50. Guilt! Guilty!

1399 Words
Guilt! Guilty! These two were the only feelings that surfed through Adrian’s mind and his body as he pressed hard and crunched against the gym equipment, trying to regain his strength and stability, since he felt lost, feeble and insatiable, ever since he woke up that morning. Adrian’s mind was in schism, scattered as his thoughts were lost and completely volatile. He didn’t know what he had ended up doing but somehow it felt like a curse and a sin. He couldn’t comprehend or place what it was exactly that was making him feel so miserable but deep down his heart could only reverberate and echo one name only. Diana! He hated and loathed the fact that the girl was stuck in his head ever since he had woken up. He didn’t know why he felt guilty while the first feeling he had in his heart when he woke up was to feel satisfied and happy, as the remembrance of the night before struck him and he rejoinced thinking about all the sweet and loving moment that he had spent with Diana. She was soft, timid, delicate and above all responsive. He tired himself, making love to her not just once but multiple of times. He slept, holding her in his arms but as he woke up in the morning there wasn’t even the slightest trace of the girl and she was gone just like a gush of wind. She had disappeared entirely, without leaving the slightest of the trace of hers behind. She was sleek and smooth and at first, his happiness and satiety, turned in to a feeling of remorse and sadness. He felt sorrowful that Diana didn’t stay back to greet him in the morning but soon his feelings turned in to anger. Once again he felt that her actions were confusing and misleading. He then recalled through the events of the day before and somehow, the happiness and the high of his orgasms had started to wash away. He had started to feel agitated, as he remembered the way Diana had made him beg and work for her affection. She would always buzz around her like a bee and flutter her wings even when he would be maliciously rude and cruel towards her and show it clearly with his words that he carried distaste towards her. But when he showed that he wanted her and showed clear interest in her, suddenly she became hesitant towards her. But she was sensually unarmed and was uneducated in regards with s****l feelings and s****l contact… Suddenly Adrian’s mind reminded him, after he discovered just how naïve she was. And your actions were very bold and infelicitous for her. Adrian took a pause, while he was studying and even though he had his books opened wide in front of him, he couldn’t focus even of a speck in that book and all his mind kept on thinking about was Diana. He hated how she had intoxicated his mind. He decided to exercise for a while and being someone with hyper active mind that quickly diverted away and having problems with attention and focusing, Adrian was advise some exercises by some of the best therapists that his mother Joy, took to. She was always keen and loving towards her son and when Adrian complained that he had problems focusing, she recommended him to cut back on his training with Ross but Adrian remained adamant and wanted to continue learning about his family’s business. So, Joy took him to see some therapists and they recommended him to work out and train to focus his attention via certain exercises. For this purpose, he was recommended swimming. But even that day, swimming didn’t seem to work for him as even under water, all his mind thought and worried about what he did with Diana. And all those waves of dwindling feelings that he held towards the girl, suddenly changed to guilt. He tried to divert his mind with some other exercise and decided to hit the gym that was built on the top most floor of the house, where an entire gymnasium was set up. The entire red wood structured room was built to hold on to the equipment and also to hold in the voices that would be coming out from the loud machines that were placed in the gym, without disturbing anyone else around the house. As Adrian continued pressing the different machines, his mind still was held and occupied by Diana alone. That girl is nothing! He grunted, as he moved the arm machine and tried to build his biceps with grunge and girt. He moved his arms to and fro, moving them towards hi face and away from his eyes. With every move that he made, he wished that he would not be reminded of what a horrible act he did. No matter how much he tried to not think about it or keep his mind away from such thoughts, he couldn’t deny it anymore. He disrupted Diana’s innocence and took away her girlhood. He didn’t love her that way. He liked Chloe and what he did do Diana was absurd. She was innocent and she needed to be left like that. She only buzzed around him like a bee, because she was innocent and had infatuation towards Adrian and he took advantage of that. I am an asshole! I shouldn’t have done it. He cursed himself as he groaned with tenacity pulling the leavy loads of the machine. He continued moving his hands towards and away from his face until his eyes ended up landing on a tall and lean figure. He moaned, letting go off the arms of the machine and got up gently, watching with sheer shock as Chloe stood in front of him, with her hands crossed across her chest and looking at Adrian with quite the daunting expressions. He picked up his towel and began cleaning his sweat. He then moved forward and ahead towards Chloe, who kept her head up and high, as she looked back at Adrian with the same tenacity and gnash as he did. He took a few steps towards her, only until she was standing an inch or two away from her. Chloe’s eyes fluttered and so did he heart as she sensed that Adrian was about to leap towards her and hug her but all of her hopes vanished in to thin air as Adrian leaned forward but instead of kissing or hugging her, he grabbed his bottle, placed on the small bench next to where Chloe stood. She gasped, feeling humiliated, watching as Adrian ignored her and turned around, walking away and drinking out of his bottle. Adrian didn’t want to see or be with anyone at that moment, who would remind him of the night before. He somehow felt that it was Chloe, who triggered him to be so obnoxious and selfish, that he ended up taking away from Diana, that should have otherwise been left with her and preserved with her, until she was with the right guy. He believed that he wasn’t alone in the entire mess and Chloe was a part of it as well and being with her, he would only be reminded of the guilt that he assumed he felt towards deflowering Diana and taking away her innocence. As he stood lost in his thoughts, thinking that being self centered, Chloe might have already left, feeling belittled and humiliated, Adrian was rendered surprised when Chloe came in rushing towards him and hugged him from behind. He remained stiff and still, in a state of total shock but that was soon replaced with curiosity as he heard Chloe whimpering and sobbing as she hugged him. She had never done that before, not just cry and hug him from behind hug him when he was sweating so profusely. She had always found him in such a state of to be filthy and ran away from him each time she would see him sweating but the way she acted so desperate and hugged him even in that state, took Adrian by complete surprise. He turned around, grabbing her hands and moved slightly away from her, not wanting to destroy her clean clothes. “Chloe? What happened?" --------------------------------- What do you think would happen next? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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