Kwans Dreams

986 Words
As years gets by, Kwan grew older so he's dream attend the best aviation school was close. Kwan was 20 years old already pretty ready to attend the university. While he's brothers where just rapping up the secondary school. Kwan loved the see planes fly and he also loves to watch air force movie's because he was ambitious and driven to become one. He made all he's Interm pappers and also was among the Top best graduating students in 2017, He applied for the Aviation school in He's Country Konkuk. He mad it through the entrance examination. Kwan was really determined to become a airforce personal. He knew a bit about jet's and also there engines. He'll spend a whole day reading books about jet's and as well getting to know more about how the best pilot's operated. Well in he's FIRST year as a student, he found a hostel room and had 2 mates with him in there. Soeul and Jim, they where both Good friends and also ambitious about becoming pilots in the future. Kwan was the youngest of them all but smart and brave. He's first day in campus was overwhelming because that has been what he has always wanted. To be that big Airforce pilot, well day's passed by and the school was still receiving new interem student's and the whole universe was busy and filled with students settling in from around the world. Kwan and he's room mates tried to bound with each other by getting to know each other better and fixing things together in there apartment. And making sure they made the room fit for everyone's convenience, they all started talking about where they came from and about there families, soeuls mum made him carry alot of chocolate and biscuits because he was mummy's pet even know soeul didn't liked it that way, he wanted to be treated as a grown up but he's mum wouldn't mind that because to her he was the last born while having the conversation soeul brought out the Biscuits and chocolate do they'll all eat while talking. Soeul told them he was the last of 3 brothers and one sister. He's mum was an accountant and he's Dad was a Business man who owns a hotel and couple of restaurants. Soeul doesn't like to be treated as a child but he's mum would always call him a baby even in he's friends presence. Soeul was 22 years old and actually looks like a mummies boy to Kwan. They all laughed at he's story and how he doesn't want to be addressed as a kid so they all called him junior lol. Jim on the other hand was a mixed breed a Korean and Foreign. He's the first of he's parent's just like Kwan. He was known to be very strong and brave in he's family. He's called the super hero by he's kids sisters. Because he'll always protect them with what ever he's gat. He's a dad's favorite because he's an athlete and he's Dad was a retired military Cornel. He's mum was also a retired accountant. They had him very late after marriage. So Jim was the family's God sent to everyone. He was loved and brought up properly by he's both parents. He's dreams was to be a pilot as well and yeah this is where he's dreams has brought him, in a room filled with 3 brave men who would concer the world in the nearest future. Now it's time for Kwan to talk about he's self and family background. Kwan quickly sat down and told them he's a son of an average farmer and he's mum was Trader, he's the first son as well just like Jim, raised properly and also had a lot of people who liked him because of he's educational background. Yes did I forget the part where he was loved by ladies in he's school as well? Yeah he was, I know I skipped that part. Well Kwan was loved by all. After he's little background story the boys laughed and called Kwan the smart one. They spent the day talking and it was dawn of the evening and Jim asked the boys to go get themselves dinner at a restaurant close to the school. Well they stepped out all together to have dinner, the restaurant. Was a favourite spot for every one so they met alot of freshmen and old students, A Senior Students mad a speech to encourage the Interem students that they'll be alot of trials on there four years stay on campus only the brave and strong would make it through that final year. And as for the weak? Well they'll be withdrew. Everyone laughed and continued with their meals. The 3 boy's where all eating there meals and Jim spotted a beautiful lady looking at their table. And Jim quickly told the boys to turn and see who's looking towards their direction. Kwan ignored the talk from Jim and Soeul quickly turned to see the lady. Unfortunately she wasn't even attracted to them both but to Kwan and he doesn't care because he has never had time for girl's anyways. He's a focused dude Jim doesn't gets to carried away and Soeul was freaked by girls because he has always wanted to be in the university to live a free life from home. They ate their meals and took a walk back to their hostels, on their way the pretty lady droved by on a Ferrari and passed them while Jim quickly spotted her and told the boys that that was the lady who was staring at them. Who could she be? Soeul quickly asked. Because she's drives an expensive car and also she looks expensive her self. Jim quickly answered and said she's the president's daughter. The boys made a joke of it and laughed their way back home.
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