Chapter 6

1033 Words
Chapter 6Kate was sat in a quiet corner table while Lex went to the bar, quietly smirking to herself about Lex being attracted to her, when everything went wrong. She glanced up at Lex as she walked back from the bar and noticed someone very familiar in the background. Lex sat down with the drinks and noticed the agonised look on Kate’s face. Following her gaze she saw Debs sat at a table on the other side of the pub with a gorgeous woman with long blond hair, and if that wasn’t enough their hands were all over each other. They couldn’t help but stare as Debs’ hand travelled slowly but deliberately up the blonde’s inner thigh, stopping only when it could go no further. At this point another pub customer said ‘Jesus, get a f*****g room you 2’ and Debs looked up & noticed Kate. She did at least have the decency to look embarrassed at being caught, but offered no words of explanation. She just grabbed the hand of her companion and walked out of the door. Kate was floored. She sat there with her mouth open just looking at the chair where Debs had been sitting. She didn’t cry, she didn’t blink, she didn’t shout, she just sat -- and stared, until eventually Lex’s voice entered through the fog and she became aware of a gentle hand squeezing hers. ‘Come on Kate, you didn’t need to see that, let’s get the hell out of here.’ And Kate allowed herself to be pulled up from her seat and led out of the pub by her hand. Once outside the shock wore off and emotions flooded her, making her slump against Lex for support as she succumbed to wracking sobs. There was no denying it now, her and Debs were over; Lex had been right all along. Her temptation to run after Debs and punch her in that oh-so-lovely face was almost overwhelming and startled the usually peaceful girl, but instead she turned and looked Lex in her beautiful blue eyes and just asked ‘why? Why does she do it Lex? What did either of us do wrong other than love her?’ ‘I don’t know Babe, I think she’s just wrong somehow. I think she gets some sort of perverse pleasure by taking the ultimate control, it’s as if she needs to let us know that we don’t matter to her. Like I said, you’re not the first and I’m damn sure you won’t be the last’ and with that she enfolded the sobbing girl into her arms and held her close until her crying subsided. Lex walked Kate back to her flat, settled her on the sofa and poured her a generous brandy before sitting beside her. Kate’s mood had turned to anger now and she railed against Debs violently, swearing she would get her revenge and make her pay for treating people the way she did, however she knew she would never really carry her threats out -- that just wasn’t her style, so instead she fell into the arms of the one person who had been there for her -- Lex. She brushed her lips against Lex’s who responded cautiously, but when she tried to deepen the kiss Lex pulled away and stood up. ‘What’s the matter? I thought you liked me!’ she cried ‘Oh Kate, of course I do! but this isn’t the way to start any relationship. I don’t want you to get over your hurt and think I’d taken advantage, or regret anything that happens just because you’re on the bounce from Debbie. I’m happy to stay here with you and keep you company; I’ll hold you in my arms and comfort you, but we can’t take things any further -- not until the time’s right anyway.’ Kate’s eyes were shining with tears but they weren’t sad tears this time. Much as her drunken brain wanted to ravish Lex she was also aware that part of her only wanted the comfort of someone else’s arms -- to feel wanted and needed, and the other part just wanted to get back at Debs. Lex was right and she knew it. How many other girls would have shown such restraint and consideration? How many other girls would have just jumped at the chance of a cheap lay and bugger the consequences? Kate stood and crossed the room to where Lex stood and looked into her amazing blue eyes as she slipped her arms around her waist ‘You’re a very special person you know. I think you’re very wise and I’m glad it was you who rescued me -- again -- thank you Lex.’ And she kissed her softly on the cheek. Kate woke to sunlight streaming through the window; the bright light hurting her foggy brain and confusing her, because she always closed the curtains. Memories started to filter back of the night before; Lex sitting with her and listening to her rant, filling her brandy glass up frequently before helping her to bed. She glanced under the covers to find that Lex had managed to get her out of her jeans but had stopped there. Memories filtered through of how nice it had felt to slip into blissful sleep with Lex spooning her closely from behind. She turned over to find the other side of the bed empty and felt suddenly lonely. She even felt slightly miffed that Lex hadn’t tried to take advantage of her until she hauled herself out of bed and wandered into the kitchen for a glass of water and found the note Lex had written her on the back of an envelope. Good morning beautiful, I’m so sorry I had to leave before you woke this morning but I have a client who’s taking their advanced test tomorrow and I promised them a lesson this morning as final prep. You looked so adorable as you slept I wasn’t sure I could keep my hands off you and I didn’t have the heart to wake you, so thought it better that I slip away quietly. I hope your head isn’t too sore and that you’re not too upset this morning? Just remember that people like Debbie don’t deserve people like us! I should be done by about 11 and I’ll give you a call to see how you are. If you don’t have any plans maybe I could take you to a pub I know that does a wonderful Sunday roast? Big hugs, Lex xxx PS I filled the coffee machine up -- you just need to switch it on!
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