Chapter 2

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Angry The hallow in my stomach grew wider. The cold sweat of bullets on the side of my forehead crawls down my cheeks. I am certain the air condition is working since my hands feel cold but my inner body feels hot. His hand stays on my thighs. I somehow feel uncomfortable but I do not understand why at the same time, it feels good. His manly perfume devours my nose as he leans closer. The amount of the liquor I drank and the dancing neon lights of the place are both adding to my half-unconscious state. His perfume is also not helping. He smells like an old air-conditioned bus! Or is it because I’m drunk? Ugh! I don’t know. What I’m certain is I don’t like being near him. I am supposed to push him away, but since I’m too weak to exert force and his lean body seems broad and muscular, I look like I am touching him. “Get away from me! I don’t like the way you smell.” I crinkle my nose as I move my head to my right. In the side of my eye, I notice his brows furrow. He obeyed what I said and distance himself by leaning his back on the couch. “It’s probably your drink,” he says huskily. I felt his hand on my lower back, supporting my weight in case I lose my balance. I quickly turn my gaze back at him. My eyes narrow and leans closer. I sniff his shoulder and unconsciously smile. “You smell nice!” I enthusiastically utter and even make a slight jump on my seat. I don’t mind contradicting what I said just seconds ago. His manly scent smells nice right now. Maybe what I smelled earlier is the mixture of the place. “Where are your friends? You’re already drunk.” I sense the irritation in his voice but I brush it off. “What’s your perfume? I like it!” I ignore what he says. After all, I do not know what to answer. My friends are probably already with their flavor of the night. “If we were to get married, I want you to always use this perfume.” For no specific reason, I laugh. My body fell forward and landed on his lap. Instead of getting up, my eyelids feel heavy and I felt comfortable with my position. Just when I can feel my consciousness slowly taken away from me, he spoke. “Don’t tell me you’re going to sleep on my lap?” I was about to ignore him since I am really sleepy but what he says next got my attention. “Are you this desperate? Because I rejected your offer, you’ll act drunk throw yourself at me?” This time, I force myself to get up. I look at him confusingly. His words haven’t registered yet but when they did, heat rushes into my system. “Do you want me to take you home?” his brow raises. His words are insulting that they left me speechless seconds after he speak. The alcohol in my body was replaced by a wave of anger that boils inside of me. What did he just say?! “Come again?!” I demanded. He looks at me coldly. He did not even flinch at my angry reaction instead, he reaches for his glass and took a sip without removing his gaze from me. “Leave. Your drunk. Stop making a scene here.” His uninterested tone irritates me more. I roam my eyes around to see if someone’s watching. The busy night bar seems normal. Everyone’s minding their own business. I look again to Hyko whose eyes are already diverted to nowhere. Or probably at the girls dancing on the dance floor! How dare he ignore my presence?! I aggressively stand on my seat with the hopes of getting his attention. However, he only tilts his head without removing his eyes in front of him. “The hell did you just say?!” My voice raises. However, it only drowned in the loud music of the night bar. He said what? That I’m desperate? D*mn him! “Don’t worry. I’ll leave. I don’t want to marry a man like you anyway!” I say without pausing. I did not wait for his response or his attention. Instead, I faces my back and walk straight—I tried to balance myself—back to our table. No one has any idea how hard I keep on forcing myself to walk back here despite the wild people in the nightclub and the alcohol in my system. Our table welcomed me with Jaira and her boy of the night. Jaira is sitting on his lap sideward as they make out. When I sat at our table, they both turn their gazes at me. “Where have you been?” she asks. The guy she’s with offered me a smile. I do not even know his name but I smiled back at him out of courtesy. Jaira quickly blocks my gaze to him. I do not know what was it for. I wanted to raise a brow but I chose to ignore it. Her guy typically looks like some random boy in a nightclub. With his dark polo shirt and jeans, he is far from someone I want and need. “Just roaming around,” I answer and shrug my shoulder. The shot of alcohol resting on our table tempts me. But then, I know my limits. I am aware that I am already drunk, and I have to drive myself home. I need to sober up. My head is getting heavy, and it keeps spinning. I feel like it is dancing along with the rhythm of the music. I close my eyes and rest my head at the backrest of the sofa. His words play on my mind. I understand why he’s upset. Maybe because he doesn’t like someone lying on his lap? But still, he does not have the right to accuse me. The thought of him thinking that I am desperate to pull that act even though I was genuinely drunk unexpectedly hurt. My chest tightens and the hallow in my stomach rises again. Aside from clogging my mind with his words, annoyed face, and irritated voice, I chose to calm myself. I spend the rest of the night making myself sober. I already lost count of how many times I called the waiter for a glass of water. Maybe I was indeed desperate. But in the state of our company, who wouldn’t? We are slowly falling down. That’s the truth I am still not willing to accept. I was born when the L. Corporation is on its high peak. I am not used to struggling financially. And now, I couldn’t believe I’m facing it. I drank plenty of water the whole time. The waiter even gave me a pitcher of water since I always call him for a glass. Aside from the three full glasses that I drank, I also half-emptied the pitcher. I have no idea where Chinie and Gela were. When I ask Jaira earlier, she only points her finger on the dancefloor without living his guy’s lips. Guess my friends are having their night yet here I am, sitting in the club carrying my business and personal problems. “CR,” I announce. I do not know if they heard me but I jog towards the nearest comfort room. I can feel the bottom of my stomach ache. It only took a matter of seconds before I involuntarily let them out. Fortunately, I made it to the last cubicle. I release the water that I drunk. It indeed helps me a little to sober up. I wash my hands and fix myself. I look at my reflection in the mirror. My long copper hair perfectly matches my fair skin. I remember when I was a kid, I almost beg my mom to color my hair black or blonde, just like how most of my friends’ hair colors. But she said ‘no’ and claimed that red hairs are rare. Good thing I listened to her. I never thought I’ll like something I once hate. When I step out of the comfort room, I saw a guy standing not far away from the door. Our eyes met but he quickly diverted his gaze somewhere. He tilts his head to his right and saw how he secretly mumble something. When I look closer, I notice a black earpiece hanging on his collar. He completely faces his back at me so I continue walking. Suddenly, in the far right corner of my eye, I notice someone. A string of hope rises inside of me and a small sly smile appears on my lips. Who says I have to wail just because that bast*rd rejected me? I grace my way towards the VIP table. I think the guards on this side of the area are aware that I am also a VIP guest or they probably assume I’m with them. “Dude…” I hear his friend, Tyron, called. He looks at him before darting his eyes at me. His head slightly falls back and I notice how he mumbles something. Another pain hit my chest. Do people really find me annoying and desperate? I gulp and swallowed my pride with it. I need to do this. I already spread my words to my employees. If I do not want to find myself rat poor, I need to do something. “Hi, Ace!” I greeted. We once had a thing but never official. He was the one I fooled around with during my younger years… way back everything’s easy and normal for me. The current CEO of MC Corporation: Athan Cedy Macneil. I sit right next to him and place my hand on his lap. These things are normal to us. We are no innocent—especially him. I still remember our sneaky escapades. He’s one of the wildest guys I met. “What are you doing here, Ariette?” he asks snobbishly. He reaches out to the bottle of whiskey but I grab it from the table. I smile sweetly at him when he throws a look at me. I gradually pour a drink into his glass before I harshly put the bottle down. I thought I can handle this calmly, guess not. “I have a favor to ask,” I say straightforwardly. I blink to somehow brush off the tears forming in the sides of my eyes. Good for the dark place and dancing lights, no one will notice. “You drunk?” “I’m not!” I quickly answer. Yes, I did drink a lot but I am now half sober! “Please, I need your help!” I desperately utter. I do not care if the people around us will hear. “What is it that you want?” he asked in an annoyed tone. I gulp. “Marry me,” I said in full desperation. But no matter how much I beg, his expressionless face already gave me an answer even before he started speaking. “I’m serious! Look… listen first. We will not marry marry… I mean, we are not marrying for real! I just need the support of your company and family name.” He owns the MC Corporation (the well-known film and media company) and also leads the TalentY ( a talent agency known for their world-class models). Their business is not inclined to ours but just using his name will make the investors trust us again. “So the rumors are true then?” My shoulder slumped down. Of course, he knew. He’s also in the business industry. This kind of news will spread like wildfire. I grab the glass from his hand and took a sip of his whiskey. My face crumples from its bitterness. I weakly lean my back on the sofa. This is hopeless. “I can’t marry you.” Obviously, he won’t. “This is a stupid idea,” I whisper to myself. I watch the scene in front of me—a typical night club. A lot of things happen today and I couldn’t believe my body only felt it right now. Everything’s heavy. My eyelids are closing. My senses are shutting down and my heavy heart did not help at all. How could anyone I ask reject me? I am beautiful. I am confidently aware of it. I still remember how boys drool over me from high school up until now. “I’m glad that you’re aware,” I hear Ace whisper before my world completely turned black. I felt someone carrying me but my body is too weak to respond. If someone will kidnap me, then so be it. We do not have enough money for ransom. He or She better kill me instantly. “Put her down,” I hear a familiar voice. I am not certain if it is part of my dream, but behind the cold low voice is the loud booming music of the place. I force myself to wake up. One of my eyes opens and a broad chest welcomes me. My brows furrow and I almost jump in my place when I realize I am in someone’s arms. “She’s awake. Release her.” The guy looks down at me. I am not sure where I saw him but his face is familiar. He’s probably one of Ace’s personal bodyguards. My head turns to the man standing in front of us. My eyes widen. I feel a sudden awkwardness in our position. The guy is carrying me in a bridal style right in front of Hyko! “P-Put me down,” I mumble. The guy looks at me for a second. When he notice I want to free myself, he let me. “Sir Ace asked me to book you a hotel nearby.” So that explains his familiar face. I am right. He is indeed Ace’s bodyguard. “Let’s go.” A firm hand held my wrist. When I look up, Hyko’s hawk-like eye met mine. If I do not know him, I’ll definitely move a step backward. He looks pissed and composed at the same time. As if he wants the people to know he’s not in the mood but at the same time, maintains his authority by displaying a cold façade. He was about to pull me but Ace’s bodyguard held my other wrist. “My boss told me to escort her to the nearby hotel.” His voice equaled the coldness of Hyko’s stares. They look at each other for a minute, weighing each other’s moves. “Tell him I will be the one to take her home. We know each other. I’m Frantz.” The bodyguard looks at me, as if he’s asking for my voice. I notice Hyko’s stares at me. I felt a sudden discomfort due to my chest knocking on my ribcage. “U-Uhm… I-I’ll go with h-him.” I bite my lower lip. I want to slap myself for stuttering and agreeing with this man. After he rejected me? Why is he even here?! The bodyguard nods. “I’ll tell sir,” He says and politely bids goodbye to the both of us. Hyko’s grip still rests on my wrist. I look like a spring when he effortlessly pulls me closer to him and wraps his free hand on the small of my waist. Without saying a word, he guided me out of the place. The fresh air of the night wind hit my face as we exit the place. He did not utter a word nor did I until we reach his car. “I-I have my o-own c-car—” “Hop in.” His hands left my body as he open the door for me. I want to complain but looking at his annoyed face, I zip my mouth. Also, I am drunk and I am not completely sober. Logically speaking, it is not right to let myself drive. “Seatbelt,” he commanded. I obeyed immediately. I do not know if he is just pissed or this is how he naturally moves—harsh and stoic. He was silent the whole drive so I also keep my mouth shut. But when I remember that he probably does not know where my house is, I interrupted. “Uhm… My a-address is—” “Are you that desperate?” At first, I was stunned. But when his words sink in, I felt cold. “You’re randomly asking men in a bar to marry you. Aren’t you ashamed?” This is the first time I felt this way. I am always being pampered. No one dares to go against me and I never let anyone treat me like this. But hearing these words from him makes me sick. He isn’t been like this before. He was once a timid quiet boy with a thick-rimmed glasses and worked as a salesman and even a bag man in one of their malls! “No decent man will agree to marry a drunk woman that would ask them in a bar,” he coldly utters without removing his eyes from the road. My lower lips quiver. I want to say something but I could not find the right words. Does he think I am not aware of it? Of course, I do! Who would agree to marry a girl who would ask them in a bar? I asked him because he is the only one I thought will understand me. His family’s rags to riches story is not a secret. Everyone knows how they manage to climb up on top. Their pure hard work and perseverance made them known in the business world. So I thought… since we are heading to being rat poor… I thought he will understand. “As someone who is born rich and on the verge of bankruptcy, I thought you’ll hold your chin up high and put on a good fight until the end. That is how I imagine the old riches handle such a situation. Guess I thought wrong. It never crosses my mind that you will resort to this.” His words stab like a knife. It struck like lightning and it replays in my mind like thunder. I never felt this low before. For the first time in my 22 years of existence, I feel unwanted. ----- Forcing The Billionaire by: Joanne Cristel ©2022 ----- Note: Unedited. English is not the author's first language so expect grammatical errors. Thank you!
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