26.Teenager Anxiety

2729 Words
Diana yawned with exhaustion and rubbed her eyes, as she got off the bus and walked down the block. She stretched her neck that hurt due to the painful posture in which she slept in the bus on her way to the work. She hadn’t slept the whole night, waiting by the phone assuming that Adrian might text her any moment. Even whenever her eyes would take a rest, exhausted by not getting any sleep past her regular bed time, after every thirty minutes or forty, her anxious brain would knock on her brain and bring her back to life. And the first thing she would do is pick her phone and see whether Adrian texted or not. And of course, he didn’t. By eight, she got out of the bed and got in to her work out clothes. She kept her phone aside and did some meditation and yoga, in order to get her head out of the same swamp but her eyes and mind would flutter back again and again towards the phone placed on her bed. Exhausted, she left her phone behind and went on a run around the neighborhood. This is teenager anxiety! Like a teenage girl waiting for her crush to text her. I am not going to suffer from it! Diana refused to suffer from those feelings and went on a run. Many regular joggers and walkers, were quite stunned to find Diana sprinting around the neighborhood that early in the morning. Her duty at the salon started at around two, so she usually woke up at twelve or the earliest for her would be eleven. So, people were quite shocked to find her running around at what they assumed to be quite an early hour for her. The moment she came back to the house, the first thing her feet wanted to do as part of her reflex actions was to run in to her room and check her phone. It’s almost nine in the morning! Maybe, he texted me now? Diana thought and jumped up the staircase but then she paused her feet in the middle of the stairways. Wait! Why the hell am I acting like a teenager girl, who gave her number to her crush and is waiting for him to text her? am I excited that he would text me? Didn’t I just want to get rid of him by yesterday? Then why am I acting like this? Why do I always do this and become to obnoxiously dependent for excitement on something or someone new? Why do I even care so much? Wouldn’t it be better if he didn’t just text me at all? She thought to herself and immediately jumped down and went inside the kitchen, preparing herself coffee, from the espresso machine that she got Emily as a birthday present. Such expensive things would only come around the house as birthday gifts and Emily would usually bring in new appliances, such as a kitchen Aid stander mixer or a microwave, as parts of present to Diana, who didn’t enjoy celebrating birthdays anyways. Knowing that an espresso machine was a need, Diana brought one in for Emily as a birthday present and as she prepared herself come coffee, Polly jumped down the stairs, all ready for school. Diana noticed the time and realized that Polly was definitely running late for school and perhaps was taking advantage of her mother’s absence from the house, who was still in the hospital and had not checked out yet. “Aren’t you a little late?” Diana questioned and Polly shrugged. “My friends who are picking me up from school are late.” She retorted back with an unbothered tone, as she grabbed an apple from the fruit basket and bit on it. “Do you want me to prepare anything for you? for breakfast or lunch? Do you have money for lunch?” Diana asked, realizing that she needed to be more responsible towards Polly, since Emily wasn’t around and Polly would only slack around. “No! I am fine! I have some routines coming around and the couch says that I need to cut back on some carbs anyways.” “Huh? So, the big game is coming?” Diana asked and Polly nodded. “By the way, what are you doing up so early?” Polly inquired, finally realizing that Diana was up before her usual time. “Umm, just thought about keeping the place together since Aunt would be coming back home today.” Polly nodded back, “Yeah! Don’t worry, you are the one who is usually keeping this place together anyways and besides, I don’t think Mom’s going to come home any time soon. Oh! By the way, did Adrian text you? what did he say?” Diana shook her head back at Polly, “He didn’t text me.” Polly c****d her eyebrows in confusion, “Huh! The guy was dying to get your number and once he did. He is acting like an asshole. Gosh! What a basic piece of shit.” She commented, making Diana snicker. “Didn’t I tell you? he is no different and I know him, his ego is bigger than anything else.” “Yeah! But aren’t you curious? The guy seems to be on some sort of game play. You need to keep an open front but have defense lined up on each side.” “Huh?” Diana spluttered in confusion and Polly shook her head. Picking some fruits from the basket and laid down an apple in the middle with two others on each side and then placed a banana in front of the apple. “This… are you seeing this?” she asked Diana and she only shrugged. “Fruits? Do you want like a milkshake?” she asked and Polly smacked her cousin’s head, making her wince in pain. “You i***t! Look at this apple! This apple is you. and this banana is Adrian. He is going to come and attack at you…” he moved the banana forward vigorously hitting it on the apple, making Diana scrunch her nose in disgusted. “And this…” she then pointed on the two other apples placed on the banana’s each sides, “… this is me and Mom! And we are going to keep on guiding you on how to handle and control him and his moves. We can help you…” she then moved one apple from the side and hit the banana, making it splash and fall down on the ground. “Okay! You need to stop wasting food and now, you should leave because I think the ‘My Mom is sick and hospitalized’, excuse is only going to work for today. Now, you better leave.” With that Diana pushed Polly out of the house as her friends came in a convertible to pick Polly up and she left but not before she called Diana out one last time. “Just remember! Be careful with him and his games.” Diana shook her head, as she went back inside the kitchen and sipped on her coffee, sitting on the small round table in the kitchen and picked up the morning newspaper, reading through it. Newspapers were mostly obsolete but the only reason why they still came in to their house, was because it was delivered for free in the neighborhood and Emily’s policy was that anything for free, was gladly accepted in their house. No wonder why, she was so mesmerized by Adrian. Diana laughed at the thought but then immediately paused as the realization hit her that she was once again think about Adrian. She hissed in aggression and shook her head rigorously, grabbing and pulled her hair on both side. “I need to stop thinking about him.” She told herself as she finished her coffee and made her way back to her bedroom. The first thing her eyes landed on when she entered her bedroom was her phone that she had placed invertedly over the bed, with the screen facing the bed. She cleared her throat, as she felt an itch in her palms that told her to check her phone but she only pulled herself back and went ahead and decided to get ready for her work and go in early, so that she could help around the place and steer her mind clear of the dwindling thoughts that she was having. Not just that, she knew that Tony and Gloria both might have prepared a list of bombarding questions that she needed to handle and it was only for the best that she went in early for work. She took a long, warm shower, taking her time, letting the shampoo press and the steamy water wash away her thoughts and keep her mind clean. She got out, taking her time, relaxing in her towels only as she moisturized her body, picked a nice and clean sun dress and matched it with her Lacoste sneakers and grabbed a crossbody bag. Blow drying her hair, she gave her own self the infamous nineties style blow out and once she was done, she was about to make her way out but then paused back, wondering how would it be like to go in to work with some makeup on her own face for a change. She applied a lint skin tint, a little blush and patted some of the blush tint over on her lips, completing her look and finally made her way towards her bed, where she stared out at her current biggest enemy, which was her mobile phone. She squinted her eyes lowly at the phone, as she made up her mind to finally pick it up and see whether after two hours of ignoring the phone, a missed call or a text message had appeared on the screen and much to her disappointment it had not. “Fine! good! The more time he is taking in texting me, the more later I will reply him. good, he should continue with these games of his and I will show him the kind of the games that I can and I will play.” With that she finally left her house, locking it up and made her way towards the bus stop. Once she got inside the bus, her sleep took over and she slept like a baby, with her head resting against the windowpane. Once the bus arrived at her stop, she got out and felt her neck sprained and her body tired. She stood right outside the salon and was about to get in but paused when she heard her name being called out. “Diana!” She turned around and looked at the coffee shop from across the street, where her regular barista Ben stood, holding out Diana’s regular coffee and waving his hand at her. The six foot, tall muscularly lean guy, had his shiny blond hair all blown and set perfectly over his head with a few strands falls over his forehead, giving him the perfectly casual look. His small almond shaped brown eyes sparkled bright under the sun and his smooth porcelain skin also gleamed, looking like a reflective glass that reflected off the sunrays falling on to it. He was the kindest and sweetest person that Diana had ever met. It was because of gentlemen like Ben, that Diana had started to trust the other gender again. He was polite, always gentle towards others and she observed that it was inclined in his nature to be incredibly polite towards everyone else. Tony and Gloria always urged Diana to ask Ben out, since he always acted extra nice towards her, usually sent her coffee whenever she would be piled in between clients and be exhausted and took care of her through a very close eye. He even drew an extra heart around her name, when he would hand out her coffee. By extra heart – it is quite clear that Ben was accustomed of drawing hearts around his customer’s names and Tony and Gloria always teased Diana that he drew an extra one around her name but all of Diana’s hopes to eve go out with Ben, flushed down the drain when one day she saw a beautiful blonde all wrapped up in Ben’s arms, with the two leaving the coffee shop together. She was walking down the street from the opposite side when she ran in to Ben and that woman and Ben introduced her as his fiancé. Diana wasn’t heartbroken at all. A little sad or disappointed but she realized that Ben’s love was written to be someone else’s fate. She was actually glad that Ben had found someone loving and caring for him and by the looks of the bag and the coat that the woman carried and the car that she drive, Diana could tell that she was affiliated from a good and elegant family. In the present, as Diana looked at Ben, all she saw in him was a good friend. He continued waving at her and she also waved back at him. he gestured at her to stay put and told her that he would be coming to her. He let a few cars pass by, until the road was clear and finally crossed the street and came to stand in front of Diana. “Hey!” he told her, passing her the usual coffee and she took in with quite the hesitation. “How did you know that I was going to come in early?” she asked and Ben shook his head. “I had your cup prepared since the morning and when I saw you getting off the bus, I just prepared it right away and caught up with you in time before you could’ve gone in.” he told and she nodded with a smile, understanding just how observative Ben was acting towards her. “You didn’t come to get your coffee?” he asked, wondering why Diana was not visiting the coffee shop that she did on regular basis. “Oh! That is because I had my coffee at home in the morning. I woke up early today but, thanks I will drink this later on…” she smiled at him, shaking her cold drink in her hands a little. “Okay!” Ben stated and then there was a state of an awkward pause. “If you still have time, why not come at the shop? I know you love to sit upstairs and read a book or something.” He pointed out and Diana’s face covered with a constipated and sore expression. The real reason why she had coffee at home and filled her daily dose of caffeine was because she was avoiding the heavy pierced mean b***h Natalie, who had served her yesterday only because the man who had booked the whole place was daunting her and she only felt worried about what kind of stories Natalie may have cooked about her and the kind of the questions she would ask Diana regarding Adrian. “Umm… no, I would prefer going inside and getting to work today.” She told Ben, who nodded with a disappointed look. “Okay! Is it because you missed work yesterday?” Diana nodded, “You noticed that I didn’t come to work yesterday.” “Yeah! Also Natalie told us about what happened at the coffee shop yesterday.” “Oh!” Diana went in to a state of complete taciturnity and chose to remain silent. “The guy who booked the whole place for you…” he asked and Diana looked up at Ben, not sure how she was going to explain the whole thing to him. “How do you guys know each other? Are you dating him?” “Umm… no! but he is an old friend from New York and…” Diana’s words were cut short when a loud voice boomed behind her, startling her and making her turn around, only to have her soul completely shaken up. “She might not be dating me now but she soon will be.” ------------------------------ Hope you guys are enjoying this book so far :) Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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