#Chapter 35: Sweet Success

1500 Words

"Elena." Sally's firm voice made me look up from my computer. She was standing at the entrance to my cubicle, frowning down at me. I hadn't seen her since she ran out of the conference room the night before, and seeing her again made me nervous. "Hi, Sally." She looked at me with a frown, and my stomach dropped to my toes. I was sure she was going to fire me. "How much of that article do you and Matilda have ready?" It took me a second to comprehend her words. "I'm done. I just need an editor to look it over and Matilda will attach the photos for final approval." Sally nodded. "Okay. Please send the draft to me as soon as you can." "Thank you," I start, but she is already walking away. As soon as she is out of earshot I do a silent scream of happiness, pumping my fists in the sky

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