Registration and settling in campus

1096 Words
Day went by and everyone has fully settled in the school. Now it's time to get course registration and ID cards registration done. Students often get to the admins office on time to finish their papper works early and on time. Jim, Soeul and Kwan where done withe there's already and they've fully became students. Their set to commence academic activities, well that's because they had a purpose of coming to school and becoming the best out of the rest. It was a sunny afternoon and the boys ran out of water in their room. So Kwan volunteered to go buy them water at the school kanteen, while walking the lady Jin spotted on a Ferrari passed by staring at Kwan. And he didn't even noticed. He's attention was right at where he was going too. He quickly branched the school kanteen and The girl walked up to him and also tried to get something in the store. Kwan was almost finished and ready to make p*****t then she offered to pay up for what he has bought. Kwan ignored her and paid for he's pack of bottle water. Them she whispered ungrateful i***t. Kwan heard her and gently looked at her agreesively. She was shocked and scared. Kwan left the kanteen and head back to the hostel where the boys where at! Then jim yelled Smart one are u back? From the bathroom. Soeul shouted yes solider he's back come grab a drink before u die of thirst. They all laughed, for them it was a very good begining for strangers to get connected so easily without knowing each other from birth. Guy's actually have that way of bounding unlike the ladies who finds it's hard to connect to one another when they meet new. Let's not diviate. The boys took the water and asked Soeul to bring out he's let chocolates mum gave him lol he pulled he's bag out and holla there where no more chocolates so Jim jokenly said junior u had better call mum and tell her we've ran out of supplies, lol that hilarious the boys laughed. So soeul said he'll call he's mum by evening she must be busy at work at the moment. Kwan on the other hand brought out candy he bought at the store and gave the boys. Then he quickly asked Jim what does the girl he saw at the restaurant looked like?, Sueol quickly said she's fair, tall and beautiful. Jim told him not to be too faster than he's shadows or he'll end up in the wrong direction. Then he quickly told Kwan that she drives a Black Ferrari she's an average height girl and also light skinned. Kwan smiled the boys where curious why he asked. Then Soeul said he was already in love with her. Jim whispered, a total stranger? You must be neive junior. She's not even our mate. Jim then asked Kwan why did he asked? Kwan just told them about her actions on the kanteen and the boy's looked at him and began to laugh. Jim was old enough so he said he must really like u that much. Because girls like that are rude and very stubborn. Kwan smiled and told the boys to forget about it. He's not that kind of person. Soeul quickly said he should then please give her to him since he's not interested.. they made a joke and asked if Kwan was Gay? Kwan then told them, he isn't he just don't what any distractions at the moment he's too young for that. And Jim said well you're right and on the other hand you need the girls to get through some times in life. We'll all agree to that. Women ain't Total distractions it only depends on how u get attached to them. It was evening already and Jim said there's a freshmen party going non outside the school would they all want to attend?? Soeul was eager to attend and Kwan was not sure of attending, the boys had to make him dress's up so he'll also attend the party because he can't be home alone and left out. They all went out by 8pm to the party ground and it was filled with new freshhers and old Students. There where games to play, drinks and foods. Everyone was excited new faces and also freedom to do what ever. Sitting right on a corner close to the fire the three boy's started talking about other people. Then jim noticed the rich girl staring at Kwan, so he walked up to her and and whispered to her ears saying, he's name is Kwan u can approach him. She was scared of approaching Kwan but did anyways. She walked up to Kwan with a glass of drink in her hands. Then she reached out with her hands saying hello I'm Janet what about you? I'm Kwan he answered nice to finally meet you. Janet then applogized to Kwan for her behavior the last time in the kanteen. He then told her it was fine he knows people like her are actually like that so it's nothing new to him. Well the party was still young everyone wat getting along and dancing. Then Janet and Kwan on the other hand where getting to know each other but Kwan was keeping a straight face. Which wasn't very comfortable for Janet so she used the rest room as an excuse to leave. While at the rest room, she was talking all by her self. You fool, he's not your type just get over it. "no he's just not attracted to you yet" "give him some time" well she decided to follow her head and she left the bathroom. It was getting late Kwan asked the boys to leave the party back home. But Jim and Soeul where too carried away enjoying the party, Kwan had to leave the place and walked back home. While he was, Janet drove by and asked to give him a ride. Well he agreed and they zoomed of then she told Kwan she liked him for he's colour and height. Kwan thanked her and acted dumb. She then played a music by a favourite Korean artist and he was kwans favorite too, Kwan couldn't hold himself so he joined Janet in singing the song. Well that was a relief for her cause she finally saw he's Happy face. Then the fun was over Kwan had to drop off the school gate while Janet drove off to her apartment off campus.
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