#Chapter 34: He Wants More

1398 Words

Sally was still frowning at her laptop screen, and she didn't smile at me when she looked up at me entering the conference room. "Come sit over here next to me, Elena," she said. I sat down, folding my hands in my lap. I waited. After a moment of looking off into space, Sally finally spoke. "What is it about this story? Why can't you let it go?" It wasn't what I expected, and it took me a moment to get my brain working again. "I'm also an orphan," I began. "But I'm lucky. The place I came from was well-supported. Our city orphanages, well, there's something going on that's not right. They're having trouble with basic operations, and it's putting the kids at risk." Sally was quiet. I assumed this meant she wanted more, and I rushed to fill the silence. "I have something else I'm wo

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