58. A Moment of Reconnection

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Emily sighed as she finally came in terms with admitting the truth and revealing her inner most sentiments with her niece, something that she had been holding inside her heart for an extremely long period of time and found them to be emasculating and humiliating. “I… I was mad at you because I was embarrassed.” “What? Are you insane? Why would you be embarrassed? And what would you be embarrassed about?” Diana inquired and Emily shrugged back at her, focusing her eyes on the ground, looking in to the voice, as that was the only thing that gave her the courage to speak up her truth. “Embarrassed because I put you and Polly in danger by bringing in someone as vicious and as cheap as Ralph in to the family.” Diana gasped, as she heard her Aunt’s words. “What? Don’t tell me that it was what Uncle Phill said.” Diana added in, referring to Emily’s ex husband, whom she knew would be someone to say such words and put that idea in to Emily’s head at the first place. Diana was well aware of how much concerned and caring Phill was regarding his daughter and Diana, whom he also treated like his own daughter and even after he parted ways with Emily, he wanted Diana to move to San Diego with him, where he had joined a big logistics company as a managing director. Emily nodded at Diana’s words. “He wasn’t wrong!” she immediately spoke up in defense of her ex husband, whom she always respected for his opinions, as she believed that he was a sagacious and a reasonable human being. The only sad part about the two was that each wanted different things in life. Emily wanted a more financially stable and money oriented career and life, whilst Phill was someone who believed in living in the moment and wanted his wife to give him more time and attention. This led to their separation at the first place and when the whole façade about Ralph was revealed, Phill immediately confronted Emily and stated that she let her greed get the best of her and welcomed a b****y lusty monster like Ralph in to her family and jeopardized the lives and characters of her daughters, in ex change of luxury and money. “And I did it again…” Emily shrugged in defeat as she slammed her hand on the table and remembered how she presented Diana to Adrian, without taking in to consideration their past and Diana’s repulsive behavior towards that rascal. “I once again, let my l**t and greed get the best of me and I presented you to that bastard. You need to be yelling at me and you need to be rude towards me.” Emily reprimanded Diana, making her niece, simply shake her head at the woman. “What? Why should I be mad at you now?” Diana couldn’t help but chuckle at how vulnerable her aunt was acting in that particular moment. Somehow, instead of feeling regretful for sharing her past, Diana felt happy and contented that she did let out all the sorrowful past that she was holding inside her chest for over ten years. Because all of her inner fearful condemnations, where she believed that Emily would scold her and shun her out of her and Polly’s lives, if she revealed the truth about her sinful past with Adrian, held her back from ever opening up to even her Aunt. But somehow, noticing that instead of shunning Diana, Emily had softened up towards her, it only melted Diana on the inside and made her feel warm and accepted. “Because I didn’t care about you and put your life in danger once again.” Emily stated, explaining what her reasons were to consider that Diana should be mad at her and Diana simply shook her head back at her Aunt and grabbed Emily’s hands in hers and pulled them in to her lap, making Emily look up at Diana. Diana felt slight shock but more sorrow, as she noticed and saw her Aunt’s eyes that were full of mist and tears had welled up in her pupils, that threatened to fall down any given moment. “I am not mad at you because I understand and I know why you wanted things to work out with Adrian. I know you and I have seen you struggle throughout your whole life and being a woman, I also know and understand the fact that the world is very partial towards women and they make it hard for a woman to earn a good livelihood through meaningful ways. I have seen you work hard your entire life to earn in a respectful manner and even though Uncle Phill parted ways with you because his priorities were different and he may be mad about how things turned out to be with Ralph but I am pretty sure that he understands it and he knows that you are a hard working woman and you have gone through a lot in your life. You don’t want me or Polly to go through the same things. That is also why you are always so protective towards me and you don’t want me to work in any other salon because you know the poor way with which other salon treats its workers. You know why Tony and Gloria, love to work at your salon? It is because they always say this that you treat your workers in the best possible way and also because you are the best boss lady in the whole world.” Diana chuckled lowly, as she leaned forward and pulled Emily in a warm brace, wrapping both of her arms around her Aunt, who also smiled, as she leaned in to Diana and held her arms tightly that rested around her body, holding her in. As the two continued to hug each other warmly, their little moment of reconnection, was disturbed as Diana’s phone began ringing loudly, making her break the hug with her Aunt. She got up and walked towards the kitchen counter where her phone was placed and grabbed it, slightly confused and tremored to see the Caller ID on her screen. She checked the time and then the Caller ID again and something seemed oddly suspicious to her, as the time and the person who was calling her didn’t seem to fit in the same bracket and this led to make Diana wonder, what situation would have fallen to make that particular person call her during that hour of the day. --------------------------- What are you guesses about who would be calling Diana? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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