women pawing all over him and that—that one woman wasn’t even dressed! Practically running now, she paused in the center of the garden, unsure of which way to go…Star or Jo. It was only when she rounded the center fountain that she saw Jo sitting on the edge of it, holding a crying Star. “What happened?” River asked as she came around the fountain to kneel in front of the

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