
1771 Words

"Aaah Choo," I sneezed for the umpteenth time that morning. After the rain incident with Axel a day before, I had been sneezing nonstop. My throat was sore making it hard to talk for too long. My runny nose made me sniffle every few seconds. It was as if the world was against me. It was all because of Axel. "That's the hundredth time you've sneezed today," Alina pointed out. "Are you sure you can go to work today? Tell your boss that you are sick!" She shouted. "I am fine," I coughed. "You are fine? Girl, you are sick. Your eyes are red and you won't stop sneezing!" She sounded like the mother I never had. "I've taken pain relievers this morning. I'll be fine," I told her and grabbed my brown bag from my bed. "I'm all done." I adjusted my blue chiffon top and sniffled. "You are

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