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The atmosphere around the work place was tense, that very morning Semi had received an urgent message that there had been a takeover and starting today, she would be working under a new employer. Ruining Neil’s plans was one thing, now it seemed as though Karma was out to get her and she knew that she had brought it upon herself. Besides the office being tensed, it seemed as though everyone stared at her as she walked through the hall and Semi could not explain it. She got into her office and just as she sat down, Tyler the new intern walked in. “Good morning Madam” Tyler greeted her and unlike the rest of the employees, he looked cheerful. “Good morning to you too and why are you in such a cheerful mood today?” Semi asked Tyler and the young man seemed too excited. “Well the new boss had a meeting with all the employees and interns and he had has assured us that none of us would be fired” Tyler answered and his response made Semi feel at ease, there was a good chance that she would not lose her promotion that she had worked so hard to get. “By the way, the new boss would like to see you in his office” Tyler mentioned to her and Semi could not say that she was surprised by this. “Sure, I will be right there” Semi replied and she watched Tyler walk out of her office, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Walking towards her new boss’s office, Semi felt strange feeling washing over her because once again, all eyes were on her and she had a feeling that it did not mean good. Never had she felt this nervous before, so much that she was fixing her cloths and making sure that she looked neat, until she got to the entrance of the door. She raised her hand, balled it into a fist and knocked onto the door.   “Come in!” her new boss answered from the other end of the door. Semi walked into the office and her new boss sat in his leather chair with his back faced to her. “Good morning sir, I was told you called for me” Semi told him. Deep down Semi felt embarrassed that she did not even know the name of her new employer. Without warning, her boss spun around and both their eyes met but the only one of them was smiling, it was him and not Semi. “Hello Semi, did you miss me?” Her boss asked her. Semi’ heart dropped to her stomach as she could not believe her eyes, the man before her was none other than Neil Droviski, he was her knew boss. “Wh-what is going on here?” Semi managed to utter but Neil seemed to be enjoying her state of shock, because he stood from his leather office chair, stood beside it and placed his hands into his pockets. “What’s the matter Semi, aren’t you happy to see me?” Neil asked her in the most sarcastic tone that he could have used, making her know that he was in charge. “What are you doing here?” “Well Semi I am your new boss, is that how you talk to the man that gets to decide whether to fire you or keep you?” A rhetorical question and Semi knew it quite well. Over the past few days, Semi had wondered how it would feel like to see Neil again, to hold him in her arms and have him make love to her again. Her head spun and the ground beneath her feet felt as though it was taking her into it, she was losing her balance and before she knew it, it seemed like everything was flowing sideways and just before she could hit the ground, Neil reached for her and grabbed her. Her vision blurring and all she could see was the concerned expression on Neil’s face and him yelling for someone to call the paramedics. ** Neil had waited more than three days to come face to face with the woman who had stolen his heart and ripped it apart. Their two weeks had come to an abrupt end when he had woken from his bed and not found Semi next to him. Neil had run to her room hoping that he would find Semi there but to his surprise; he was informed that that Semi had left. Neil clenched his fist as he remembered how he had run to the receptionist to retrieve her details; only to find that Semi had falsified her surname. At the time, Neil did not fault Semi; he too had lied and had not been honest with Semi from the start. Neil turned his head and looked at the woman besides him; Semi lay still on her hospital bed, seemingly unbothered by the pain that she had caused him. Neil tried to hate her for nearly ruining his company and revealing his companies latest invention but he could not. A part of him wanted to ask her why she had done that but then again, he knew just why Semi had done what she had done. She was just like the rest of the woman he had dated in his past, they all wanted him for the money but for Semi, she wanted her promotion and she played her game well. “Where am I?” Semi asked and Neil immediately got up from the chair from besides Semi’s bed. He wanted Semi to look into his eyes; he wanted her to know that she was under his control. Semi’s eyes met Neil’s and not once did he smile at her. Neil could not explain the concern he felt for her, he wanted to hate her but seeing her in the hospital bed broke his heart. He remembered fond memories of their two-week vacation, mostly of her in his bed, beneath him, making sweet and passionate love. “Are you feeling better now?” Neil managed the courage to ask her. “I guess I’m okay, what happened to me?” Semi asked him. “You fainted and now you are here” Neil answered plainly. There was a cloud of silence hovering over the two of them and that left the atmosphere feeling rather awkward. “Thank you for bringing me here” “No need to thank me, I did not bring you here. Your friend—I think his name is Blaine, you should be thanking him” Neil shrugged of her appreciation. “But you are here” Semi reminded him and that earned her an evil glare from Neil. “I am here as your boss, you are supposed to be my asset but you are proving to be a liability” Neil’s words cut through Semi’s heart but she knew that it was her fault, she had played with his emotion and now she was paying the ultimate price for her behavior. “But still, thank you for being here for me” Semi thanked him, as mad as he was at her, Neil could not deny that Semi’s thankfulness had warmed his heart a bit. “You are welcome, get well soon. I need you back at work, I mean how else would my magazines sell without the lies that you tell” Neil told Semi coldly and before she could say another word, Neil had exited the room. She was hurt by his words and this side of Neil was not the side that she was had come to know and love. Her Neil had been kind, compassionate and loving whilst the Neil that she knew now was mean and every word that came from his mouth was poisonous.   Upon exiting the room, Neil walked into the elevator. As the doors shut, he regretted every vile word that had come from his mouth. In the aim of making her feel as bad as she did him, he had ended up hurting himself in the process. Without thinking Neil slammed his fist against the inside of the elevator door and he did not even feel the pain, the pain raging in his chest from the betrayal was much worse than the physical pain in his fist. He was not used to feeling like this and all that was on his mind was to get revenge on Semi, but how could he when his heart beat a thousand beats every time he saw her? Seeing her collapse onto the floor was by far the scariest thing that Neil had ever experienced and without thinking, he had leaped to break her fall. The doors to the elevator flung open and Neil rushed out, how he had gotten into his car, he truly did not know. All Neil knew was that he was clutching onto the wheel of the car out of pure frustration. “Damnit Semi, what have you done to me!” Neil yelled as he slammed his fist onto the wheel of his car. Within no time Neil started his engine, he was not going home this evening rather he felt like going to the bar and drinking his sorrows away. His body had weakened due to the pint up anger building within his chest and Neil knew that drining was his only way out of his turmoil.    
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