
1978 Words
(Jackson) Cam’s face turns red and he starts shaking, losing control of himself. “I need a minute.” He walks to the door and slams it open. “Thank you, Jake. You may leave.” I say, calmly. It takes him a second to unfreeze from looking where Cam just left and make eye contact with me. As soon as he gets out of the door, I slump back in my seat. Lucas doesn’t move a muscle for a few minutes. “H-how did we not think of that?” I shrugged. “Lack of sleep, maybe. More likely, I wasn’t thinking of it as a possibility. I was so focused on finding out if we had a traitor in our pack I wasn’t even thinking of all the visiting members.” “What could he have even done though?” Lucas is still staring at the door. “This was before we had Valoria in our care.” I sighed, this was worse than we thought. “F.uck.” We sit in silence for a few more moments before Lucas stands up, “I’m going to go check on Cam, I bet he feels so guilty.” “I don’t think he’s feeling anything but rage at the moment. I bet Axel has already taken over and is far gone unless he's tearing the heads off all of his warriors.” I stand up reluctantly, wanting to find Isla but not wanting to share this news with her. “This has been the most drama all year-” “Shut up.” I smacked him on the back of his head before walking out, seeing all the warriors we questioned still sitting silently in the adjoining room. No one makes eye contact or even looks up. “Gentleman, thank you for your time and for helping us figure out the situation. You are all dismissed.” I walk out to find Isla, not bothering to explain to them. When Cam cools down he will handle it. I decide to head to my office to call my dad before sharing the news with Isla. Anderson stands outside her door and gives me a firm nod, which I return. He was one of Cam’s top men here and someone I trained with for years. I trusted him more than most people. He was a bit standoffish, but I didn’t need him to be a friend to my Luna, I needed him to protect her with his life, and I knew he would do that. I close the door behind me and settle at my desk, staring at my phone. But I knew I couldn’t put this off. I dialed the familiar number and held my breath, hoping that he wouldn’t answer. “Son, what do I owe the pleasure?” My dad's smiling voice comes through the phone. “Bad news,” I say sitting back, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Already, the year just started?” He chuckles, but I could tell it was strained. “We figured out who Jennifer’s accomplice was, and it checks out that it was someone with access to magic. Dark magic.” My dad doesn’t say anything so I go on, “It was Benjamin, Dad.” The line goes silent but I know he’s still there. I go into the explanation of how we found out and he still has nothing to say for a few moments. “At least we know that they are together, but that does make it more dangerous, I know Jennifer was an incredible warrior, obviously cunning.” He trails off thinking, “But if we find one we should find them both, hopefully.” “There’s no telling where she was sent but-” A knock comes at my door and Lucas walks in and sits across me. “I don’t know if it's better or worse that they may be together. I’ll have Cam contact Bryce and fill you in when he gets back, he’s taking a few moments but I’m sure he’s already working on an updated security protocol.” My dad chuckles, “Thank the Goddess for Cam.” “And Lucas.” Lucas mouths to me. “I’ll call you with any updates, I need to strategize here.” “Good luck, Son. We have everything covered here.” “I know you do, Thanks.” “Cam is nowhere to be found, he has a block up too.” Lucas goes immediately into it as soon as I set my phone down. “We’ll give him some time, but I need him back soon. We have to figure out the next steps, and I need both of you here for that.” “All the Alpha’s around here have been notified that our fugitives might be together. I’ve sent emails to the other Beta’s around the states, but no one has any sightings of either of them.” “Something tells me they won't be on the run for long if they even are.” “They have no allies, well, that we know of.” “I hate to admit it, but they are smart. What’s scarier is that they are unpredictable.” “They don’t care about anything but themselves, that's one thing that we can predict.” Lucas shrugs, I had to agree with that. “I’m going to tell Isla and then I think we all need to get some dinner and have as much of a relaxed night as possible. We can focus on planning in the morning, we’re all exhausted and I want us sharp and in the right mindset before we actually tackle this.” “Yes, Boss.” Lucas salutes me, “I’ll go let them know we’ll be down for dinner shortly,” He turns back to me, “Try to link Cam, please. I’m worried about him.” I nod. Cam- I felt my link go through with a little resistance Alpha Come back, we need to talk Yes, Alpha Cam cut the link and I waited in my office until he got back, almost an hour later. He showed up in sweats and a black shirt looking disheveled, which was extremely rare for him. He was good at keeping calm even in stressful situations, especially in stressful situations. “Alpha, I-.” “Sit,” I command and he slumps into the chair across from my desk. “Cam, stop beating yourself up, you literally cannot be everywhere at once. That’s why we appoint others, like the captain in charge of the dungeon’s guards. If anything, this was an accident-” “Jackson.” I hold my hand up to stop him. “I get that you’re upset. Honestly, I am too. Not at you but at myself. This is my pack, first and foremost, and I let something like this happen. But we can’t dwell on it. It happened, now we need to figure out our next steps and make sure something like this doesn’t happen again.” “Yes, Alpha.” He hangs his head. “Get some rest tonight, tomorrow we're going to start on a new plan.” I scrub my hands down my face, “Now go find Lucas, he’s worried about you.” He nods and gets up to go turning back to say something but decided against it. (Unknown POV) “What’s in it for us?” I boomed, my voice echoing around the cave walls. The man gives me a sly smile, I wasn’t sure if I should be impressed by his boldness, or infuriated that he thinks he can come and address me. His aura was weak, no matter if he presented himself as an Alpha, I knew he wasn’t. Not by blood. “Nothing much.” The man shrugs, looking around indifferently, “Resources, cash.” He turns to look me in the eyes, taking a step closer, “Revenge.” His smile glimmers off the firelight. I take a few minutes to think this over, I could at least hear his proposal. “Sit,” I nod to one of the women we have left who brings up a few glasses of wine. The man looks at it suspiciously before watching me take a long drink first. He follows smiling. “I’m open to hearing your proposal. That’s it. Make it good.” He sits back relaxed and downs his glass, I nod to the girl to refill it. “So, Alpha.” He starts, “You used to have a pack if my sources are correct. Well,” He looks around again, “A pack larger than these last twenty or so people still loyal to you.” I let out a growl. “Get to the point.” “Let me help you rebuild your pack. Make it better than it was before, give you land, people, power.” He swirls his wine around in his glass, not looking at me. This man knew how to own a room. I would give him that. “I’m interested.” I lean forward, “Who wouldn't be?” I scoff, "But you have yet to show me that you can give me any of that." He nods, tilting his head, studying me. It made me uneasy, "I'm the only one offering you a chance at salvation." "Salvation." I chuckled darkly, who did he think he was? "The offer stands." He started to stand up, "But it won't for long, I have others to visit and I don't need you." "What do you want from us?" I sit back studying him. “Not much, your support when called on, your men to fight alongside me.” I nod slowly, “We are but a small pack as you see. I’m not sure how much help we can be.” “You’ll be playing a part, I’m recruiting at the moment. When the time comes later, I’ll call on you with instructions.” He passes me a phone, “There is one number on there, mine, of course. I’ll use it to contact you when necessary. Right now I need you to pledge your allegiance.” I scoff, “You haven’t given me any information still, just some wild promises that I have no clue if you intend to keep.” “I don’t need you," He repeated, "This is one of the only chances, if not the only chance, that you’ll have to rebuild your pack. All I’m asking is for you to fight alongside me. What else are you doing” He looks around a lazy and triumphant smile on his face before downing his glass and turning his back on me, “Think it over. Call me when you’ve made a decision.” He starts walking away. “You’re really not going to tell me anything?” I’m starting to get mad. “I can’t have anyone knowing the details, things get messy.” He shrugs, “I’ve told you all you need to know. A bit of your time and your men in exchange for land and revenge.” “Revenge. You keep saying that.. Who do I get revenge against exactly?” I raise my eyebrow expecting to catch him in his lies. “Alpha Jackson of the Moonstone pack.” He turns back to look at me, his face blank. My stomach drops and I can feel my wolf surfacing. “It’s a deal,” I growl. F.uck the details, if that pathetic boy Alpha was taken down, I would do it in exchange for nothing but to watch him die at my hands. The man walks back to me and shakes my hand. “Wait for my call.” His devilish smile echoes in my mind long after he’s gone.
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