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Three days later “Semi I cannot believe that you are this stubborn” Blaine spoke to Semi as they made their way to Semi’s office. After three days of bed rest, she decided that she would finally face her fear and try to explain things to Neil, hoping that he would hear her out. On the outside she looked brave, like the editor and chief but deep down she was dying a slow and painful death just thinking of how Neil would react. Semi was aware of the office dynamics, everyone patiently waited for Neil to fire her and in truth, she sensed that that day might be looming. She stopped and turned towards Blaine, flashing a weak smile at him, one would even say that she was pulling a brave face. “It will all be okay, I will walk in there and explain everything to him” Semi explained to Blaine whom still looked as though he was not convinced by this. Without warning, Blaine took Semi’s hands in his, his eyes looking into hers that was filling up with tears. “If he dare fires you then he will be losing one of the best and loyal employees ever” Blaine declared, his words were kind but Semi knew that the war she was about to fight needed more than soothing words and kind gestures. Neil Droviski was a man out for revenge and he would go through any lengths to show just how he hated her and Semi knew that there was no way around this mess. “Thank you, I really appreciate it” Semi thanked Blaine before bringing his hands to her mouth and kissing it. Before Blaine could say another word, Semi let go and proceeded to Neil’s office. She had no idea what Neil had in mind for her but she knew that she would pay dearly for leading him on. “Come in!” Neil called from within his office and just then Semi thought of turning back and running away, never in her life had she been this scared of facing someone. “I said come in!” Neil’s voice rang through the outer walls of his office and Semi knew that at this point there was no turning back, she pressed on the door handle and entered into the office. Right in front of her sat Neil on his office chair, a high stacked mountain of files, his top shirt button undone and his sleeves rolled up but he was focused on his work to notice her. “Hi” Semi greeted him, the sound of her voice froze Neil on the spot, as he could not figure out if he had really heard Semi’s voice or was it his imagination running wild once again. The past three days had been torture for him, he fought between wanting to punish her more or call her on the phone and to ask how she was fairing but in the end, his need for revenge won him over. Neil looked up from his paper work and there Semi was, in flesh and not a figment of his imagination. She smiled at him but the scorned man in him refused to return that gesture, once upon a time, that smile had weakened him and now he could not figure out what he felt every time she smiled at him. “Took you long” Neil responded, Semi’s smile disappeared from her face and her heart broke in two at just how cruel Neil was being to her. She looked around the room and it seemed as though Neil had changed the office a bit. The very same office once decorated in vintage paper wall, now replaced by a fresh coat of charcoal grey and modern furniture. “Like what I’ve done with the place?” Neil asked her, his question brought Semi back to reality but looking into Neil’s eyes, Semi knew that his question was clearly a taunt. “It’s different, not like I’m used to” Semi responded plainly enough not to agitate maters between the two of them. “Yeah well in this life you must change to adapt otherwise there are vultures who have no problem devouring every part of you… bit by bit” Neil explained, his eyes burning deep into Semi’s eyes making her feel guilty over what she had done. She looked away, whether it was from shame or fear, she truly could not care. “Honestly speaking—” “Look at me when you are talking to me!” Neil interrupted Semi and his outburst forced her to look at him, his once soft face, replaced by a hard outer shell of envy, making Neil seemed older than he looked. Alternatively, could it be that he had not slept in days. Before her mind could think, Semi’s legs walked towards Neil’s desk and upon realizing it, she stopped, looking at him dead in the eyes. “I know that you are mad at me for what happed in Kenya but I assure you that I had nothing to—” “Don’t bother explaining yourself” Neil interrupted Semi as she spoke but that did not detour Semi from wanting to speak her mind. “Can you just listen to me?” Semi pleased with him, looking deeper into Neil’s eyes hoping that he would listen to a word that she had to say. “No I do not want to listen to you. Now take a seat, you’ve been absent for three days and you have to help me with some of these files” Neil demanded from her. Still shocked at Neil’s ability to change the subject as though nothing had happened a second ago, Semi sat onto the chair, looking at Neil as he racked through some paperwork. “Why not just fire me already?” She asked Neil in a soft voice as though afraid that the rest of the world would hear her. Neil looked up from the paper works on his desk and he smiled at Semi. “Now where’s the fun in that? I want you to look into my face every day knowing that I hold the keys to your financial stability,” Neil admitted and his response made Semi sick to her stomach. With so much anger, Semi gripped the side of her chair hoping that her action would calm her down but it did little or nothing. “With my resume I could find a job elsewhere” Semi spat out but her response made Neil flash a daring smile in her direction as he placed his golden-coated pen onto the table. “You might have an impressive resume but I have an impressive bank account and impressive people who will make sure that no one in this entire country ever hires you again” Neil responded to Semi. His threat rang through her ears and just then Semi knew just how powerful the man before her was and it was best that she not mess with him any further. The man before her was not the Neil she had come to adore in Kenya, this man before her was a beast who could shred her to pieces without thinking twice about it. “Grab those files and start helping me sort through it” Neil ordered Semi once more but this time she knew that fighting him would not help her case, rather it would only infuriate Neil the more.   ** After hours of sorting through paperwork in complete silence, Semi looked at the watch and realized that it was home time. “I think its best that we wrap this up” Semi suggestion but her suggestion landed on deaf ears as Neil had not moved and his focus was solely on his paper works. “Hello!” Semi called out to Neil and only this time he actually raised his head and looked at her. “What?” “It’s time to head home” Semi informed in in which Neil looked at his wristwatch and surely, it was time to head home. “Okay you may leave” Neil informed Semi as he went back to filling and sorting his paper work.  Semi loved her job but she had never seen anyone work so hard and without taking a break. “Aren’t you going home?” Semi asked Neil who paused as he seemed irritated by Semi’s question. “I’m pulling in a late tonight; do you have a problem with that?” Neil asked Semi irritably. “I was just wondering that you already looked tired as though you have been working after hours a lot. I was just wondering if we could grab some food.” Semi asked Neil whom seemed to smile for just a second and then the smile faded. “Do you always do this?” Neil asked Semi whom raised a brow, seemingly confused by the manner in which Neil had questioned her. “I beg your pardon?” Semi asked Neil who once again broke out into a smile. “Do you always lure men into having a small meal with you, then taking them to bed and leaving before they could wake up— oh, let’s not forget the part where you extract valuable information from them?” Neil’s question sent a pain through Semi’s heart, she knew what he meant, and Neil was assuming that she was a w***e. “I will not let you insult my dignity like” Semi told Neil without a care in the world that he was her boss but her action did not phase Neil one bit. “Seems as though I have hit a nerve” Neil taunted her the more. Semi stood up from her chair and without waiting for another word from Neil, she stepped out of the office and slammed the door behind herself. Even as she walked away from Neil’s office and tried to convince herself that, it did not matter what he said when in fact his words tore her to pieces. Neil had indirectly branded her as a w***e and he did not feel remorse for what he had said.  
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