Chapter 2

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Chapter 2“Alright, Tiny Dragon,” Wes says. He realizes that his voice is a lot more somber than usual. It isn’t intentional, but he can’t say he isn’t feeling the seriousness of the moment either. He lets it go. “Time to start telling you the many secrets we have held from you. I don’t actually know if we were doing the right thing, but we did want to protect you. And always remember—” “You love me,” Mica interrupts. “I know, I remember. I love you too.” Her voice takes a warning tone. “It’s you who forgot about that part.” Ollie frowns and opens his mouth. He seems to change his mind and closes it again, with a pensive frown. With a nod of acceptance, he says, “I think it’s better if you told us what you heard. That way, we’ll get to make our comments on exactly what you heard so you wo

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