
1882 Words

Camille POV I woke up with a start and blinked when I realized that everywhere was pitch black. I had no idea where I was but I knew that I was on a soft bed that made me want to close my eyes and sleep again. My bed wasn't as soft as that and then I realized that I was in someone else's house. "Hello, who is here?" I shouted and tried to climb out of the bed but my hand made contact with a lampstand close to the bed. It's fell to the ground making a loud cracking noise. Oh no, why didn't I shout for help instead of breaking other people's stuff? I gasped and made the mistake of standing up. Some of the cracks from the lampstand pierced my foot and I screamed out loud as if I was attacked by someone. I heard the door open and loud footsteps headed towards me. The light came on an

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