12. Return

1218 Words

Isabela, Puerto Rico The Same Day The hospitality phone in casita number seven rang and rang. Before it went to voicemail, Daniel Mendoza walked inside and answered it. “Hello.” “Buenos tardes, Mr. Mendoza. This is the front desk. I would like to talk to Pamela Williams. Is she there?” Buenos tardes“Hold on. Let me get her.” Daniel walked to the terrace where Pamela lay on the chaise lounge. She was obviously deep in thought and not enjoying the lovely views of the Atlantic Ocean. Oblivious to his presence, Pamela began murmuring to herself. Not wanting to invade her private thoughts, Daniel quickly interrupted her. “Hey, Pam.” She took a deep breath before turning towards him as if she suspected something was out of the ordinary. Daniel looked at her with an air of concern even th

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