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Grabbing her hand dragging her to his room so as not to disturb Marisa he slammed his door shut releasing her hand. "Don't lie to me," he growled saying each word slowly whilst pacing in front of the door blocking her route of escape. "Ethan I." "Don't," his voice boomed as he stopped looking at her angrily as she flinched. "Start speaking," he said so softly. "Jay is my brother," she said as he looked at her in confusion. "Marisa is my niece, someone is after us," she whispered sniffling. "That day you dropped me off Jay had come to check up on me but later on while I was sleeping someone broke in and attacked me. If not for one of Jay's men coming to check up on my apartment I would have been dead. We cooked the whole boyfriend story just to cover up our tracks. When your men took Marisa from the safe house I knew I had to come with you just to keep her safe. Jay wanted us to go to him but I convinced him to let us stay here were its a lot safer. That day he came into your office he wanted to see how secure your security was. We are just trying to survive. Jay's men cannot keep us safe for much longer the man who attacked me was more skilled than the last," she said sitting on the bed desperately trying to wipe away the tears. He walked towards her crouching down before slowly removing her hands from her face wiping away her tears as he pulled her up to her feet before pulling her into his chest as she sobbed soaking his shirt mumbling, "I'm sorry, please let us stay, please" over and over again. He let her cry pulling her closer to him when her sobs increased until soft hiccups could be heard in the room. Pulling his cover back he lay her down tucking her in.  "Get some rest," he said kissing her head before leaving the room. Pouring himself a good measure of whiskey he sat in his office before picking up his phone to call Sam into his office.  "Lincoln your PI gave me false information on her," he growled into his phone. "They are in more trouble that you think," he said ending the call as a knock came on his door. "I think that little trip of ours was just a tip of the iceberg," he said to his brother who sighed in exhaustion before hanging up saying he would make a few calls. "Get me everything you can find on Talia and her family. Everything," he said turning away from Sam. An hour later Sam walked in with a file in hand.  "Thank you," Ethan said finishing of his glass before taking the file. It seemed she had finally told him the truth. Jay was the leader of a harmless little gang and indeed Marisa was his daughter. The mother was deceased cause of death, a car accident, a hit and run, to be more exact. It seemed Jay owned a small garage shop to make ends meet as he took care of his family whilst she was a preschool teacher taking care of the younger minds. He smiled at this fact. Looking at the picture of Jay's men he recognized a few of them realizing they must have been keeping a close eye on her. He frowned looking at a medical report opening it to see her name on the file as he read over the contents of the file. After digesting all the information he called his brother informing him that he needed a few more men, women included that he trusted. Heading to his room he settled into a chair beside the bed as he watched her sleep, her face relaxed, lips parted a fraction as she breathed softly. ------ She woke up alone in his room and rushed to her room to shower and change. She slowly made her way downstairs searching for him realizing Marisa was no longer in the room. "I won, I won," Marisa sang jumping up and down excitedly still in her pajamas. "But I had a good hiding spot," Ethan pouted pretending like he was about to cry. "There there, you will win next time," she consoled throwing her arms around his neck giving him a solemn look patting his head affectionately as he chuckled at her adorable attempt to sound grown up. "I always win," he said as he began to tickle her laughing along with her.  "Okay, you win, you win," she cried out as he stopped once satisfied she had had enough. "Come on pumpkin, go look for Bridgette she has your breakfast ready," he said sending her on her way. "Come here," he said softly once they were alone.  He lifted his hand towards her face only to see her flinch at his action. He had seen this before but chose not to say anything when he first brought her here.  "Did you...? No, no ,no, no. Did you think I was about to hit you?" He asked angrily as she shrank back not saying a word. Pulling her out of the room they headed outside to find Mel and Linc sitting enjoying their breakfast.  "Finally she is awake," Mel said standing up to hug her before she greeted Linc still frightened from Ethan's earlier threat. After finishing their breakfast Linc called someone on his phone as they stood up heading to the entrance. Four black suv's parked in front of the house as several men and women got out of the car lining up in front of them. Walter walked up to them with a grim expression as he whispered something into Lincoln's ear who in turn looked at Ethan as they had a silent conversation. "Thank you all for coming," Linc's voice boomed a few seconds later. "My brother needs your assistance, I need your assistance, in dealing with a little problem. One of our own is being threatened and you know how I feel about my family, after all you are my family," he said scanning the small crowd as no one neither moved nor smiled looking like they were about to beat the crap out of someone. "What my husband is trying to say everyone is please take care of them and take care of yourselves too," Mel said as they smiled at her. "Must everything be so intense with you," she said playfully slapping his chest as he glared at her making everyone laugh. "Thank you," Ethan said to Linc then Mel as Lia stood confused by the number of people before them. "Who are all these people," she whispered to Ethan. "Your security detail," he simply said as Sam introduced them to the present staff. She took this opportunity to quickly get away from him, still shook up from earlier. The look in his eyes had revealed something, fear despite the anger he showed. What was he afraid of? "Look I'm sorry for speaking to you in anger," he said running a hand through his hair.  "I'm sorry," she said looking down away from his intense gaze. She felt his hand on her cheek as she slowly lifted her gaze to look at him.  "We really need to stop hurting each other," he murmured. "That would be...nice," she said giving him a small smile. Pulling her onto his lap he said, "Tell me about the scar on your back," as he felt her stiffen. "Please," he begged. "My fiancé gave it to me after we had a row. I had caught him with some girl and out of rage he took a knife. He wanted to damage my face, but I turned my back and got the scar," she said as he held her close. "I loved that man completely but I guess he didn't feel the same way," she said in a low tone as she remembered the days. "After that things took a turn for the worse as he started coming by my apartment only to beat me up and leave. Begging for forgiveness the following day," she said with a lost look as she stared at the floor narrating her ordeal. "Scars or no scars I am going to show you what real love is. You flinched whenever he touched you, but you will crave my touch. Your tears will no longer be of pain but of joy mi amore. Just give me one chance and I will open your eyes to a world you can never imagine exists. My world, with you in it," he said looking straight into her eyes with a serious expression. ----- An hour later Jay walked into the living room quickly pulling them into his arms as Marisa was ecstatic at seeing her father.  "Thank you for taking care of them," he said before greeting Ethan. "Of course, everything would have gone smoothly had you decided to tell me what was going on," he said in a serious tone. "Don't be angry with her. I told her to lie for their sake," Jay said looking worried for his sisters sake. "I just needed a heads up before turning into a human  handkerchief," he said laughing as Lia blushed turning away from them as he pulled her into his arms. "They will be safe, you are welcome to stay if you want to," Ethan said. "Thank you but I have to go back to work, plus my men are keeping an ear on the ground so if I hear anything I will inform you," Jay said. "However I would like to catch up with my little girl," he said just as Marisa pranced into the room.  "Uncle Ethan what time are you going on your date?" She asked as Lia looked up at him with a questioning look.  "It was meant to be a surprise pumpkin," he said as she grinned up at him as Lia stood surprised. "Sorry uncle Ethan," she said softly. "Apology accepted," he said crouching down to give her a hug. "Come on princess," Jay said his arms open wide for her as she ran towards him in excitement. ------------------ Lia's POV "You look breath taking," he said as I descended the stairs taking in his appearance as well. He looked rather scrumptious in black slacks and a white shirt open at the collar. His hair was still damp as my fingers itches to run them through it. "Thank you," I said as I placed my hand in his warm one. "You don't look half bad yourself." "Well you know I do try keeping all this goodness intact," he said rubbing his stubble as I rolled my eyes at him. "What are we going to do with all that arrogance?" I said as he led me out of the house laughing. "My lady," he said with a bow as I entered the car. "Thank you very much kind sir," I giggled loving his cheeky grin as he sent me a wink. It felt good to finally be open with him. "So where are we going?" I asked as Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard & Klaus Badelt's Now We Are Free played softly.  "Somewhere," he said trying to look serious but failing miserably as he gave me a wink.  "Am I even dressed appropriately?" I said looking at the black dress I had on paired with pumps.  "It's perfect. Would I let you leave the house without the proper attire," he said with a cheeky grin.  "Knowing you, I wouldn't be surprised." "Ouch that hurt. Well trust me darling. You look delightful," he said as his eyes roamed up and down her body. "Eyes on the road Ethan," she said shaking her head. They pulled up to a resort as he got out and helped her out of the car.  "What are we doing here. Is this place even open," I said taking in the large arches that presented themselves as the entrance to a courtyard. Clutching onto his arms for dear life walking in the dark I gasped as I saw a row of men standing each holding a rose with lanterns lit down the courtyard leading to the unknown. "Good evening ma'am," the first one said handing me the pink rose with a slight bow. Twelve men in total and turning back I found them no longer there as I held my flowers against my chest loving the scent. Two ladies appeared retrieving the flowers from my hands before I heard Ethan said, "shoes." I looked at him in confusion as he removed his handing them over to the other girl. Removing mine I followed suit as I followed him down the cold path. "What are you doing," I squealed as he scooped me up into his arms. "Protecting those cute little bunnies you call feet." "My feet are not bunnies," I mumbled under my breath. "Are too," he said coming to a halt. "Are not," I replied. "Are too," he said with a wide grin. "You know for a grown man you definitely act a lot like one of my students." "Watch your smart mouth, you could find yourself on the ground," he said continuing down the path. "You wouldn't," I gasped as he smirked at me. "Try me," he said before turning all serious. "Close your eyes," he said soflty.  "Why?"  "Just do it," he whined as I chuckled. "Okay, big baby," I said laughing at his priceless expression. A few seconds later I could clearly hear the rush of waves as a cool breeze brushed against my skin.  "Remember when you told me you loved the beach," he said as he set me on my feet. "Open your eyes," he said as I took in our surroundings in awe, loving the feel of sand on my feet. Before us was a dinner setting how this was possible was beyond me as he helped me get settled down. "This is exquisite," I murmured as he look at me with a smile. I realized we were currently alone and our surround dark as the only lightning present was that of the candles and lanterns around our dinner setting. Wait a minute I hadn't even see anyone except for the staff I realized as I turned to look at him. Please vote, comment and promote :-)
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