Chapter 3

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Annoyed Ace’s hand is all over my body. The first three buttons of my uniform are left unbuttoned. His lips are wildly moving against mine. A soft moan escapes my mouth when his right-hand brushes on my mound. “Are you sure sir Rocco is absent? You sure he did not ask for the attendance?” Gela asks nervously. She’s been asking it for about a tenth time now. I slightly push Ace away. He only raises a brow to me and we both turn to look at Gela. “You’re irritating me. If you want, you can go back to class and wait for him.” I rolled my eyes at her. Ace leans forward to continue what was halted. This time, his lips focus on the side of my neck. “He won’t attend, okay? Our block representative already sent a message in our class group chat.” Chinie held the phone to Gela to show her the message. Gela is a daughter of a Senator. Her parents are strict when it comes to her grades, her social appearance, and everything’s going on in her life. If I were in her position, I will rebel. It’s my life so why would I let anyone control me? Good thing my parents never pressures me with my studies. Not that they care anyway. Nothing can get the attention of my parents not until I get the attention of the media or the masses. Say for instance: fake scandal pictures and videos. I sensually close my eyes as both of Ace’s hands caresses my waist up and down, occasionally touching my under bo*bs. “Seriously Ari? Urgh!” Gela dramatically sighs and looks to the other side. “Someone might see the both of you!” I ignore her sentiments. At the age of 18, I am no longer innocent of my own body. I tend to explore a lot. This is why I am often judged by others. But no one dares to fight me. They know my family. My name is enough for them to shut their mouths and keep their opinions of me to themselves. The warm breeze of air touches my cheeks, it made me open my eyes. We are in the open field of the school campus. If I’m not mistaken, it’s already 2 in the afternoon. The sun is shining brightly. We are under a tall and massive tree while its leaves serve as our shield from the harmful rays of the sun. The open field is calm and empty. It’s still class hours and we only cut classes. Our professor did not come. I mean, we did not wait for him. He was late so we just assumed he will be absent. Luckily, based on what Chiena said, we were right. Sir Rocco couldn’t attend our class due to his personal excuses which I care less about. Only the four of us are here. Me, Ace, Jaira, Chiena, and Gela. I completely face Gela, making Ace’s lips withdraw from me. He rests his chin on my left shoulder and his arms wrap around my waist. His legs are open widely while jailing me in between. I let my back rest on his broad chest as I look at my friend who is anxiously looking around. “If ever someone might see us, so what?” I do not care what other people think. They already have a perception of me even before they know me. And I believe that the way they perceive me will never change. Not when my ‘nude’ photos and videos leaked around the campus last week. If I am a weak girl who cares about what other people will think, I am probably already in one of the cubicles of this campus, weeping silently. But I am far from being one. I know myself. Those leaked photos aren’t mine. I have no idea who claimed that it was me, and I do not give a f*ck. I won’t waste my time finding who it was. After all, no matter what I do, someone out there will still hate me. Someone will still try to drag me down. I know how envious my life is. This is why I never let them have the privilege to have my attention. If I know, most of the people who saw those pictures knew that it wasn’t me. But they refuse to consider it as a fact since it is easier to hate someone if there is a reason to hate them—be it because of fake news. “Your issue is still on the surface. Let it die down first before making a new one.” Jaira shakes her head before covering her face with her handkerchief and resting her back on the tree. “What for? Everyone thought Ace was the guy in that pictures and videos.” As long as I know to myself and the people that matter to me that it isn’t me, then I’m good. It’s not my job to explain myself to every individual who judged and misinterpret me. “Tss. It doesn’t look like my body. The boy in those photos looked like he has nothing to eat,” Ace commented. “Not my body either,” I shrug. I am way sexier and hotter than the girl in the video. I can’t believe these low lives believe it was me. I don’t know how someone really did believe that it was us. Only that, all the hate is directed at me. Why would I be surprised? That is how it’s always been. Girls are always the center of hate and criticism when unconsented photos and videos are leaked, never the men. Both are in the video. The worst is, even if the public has seen both of their naked bodies, it’s only the woman who is being judged while the man is often praised. “Oh, b*tch!” Gela curses. We all look at her in confusion. Even Jaira who was half sleeping under the tree removes her handkerchief and looks at where Gela is looking. I trace her line of sight and roll my eyes inwardly. “Your obsess ‘friend’ is here,” I commented and turn my gaze to Ace. His head falls back, making me have a perfect look at the lump in his throat. Honestly, Ace looks sexy. No wonder girls are crazy over him. But, unlike the girl walking toward us, I do not feel anything other than the lustful cravings of my body. He closes his eyes tightly which made his thick brows almost meet each other. “D*mn it!” He curses under his breath. I smirk. Samantha, in her approximately 5-inches heels, graces her way towards us. Her long blonde straight hair is swaying along with her hips as she walks at a faster pace. My eyes drop at her handbag hanging on her left arm. With furrowed brows, I shoot a brow up. Her brown snake print bag is proudly carried by her. ‘Animal print?’ Yuck. I mumble in my mind. I avoided my gaze at her. I hate animal prints. Even if it is just a ‘theme’, I can’t get out of my head the thought of animals getting skinned alive. It does not matter if it’s a fake animal print or not. You will never see me wearing one. “What you b*tches are doing here?!” Samantha appeared right in front of us. Her long legs stand proudly while crossing her arms over her chest. She glances at my friends with pure disgust before raising her fleek eyebrow at me. Of course, me being me, I grin. Without removing my eyes at her, I lean back, making my upper body lean on Ace’s chest. It doesn’t take long before her face turns red. I am sitting and she is standing. She’s looking down at us. But no matter what our position is, she will always be below me. Her eyes narrow at me. “Aren’t you ashamed? Your videos—” “Cut the crap, Samantha. It isn’t me.” One side of her lips rose for a smirk. “So now you’re denying it? It’s been a couple of days but you never said anything since the pictures and videos leaked. Are you that guilty? Ashamed?” Her grin grew wider. She probably thinks she won. “Samantha…” Ace called in a warning tone. Just like that, Samantha’s face softens. She looks at Ace before darting her eyes at me. I wanted to laugh tho. Why is she letting a man have control over her? I get that she likes Ace. Everyone knows it. He is indeed good-looking, hot, and definitely a monster in bed, but is it really necessary to be this submissive to the guy you love? Men don’t deserve to be treated like a King if they aren’t treating you as their queen. This woman needs to wake up. I am in the middle of contemplating whether I’ll answer her or not when we heard someone behind. “What are you all doing here?” My confidence slowly shutters and the smug look on my face fades when I hear a familiar voice in a distance behind us. “Sh*t!” “F*ck!” I and my friends cuss in unison. Not far from us is a group of 3 men—all are student councils. One of them is my cousin, Gerix Levrinne. He is with two other boys. The guy coolly walking with his hands in his pocket is Clyver Finnson. If I am not mistaken, he is not a member of a student council. Heck, I would die of laughter if he were one of them. He’s a playboy and known for his uninterest in his academics. Heis a total jerk. If he were part of the council, the institution itself will lose its credibility. My eyes landed on the last guy. Unlike my cousin and Clyver, he looks completely opposite. Both men are grinning while walking toward us—thinking that they have the power to penalize us for violating school rules. But his looks are far from the two. With his thick eyeglasses and emotionless façade, he looks more formal and serious. In their group, I can conclude that he’s an outcast. I do not know what position he holds in this student leader thingy but out of the three of them, he’s the reason why my friends hurriedly picked up their things. I was about to do the same thing, but then I remember, why would we? We don’t have a class and we are already college students. They won’t give us penalties. Just like Ace, I remain calm and composed… even though I can feel his stares at me. “Another penalty e? Did you guys already give her a penalty? Don’t tell me she will have a free pass since she’s your cousin?” “We don’t have a class. What’s there to penalize?” I bravely ask. I refuse to stand in my seat even I felt Ace move. “Penalty for public lewdness and for spreading photos and videos—” “It was not me who spread it and I am not the one in the video!” “Woah! Both of you, calm down.” My cousin stands between us. I did not make any advances so I am not sure who is she protecting from who. My voice raises a bit. I don’t know why I am being defensive over this when in fact, I hundred percent do not care. Unconsciously, I found myself looking at him. He’s still casually standing in front of us, probably formulating ideas in his head about who to believe. The thought of him thinking that I am the one in the leaked scandal brought cold sweats to my palm. Behind his thick glasses, I see nothing but blackness in his eyes. I am certain he saw it. Every student in this school did. I am sure of it. No matter how others describe him as sensible and rational, he is still a man. No man can resist not watch a scandal that is being talked about by everyone. “Ha! You still did not answer my question, why you’re denying it? Why did you keep silent after days—” “Because there’s nothing she needs to explain—” “Public display of affection is prohibited on the campus.” Hyko’s cold voice made me shift in my place and straighten my back. I withdraw my body from Ace. A smug victorious look appears on Samantha’s face when she saw how I immediately reacted. It suddenly made me furious. I do not like it when someone controls me. I hate it when they successfully made me do what they want. I aggressively stand on my seat which made her shut and move a step backward. I instantly had the urge to roll my eyes at her. My cousin is between us. I doubt he will let me pull her hair. My friends are on the side, watching me—afraid they will get a penalty if they meddle. I felt Ace stand behind me, languidly waiting for the scene to finish. Obviously, he does not care whether he will get penalized or not. After all, they are in the same circle of friends. “What do you want me to say then?” I arch a brow at her. Slowly, my lips flash a sweet fake smile that will definitely annoy her. “Should I tell everyone that it is indeed I and Ace? Should I give them the details on how he roams his hands all over my body, making me dripping wet?” I say without stuttering. “Ari…” Gerix called. I can see his frowned face on my mind even though my eyes are all directed to Samantha. Satisfaction is evident in me as I watch her eyes twitch. If the boys aren’t here, I am definitely sure she’ll attack me. Not that I do not know how to fight. I’m worried for her because maybe she can’t fight back. However, the victorious feeling quickly dies down when I felt the cold piercing stares from someone. I stare back at him. His eyes are cold and rough. I do not know how but even with his blank expression, I can feel his annoyance. For the first time, I consider thinking about what others think of me. ----- Forcing The Billionaire by: Joanne Cristel ©2022 ----- Note: Unedited. English is not the author's first language so expect grammatical errors. Thank you!
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