52. Strength Of Love

942 Words
Diana placed Zion and Carly’s homework that she did over the weekend over on the designated table and walked out of Carly’s room, excited and chiming, as she made her way towards the office. She was happy and excited, because after a day’s break she was finally going to meet Adrian. When she woke up the other day, in Adrian’s arms, she wished that she could stay with him forever in that moment but she was glad that the moment would always be painted and plastered in her head and she would never forget the magical night. There was a part of her that didn’t even believe if everything that happened between her and Adrian was real. She couldn’t even comprehend, if that night had happened in reality or if her imaginations had taken her a bit too far and she lived through a projection of her own imaginations and desires. Diana hopped as she went down towards the first floor of the mansion and went straight towards the office door. She only gently pushed the door and hoped that it would open up on its own but it didn’t even budge and it made Diana confuse. The door was always left open whenever Adrian would be getting trained by Ross but that day seeing the door closed and locked only made Diana wonder would could be happening inside the office. She felt worried, wondering if Jack had once again hijacked Adrian’s training and was bullying him. She felt the urge to dash inside the office and charge at Jack. She didn’t know from where it came to her but suddenly she had started having the urge and the feel to act strong. Not just for herself but the person who made her feel complete and powerful. Adrian made her feel that she didn’t need to struggle and tolerate a***e anymore. He made her feel that she could overcome any feeling and that she didn’t had to suffer from a***e. She felt strengthened and complete. She felt loved and cherished. And it all came because he loved her and made her feel extremely loved and important to him. She didn’t know that life could be so beautiful. She always assumed that cold behavior at the hands of her father and a***e was all written in her fate. But Adrian made her feel otherwise. She thought that the absence of a***e was enough to make her feel safe but she realized that being loved and being cared for, was what could truly make one feel levitated above the whole world. Diana was stunned with the way Adrian treated her so delicately. There were moments when she was in bed with Adrian, where she had even questioned whether Adrian was the same person, who at times became inexplicably rude towards her and even called her pathetic and annoying. But seeing the way he acted towards her, being so polite and kind, Diana felt that she may had been with someone completely different. But at the end, when she woke up and found herself entangled in Adrian’s arms, she took a good amount of her time, absorbing just his features and his beauty. She couldn’t believe that she had just completed her life in his arms and handed over her girlhood to him. To her, she didn’t even know all the things that Adrian taught her. he took away her sanity and her sacred memories, painting her life entirely with his mark. She wanted to stay with him and she wanted to spend the rest of the day with him as well. She wished that there would eventually come a time, when the two would get to be together, all alone and she would tell Adrian about all the times, where she stared at him from afar and wished for the time to come when she would be with him. She did have her time with him but she felt doleful that it wasn’t the way she had imagined it to be. She wished to have something more and meaningful but at the same time, she told herself that what she had lived in the span of a night, was worth a hundred lives. As she continued staring at Adrian, she realized that she was running out of time. It was already five in the morning and her father got u[ at around six or seven, when he had to leave for work even on weekends and he would barge in to Diana’s room and wake her up abruptly and brashly, forcing her to cook breakfast for him. She knew better than to refuse to cook for him. She had never stayed a night out of the house but something told her that if her father woke up and went in to her room and didn’t find her, than he would only end up hurting her more and in a manner that would be completely out of Diana’s thoughts and wits. She didn’t want to take that risk. Thence, carefully she got out of the bed, not wanting to startle Adrian out of his sleep. At first, she decided to leave a note for him but then realized that she didn’t have enough time to search around for a pen or a paper. She dressed herself up and decided to leave and as she tip toed out of the room, something pecked the bottom of her feet and she held back her urge to scream. She moved her foot away and looked down at the carpeted floor, where she could see something shine brightly. ----------------------------------- Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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