Chapter Four

2477 Words
            As my eyes drifted open they locked onto Marcel who was standing over the right side of my bed staring down at me. I jumped a little as it took me by surprise. Usually, I was a light sleeper. I had to be in the wild because at any time it could mean life or death. Maybe it was because there was no reason to be on such high alert here.             “Good morning rogue. Time to get up and get dressed. Meet me downstairs in fifteen minutes. I expect you to be wearing the maid outfit when you do.”             When he left me alone I rose out of bed and walked over to the plain black maid outfit placed on the back of the door. It was shorter than the dress I had worn yesterday. Kali snarled her nose in disgust.             ‘Kali!’             ‘Hello, Maia. Did you have a good rest?’             ‘Better than I’ve in the past two years. How are you feeling?’             ‘Fully rested myself and ready to give this pack hell today.’             My smile reached across my face as we both thought the same thing. Today would be the day I found a way out of this place and took my place back in the wilderness where I belonged.             ‘Maia do not wear that distasteful outfit. Go out in what you want to wear. The hell with them!’             Kai was right. They did not control me. I clicked my tongue at the thought. “No one can control me. I’m a rogue for a reason,” I said to no one other than myself. I walked to the closest that Marcel had shown me yesterday. This was the closest full of clothes more my style. I slipped on some sweatpants, baby blue sneakers, and a baby blue tank top to match. I walked over to the small mirror in my room that hung above one of my dressers and tied my hair back in a ponytail. Fully satisfied with my look I headed for the door. Marcel was waiting at the bottom steps for me.             “Where the hell is your outfit?”             “This is my outfit. If you think for one second I was putting on that damn maid outfit then you are mistaken. I do not take orders from you or anyone else for that matter. I wear what I damn well want to wear.” A few men walked by while Marcel and I were having our moment. They all gave me a shy smile before continuing to their destination, all but one. Marcel pulled him to the side and whispered something into his ear that I didn’t quite make out.             “There will be strict rules here for you to follow. If you break those rules then you will seek punishment from me and me alone. I promise you, little rogue, the last thing you want to do is to get on my bad side.” He walked up to me placing his hand on the side of my face. “I can be a very gentle man but I can also be as ruthless. I will give you another chance considering this is your first day. Go change or you will seek punishment right now.”             “No, I’m fine with what I’m wearing now.”             He smacked his lips together in frustration. The man from earlier suddenly appeared behind me and held my arms still so I could not move.             “Your punishment shall be to do your duties wearing nothing but a small apron around your waist.”             “Ha! That isn’t a punishment for me. I have already told you that nakedness doesn’t mean anything to me.”             “True but it will when men are coming and going all day. Think of what they will do when they see a naked woman standing in our kitchen. Most of the men have not had a woman’s touch in a very long time.”             Images of these men holding me down while they took advantage of me flashed in my mind. I was all for making my point but this was sick.             “Fine, I’ll wear the damn outfit.” I jerked the men’s arms away from me and stormed back upstairs to get changed. When I returned Marcel was still waiting on me but held something behind his back. “What is that?”             “Your punishment.”             “I changed!”             “Yes but only after arguing with me about it first.” He removed his hand from his back to reveal what he was holding. “Do you know what this is?”             I shook my head acting like I was scared but I was just waiting for the opportunity to strike.             “This is a special choker made for you. It will go around your neck and every time you disobey these small little needles here will inch closer and closer to your neck. Once one is inserted it electrifies you sending high-intensity pain throughout your body.” He whistled and in walked at least fifteen of his men. “Subdue her.”             They all attacked me at once but I was not going to give up here without a fight. There was no need to transfer into wolf form because I was angry enough just as I was. My claws elongated and slashed into the first three men’s throats who came at me first. The next wave of men split up circling me. The first one that came at me I bit into his neck making him scream in agony. The other four jumped me all at once sending me to the ground. While I was occupied with defending myself from them, Marcel sneaked over and cuffed the chocker tightly around my neck.             “Why must you fight this? It is inevitable what will happen. You are just exhausting yourself for no reason.” He clutched my shoulder and led me into the enormous kitchen. “Your duties for this morning are to cook us our breakfast. You will find everything you need in here to help guide you with what we like.” He moved over to the only double doors that led into the kitchen. Before he shut them he spoke again. “Oh and don’t think about poisoning our food, the collar you have around your neck can sense that too. It also has a timer on it. If you are not done in one hour the choker will begin to activate. See you then,” He smirked while closing the doors and locking them behind him.             I hated that man. I opened the massive refrigerator and easily found enough meat to feed an army. I pulled out all the packs of bacon they had along with six cartons of eggs. I found the bread resting on near the microwave and decided to make some toast along with it. I took my time with it and soon the hour mark had come and passed. When the first needle pierced my skin I growled at how surprisingly painful it was. Marcel said he would be here in an hour but must have been running behind because here it was two hours after he left me in here and I was just finishing as the last needle pierced my skin. The needles hurt worse to me than the actual shock afterward.             Marcel walked in with each pack member following closely behind him as I was placing the last bit of food on the table.             “Two hours and this is all you have cooked?”             “Yes, Marcel. Excuse me for being a bit preoccupied while I had ten needles injected into my neck.”             “I will expect better of you next time. Normally you would bring the alpha his breakfast but he is in some important meetings for the day. I will have one of our pack members bring it to him.” He then signaled for one of his men to come over to him after he fixed a full plate of food. “Aaron take this to the alpha and be quick about it.”              I took a seat on one of the barstools and picked up a piece of bacon and stuck it to my mouth. I spilled some syrup on me and when I stuck my thumb in my mouth to lick it off, I looked up to see all the men staring at me hungrily. They all dropped their food on their plates and rushed over to me. I stood up and tried to make a run for it but Marcel stood in my way. Man, he was fast.             Marcel pulled me out of the room shutting the door behind him. He pulled my chin up forcing me to look at him. “Be mindful of things you do around this house when these men are around. It is hard enough to resist you but when you do things like that it becomes even more difficult.” He dipped his head down as his tongue glided along my lower lip, licking off the remaining syrup. He licked his lips giving me a dark glare. “I find it extremely difficult to resist you. I’ve wanted you from the first time I laid my eyes on you.” His hand traveled up my legs until it rested on my ass. “This outfit makes for easy access too. You would do well to remember that.”             From behind me, I heard someone clearing their throat.             “Do not turn around when he speaks. This is our alpha and you are to not address him unless I permit you to. If you do I will take you upstairs and have my way with you,” Marcel whispered in my ear.             “Who is this Marcel?”             I had no idea who’s voice this was but it was the sexiest voice I had ever heard before. Once he spoke Kali went crazy, jumping around frantically. I couldn’t take the chance of talking to her right now. I was drawn to his voice. This did not make any sense to me. I’ve never had this feeling before and it was consuming me.             “No one important, just our maid for the time being. I thought you were in meetings all day today brother.”             “The alpha had to cancel on me. His mate went into labor.”             I stayed turned around with my back still facing him but everything in me wanted to turn around. I forced it back knowing that Marcel would stay true to his word.             “Marcel I would like to meet this woman.”             “No,” Marcel hastily said. “She has a long list of duties that still need to be done. Go on little wolf.”             I started to walk away.             “Wait,” the alpha said to me making me stop dead in my tracks. “Are you afraid to look at me?”             Marcel eyed me giving me a sideways glance. He shook his head and whispered to me to not speak.             “No sir. As Marcel said, I have duties that need attending. If you both shall need anything I will be in the kitchen cleaning up the mess from breakfast.” Marcel eyed me as I walked away. I knew that I would probably pay for that one later but I needed to speak to him even if it was with my back turned to him.             When I made my way back into the kitchen most of the men had already finished with their breakfast and had left. I looked down at the sink full of dishes and scrunched my nose. Uh, this was torture! As I finished up the dishes Marcel walked in with a scowl on his face.             “The alpha has requested your presence.”             I placed the rag I was using across the middle of the sink and walked over to Marcel. He was not happy with me right now.             “I told you to keep quiet yet you defied me anyways. Have you not learned your lesson quite yet?”             “I thought you would want me to speak up so he did not approach me. I thought I was doing something good.”             “Well, you didn’t! Now because he has heard your voice he says he must meet you.” He paced around in front of me. “While we are in that room I want you quieter than a mouse. Do I make myself clear?”             “Crystal,” I said with a little bit of sarcasm hidden beneath my tone.             Marcel removed my chocker and led me up the stairs and stopped when we reached the alpha’s office door. For some reason, Kali was going crazy.             ‘Calm down Kali before you get me in trouble!' I didn’t let her respond before I shut her out.             Marcel opened the door and pushed me inside. I kept my eyes focused on the fabric from the carpet below my feet.             “Here is the maid that you requested to see brother.”             “Good now leave us.”             “But…”             “Leave!”             He slammed the door behind him as he walked out though I knew he was waiting just on the other side.             “Sir, you requested to speak with me?”             “Yes, please have a seat.”             “I am fine standing thank you.” I didn’t know what it was but just being in the same room with this man made me want to show respect. Normally I could care less about respect so why was this so different?             “What is your name?”             “Maia.”             “A beautiful name. Why do you have your eyes cast down? Was it my brother Marcel that told you to behave this way?”             I shook my head yes.             “Whatever he has asked of you, ignore it. I am the alpha of this pack, not him. Please look at me when I speak to you," he said sincerely.             I lifted my head slowly. When my eyes met him I could feel Kali breaking through my hold to shut her out. That is impossible.             ‘Mate! He is our mate!’ Kali excitedly danced around screaming it at me in my head.            He let out a glorified growl while pacing over until he was standing directly in front of me. “MINE!”
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