Chapter 7

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Chapter 7Kate read the letter 3 times. It was a short letter but oh so sweet and Kate’s former loneliness was instantly gone. She sat and thought about Lex and realised how much she’d come to like her in the short space of time they’d known each other. Kate was 5ft 4” and usually didn’t like to go out with girls that were much taller than her but Lex was definitely an exception and Kate admired her 5ft 11” frame. She definitely had the air of a tomboy about her and yet still came across as feminine in her manner, but her most striking feature had to be those clear bright blue eyes that seemed to penetrate beyond the surface. Sometimes she felt like Lex was trying to look directly into her soul and although she found this slightly disturbing at first, she had come to like it. After Kate had drunk enough coffee to clear the fog in her head she showered and dressed and found herself sat waiting for the phone to ring. 11 O’clock rolled by with no call and Kate found herself starting to feel let down and had to mentally chastise herself for being such a bunny boiler -- it’s not like her and Lex were even a couple, and she wasn’t usually so impatient. Even so, when it got to 11.45 she was starting to think that Lex wasn’t going to call, or that maybe she should call her, when the silence was interrupted by a loud rumble coming through the open living room window. Kate stood back from the window, obscured by the curtain, watching as Lex climbed off a big black motorbike and removed the crash helmet that was squashing the soft blonde spikes against her head. Lex locked the helmet into a top box, used the mirror to refluff her spikes and jogged toward the front door. Kate couldn’t help but admire how those long legs looked in tight black leather jeans & she ran to the front door and pulled it open just as Lex was about to knock, grabbing her raised arm and yanking her into the flat and into her arms. Standing on tip toes she planted a big kiss on Lex’s lips before the leather clad sss even had a chance to say hello. ‘Well that was a very nice welcome!’ as she slid her arms around Kate’s waist and pulled her in close, inhaling the scent of her shampoo. ‘That was a thank you’ replied Kate as she snuggled into Lex’s embrace ‘for rescuing me on Friday night, and again last night, for putting me to bed, for making me coffee and for just being so damned wonderful!’ Lex was overawed and didn’t know what to say, so she did what felt right and returned Kate’s kiss. It was a soft and gentle meeting of lips but it conveyed how she’d come to feel about Kate, who couldn’t help but respond by opening her lips and inviting Lex’s tongue to deepen the kiss explore further. This was no longer a kiss between friends, this was a kiss that spoke volumes about how they felt about each other and what their future could hold, and it blotted the rest of the world out completely. Kate pulled back as she felt moisture on her cheeks and gasped as she saw the tears coursing down Lex’s cheeks, making the blue of her eyes shimmer and sparkle. ‘Oh my god, what’s wrong?’ ‘Oh nothing’ sniffed Lex ‘just a whole lot of good intentions flying out of the window. I promised myself that I’d behave, give you time, but I blew it - that was a wonderful kiss though’ she smiled ruefully. ‘I’m not sure I liked it, I think we should do it again just to make sure’ grinned Kate as she raised her face for Lex to claim her lips once more. There was no hurry and the kiss remained soft and gentle and full of emotion until Lex pulled back and fastened her gaze on Kate’s beautiful face. ‘How about I take you to lunch now before all of my good intentions go west?’ Suddenly Kate was ravenous and much as she wanted to kiss Lex again she allowed herself to be taken by the hand and guided from the flat. It was only when they reached the street that she remembered that Lex didn’t have her Jeep. She was fishing in her handbag for her car keys when Lex handed her a crash helmet, gloves and jacket from a pannier and she was instantly glad she’d plumped for jeans when she got dressed. ‘I should warn you, it’s been a while since I’ve ridden pillion and I’m not very good at it. I have a habit of leaning at inappropriate moments, I’m much better riding than being a passenger.’ ‘You didn’t tell me you ride bikes.’ ‘I haven’t had one for a while but I passed my test when I was 18. No one else I knew was into them so after a while driving just became easier and more sociable.’ ‘Oh you just get better and better, the more I find out about you the more I like you!’ The journey was exhilarating and Kate started to remember how much she enjoyed being on 2 wheels. Lex rode much faster than Kate would ever have done but at no point did Kate feel unsafe as Lex guided the beautiful sleek black Harley through the country roads with such ease that Kate felt totally relaxed as she sat with her arms encircling her new friends waist. Kate could be analytical in nature and couldn’t decide if it was a positive or negative trait, but her mind started to wander as the scenery flew past and she thought back over everything that had happened in the last couple of days. Questions flew into her head, some with easy answers, some not so easy: Had she really only met Lex 2 days ago? Yep, Friday night. Did she really like her as much as she thought or was she just on the rebound. Definitely on the rebound, however she definitely liked her -- a lot! Could Lex really be as perfect as she seemed? Probably not, but we all have faults right, and there didn’t seem to be anything worth worrying about. What to do next?
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