59.Bernard's Demands

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“This better be good!” Diana complained, as she placed her tote bag on the wooden solid stage floor, placing her hands on each side of her hips, as she faced Bernard, who had called her to visit the theater as soon as she could. At first Diana was stunned to find Bernard calling her at that hour of the day. He was a night owl – well all theater artists were. And the only time he would call Diana early at that hour, would be if he would have a show in the afternoon or else, he would always perform late night shows and keep his theater open till three in the night. Diana was quite flabbergasted, as she picked up his call, hoping that everything was fine, since they didn’t have a show planned that day but Bernard didn’t give her much details and only called things to be a case of immediate ‘Emergency’ and asked Diana to show up at the theater as soon as she could. She excused herself from Emily and made her way towards the theater and once she did, she was quite surprised to find only Bernard waiting for her, sitting by the foot of the stage, chugging on to a large cup of iced coffee and a cream cheese bagel, which was a regular impromptu breakfast for all the residents of the city of Hollywood. “So, what happened? Why did you call me here, stating that there was some sort of ‘emergency’? What’s going on?” she inquired and Bernard chimed, clapping his hands together, as he got up on his feet and ran directly towards Diana. “Oh God! You won’t believe this but a company booked our theater for our a rewatch of our old show.” Bernard announced, making Diana scrunch her nose in total bewilderment. “Huh? What old show? What show was even ever worth of being seen again, given they weren’t even tolerable worth a single watch.” Diana admitted, making Bernard shake his head at her. “Nah ah! I am not going to let any negativity get to me today!” he immediately took a step back from Diana, making her eyebrows go up in even more astonishment, as she wondered what had gotten in to Bernard that was making him act so defensive and prodigious. “They have demanded us we do the Blue Man show!” “Eww! That cheap lousy take of ours on David Copperfield, where he is shown as a modern day alien who comes to earth and is a f**k boy? That show was horrible. Why would anybody want to t*****e their eyes? Wait! Is the company sending the employees they want to fire but can’t due to some contract thing that is binding them and that is why they are showing the employees our show, so that they would quit on their own? Have your told them the reviews you got after we played that show just for one night, that also in front of like fifty people? Bernard! We are not doing that again. Nobody is going to do that stupid show again. The script was lousy, the costumes were vague and seemingly extraterrestrial. Like nothing made sense!” Diana complained, not wanting to go through the t*****e that she already did while they played the show the very first time. Diana didn’t have any problems working at the theater. If anything, the theater was like a little safe space for her, where she could be creative without having the fear to be judged by anybody, a place where she could work without caring about the interference of anybody from her home, like her Aunt or her niece and above all, for her theater was a place where she believed that she could be anybody or give that power to anybody else by transforming them in to a character but she hated working with Bernard. Because A. his work was sloppy and B. he refused to listen to any criticism towards his work that he extremely needed to flutter his ears upon and listen to what the negative remarks about his work and try and change those aspects of his work. “Come on Bernard! That show was terrible.” Diana began with her complaints about the current plummeting condition of the theater and Bernard’s shows, “All those actors and costume designers who worked with you before that show quitted after you did the show and the reviews that we got. Your theater is basically swarmed with taints of how terrible your work is. Every single magazine and newspaper and even influencers have refused to come to your shows, even after you offered to paid them. And I just checked two weeks ago, we have negative reviews on Google and we are the lowest rated theater in the whole of the City. Can you believe it? we are literally present in a city which is filled with failing actors and acts and yet somehow we managed to become the worst in all of that. whoever booked the theater is probably f*****g around with you and you need to check in to it. it could be some sort of humiliating prank and besides, Bernard, we don’t have any actors.” “I managed to book every character.” Bernard daunted, strutting with confidence, making Diana look at him with surprise. “Really? How?” “That’s on me to deal with. I just need one thing from you.” Diana sighed, understanding what Bernard could possibly want her to do. “Ugh! Fine! I’ll do the makeup!” Diana groaned, understanding quite well what duties Bernard wanted her to handle. “No! actually, there is something else, I need you to do.” -------------------------------- What do you think Bernard would want Diana to do? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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