10. Pride and Prejudice

1920 Words
Sensing everyone’s eyes glued to her, Diana gasped and immediately freed her hand from Adrian. In the awe of being quick and pushing him away, her hand ended up hitting Adrian right over his nose, making him stumble back and grunt in pain. “Ouch!” He cried, as he grabbed his nose and cried in sheer agony and Diana immediately stood up and turned towards everyone in the salon, who also realized that they were caught being nosy, so they immediately spread back inside the salon, pretending to go back to their businesses but all the while, their minds and peripheral visions remained stuck towards Diana. Feeling flustered, she cleared her throat and turned to look back and down at Adrian, who sat holding his nose in his hands. “You…” he groaned once again, feeling tears bubble inside his eyes and Diana felt horrible for hurting him physically. “I am sorry…” she tried to step towards him and comfort him, to at least see if he was alright but immediately held her hand back, hesitating and prohibiting her own self from touching him, because she knew all too well that everyone inside the salon was watching each and every single step of hers and they had already started to speculate that she was involved with Adrian and she only feared if they would reach to a conclusion if they caught Diana touching Adrian again. She took in a deep breath, dwindling her steps between leaving for the salon immediately or staying back and continuing her conversation with Adrian. It suddenly hit her that there was no point for her to stay back and talk to Adrian. He was there completely out of pity, only to resolve the standing guilt in his heart that Diana’s father had helped him so much to achieve the position that was his dream and he couldn’t kepe up his promise. There was nothing else for him to come to her and thence, she also decided to help him resolve the guilt and give Adrian the closure that he was looking for. “Adrian, I am sorry…” “Which part exactly?” he asked, removing his hands off his nose and looking up at Diana, ho squinted looking at his red nose and teary eyes, realizing that her hand hit him pretty badly. “Umm for your nose, I guess?” she shrugged lowly and Adrian groaned, getting up on his feet and took his phone out, passing it to Diana. “What?” she asked, looking down at his phone in sheer confusion. “Give me your phone number.” He asked nonchalantly, his patience wearing off and him coming down straight to the point. “What?” this time Diana gasped at Adrian’s audacious mannerism. “How could you be so unhinged and just ask for my number like this?” “Why? Do I have to get a certain diploma to ask for your number? Is there a specific certification that one has to get to ask for your number?” Diana felt even more flabbergasted by Adrian’s bold words, that were more on the offensive side for Diana. “Gosh! Did I say you must have a diploma or a certification?” she bellowed back at him, making Adrian moan in irritation and pull his hand and phone back. “Then why would you not give me your phone number? Why are you making it so difficult? I am trying to be nice and I am trying to help you.” “Help me? With what? Does it look like I need your or anybody’s help?” Diana retorted back, not holding herself back anymore and her loud voice was enough to make Adrian rattle back a little and attract all the salon ladies back to the walls of the salon. “What made you even think that I want your or help or I am in need? Can’t you see I am contented in my life and I have lived all my life, only so that you or anybody from my past wouldn’t get to me. If you want to help me then just go back and never tell anybody about it and however you found me, don’t tell about it to anyone else and just leave me alone and never come back for me. That is the greatest help you would be doing to me and don’t worry about feeling any guilt on your heart for not keeping your promise to my father. Just so you know, he wasn’t the greatest father anyways. He wasn’t there for me himself, so it was only hypocrite of him to want others to take care of me, when he should have been the one to do so. So, feel better about yourself and move along in your life.” With that Diana finally turned around and dashed right back in to the salon, leaving Adrian shocked to the core and flabbergasted. He closed his eyes shut and fisted his palms in to a ball. Sitting at the corner of the street inside the Range Rover and noticing the entire scenario, Jared understood that thing didn’t go along Adrian’s plan. He immediately jumped out of the car and reached for his boss, who was fuming with anger and clenching his jaw in sheer angst. “Boss, are you okay?” he asked, reaching out for Adrian and gently patting his shoulder. Adrian only loosened his tie around his neck and immediately began sprinting towards his car and Jared also followed after him. The moment Diana stepped inside the salon, every single eye turned towards her and the feeling of flushed gathered around her cheeks, but she immediately rushed inside her makeup studio, where her two assistants, sat waiting impatiently. “Gosh! Are you okay? Who was that guy? What did he want from you?” asked the younger one. “Was he there to get you? is he from some sort of mafia?” asked the other one. “Mafia?” Diana scrunched her nose in confusion. “Yeah, the way he came in. I have read about guys like him. they are all parts of mafia, right? They barge in to places like that and…” “Oh my God! Felicity, were you reading another fiction on w*****d?” the younger one retorted and Felicity nodded her head. “Yeah! But it was one of those in which Jungkook was a mafia leader and Lisa was his sister and it is based on the reader’s POV. It was such a nice one…” “Jungkook? Now who is that?” the younger one seemed quite troubled. “Jungkook from BTS?” Felicity chanted and both Diana and the other girl remained lost. “Gosh! You are such boring people. Have you guys not been introduced to the world of fangirling?” “Hey! We are supposed to be having a serious conversation here, right now.” The other girl screamed at her coworker, jumping in with a punch but Diana immediately butted in and pushed the two away. “Stop it both of you.” she told them, making the two pull apart and stood back in silence and at the same time, the door to the makeup studio flew open and the threw turned around, to find Emily standing at the door, holding her bag and coat in her hands and flashed her car keys at Diana. “Come on! Let’s go.” With that she turned and left, right away with giving Diana any explanation about where she wanted to take the girl with her. Diana turned to look back at her assistants, both of the two remaining just as innocently lost as their boss. Diana sighed and picked up her jacket and bag, “Pack everything up, lock the studio and take an early leave. But be on time tomorrow and…” Being the older one, Diana would usually hand over the keys to Felicity but listening to her still living in the world of ready fanfictions, Diana immediately formed a prejudice and instead nodded at the younger assistant. “Actually Penny, you should keep the keys today.” With that, she immediately left the studio and followed her Aunt, who gave the keys to the salon to Tony and guided him to lock up the salon and clear the account for the day. “I will pick the keys from your place early in the morning.” Emily told her, as she went out of the salon and Diana also followed her but Tony was quick enough to grab her arm and jerk her back. “Girl! I will be calling you tonight! You have got a lot of explanation to do and you are so lucky that Gina is on leave, or else your head would be six feet under ground already.” He daunted and Diana freed her hand from his grip. “OH really? Well if my Aunt left me alive, then you could have me.” She stated in a completely exasperated tone, showing clear signs of anxiety and worry and immediately rushed out of the salon and towards her Aunt’s car that was parked right outside the parlor. She gulped hard, feeling anxiety devouring her entire existence as Emily kept a straight face and held the steering wheel and Diana simply opened up the door, as she looked at her aunt’s plain expressions which were hard for her to read and that was the reason why Diana felt so scared. Because she was always able to read her aunt’s face. she always held some sort of look on her face that gave away what and how she felt. And for the past two years, Emily showed clear signs of distaste towards her niece, if not signs of being stringent and strict towards Diana, which she kept throughout the whole time since Diana moved to Los Angeles. But whenever Emily would become cold and expressionless, Diana would feel extremely nervous, as she didn’t know what exactly her aunt wanted from her or planned to do with her. Diana fastened the seat belt around her and had merely opened up her mouth to speak… “I… that guy…” Before she could muster up the courage to say another word, Emily hit the accelerator of the car and sped it off and away from the street, driving towards home. Adrian watched through his peripheral vision, as Diana left with her Aunt and even though he was burning and boiling with anger, because of the insult that Diana had hurled his way, acting high and prestigious and wished to have the car along with Diana in it, being blown to pieces but he still held his anger back and when Jared turned towards him from the front passenger seat and asked. “Where to now? And what should we do next?” Each and every single fiber in his body wanted him to say ‘KILL THAT b***h’. But he swallowed his anger and pride and gulped hard, looking away from Jared and outside the window of the car, finding it hard in himself to face his assistant as he killed his pride only for the sake of his position and said these words… “Towards her house!” ------------------------------------- Well, it seems like Adrian is down to chase Diana? :D Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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