Jennifer's "Dad"

1717 Words
(Isla) I wasn’t as worried about Jennifer as everyone else was. I admit that it sucks that she escaped, but I haven’t seen her as a threat since she was taken to the dungeon. I debated going down there and talking to her multiple times, I ran the conversation over in my mind, but I decided against it. I knew it would be harder for her that we forgot about her, I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of seeing me upset, and I knew I would be. As happy as I was she still hurt me in countless ways, and recently. No, I didn't want to give her the satisfaction. My new guard wasn’t as annoying as I thought he would be. I felt a bit bad that he had to follow me around all day, I’m sure he was bored but he assured me that it was “The most honorable job he could ask for.” He was completely professional but I knew that there was someone more fun in there, and if he was going to be my babysitter, I would get it out of him. Eventually. “Let’s get some lunch, are you hungry?” I open the door to ask him. “I will accompany you down, Luna” He gives me a short nod and follows me to the elevator, pressing the buttons for me. I sigh internally, but let him do his job. Abigail looks between us when we walk into the kitchen, “Meet my new-er-bodyguard, Anderson.” Abigail smiles up at him and reaches out her hand, “Nice to meet you, I’m Abigail.” He gives her a small smile and shakes her head nodding. Not a talker is he? He will be Abigail laughs and Anderson pulls his hand away self-conscious. “Now, what are we in the mood for?” I say, going to pull out my chair but Anderson gets to it quicker. “Er-Thanks,” I say offering him a smile sitting down next to Abigail by the kitchen island. He goes to stand by the door and surveys the kitchen, Abigail looks down fighting a grin. “Come sit down and eat, you must be hungry.” “I’m okay, Luna.” He says and I raise an eyebrow at him before he takes a few steps and pulls out a chair at the end of the island. “You can sit with us,” I say with finality, he hesitates before pulling out the chair next to mine. “What can I get for you, Luna?” Dawn, the lead omega, comes up wearing her signature smile. “Something simple is perfect, maybe some sandwiches? Possibly two for our new companion.” I say looking up to my bodyguard. “Of course, your usual?” Abigail and I nod, “What would you like?” She turns to Anderson. “Whatever the ladies are having.” He replies. “Makes my job easy then.” She turns around as Jackson links me saying they won’t be done for hours. “I think Jackson and the boys are in for it today,” I say sitting back in my chair, Anderson’s eyes look to me for a brief second but he continues staring ahead. “Any leads?” Abigail asks, “Jim feels so guilty, he was exhausted but couldn’t sleep that long today.” “It’s not his fault.” I look at her. “I know that you know that, everyone knows that.” She throws her hands up, "But him." “I’m sure they will get to the bottom of it and it will make him feel better about it all. They’re interrogating the warriors. Again.” I say and a small smile played across her lips. “No doubt Cam’s doing.” “Exactly,” I say sitting up as Dawn places plates with our sandwiches, chips, and dill pickles in front of us. “This looks perfect, thank you, Dawn.” “Luna.” She nods. I told her to call me Isla a million times but it never stuck so I let her do what she was most comfortable with. We dig in immediately and Anderson hesitates. “It’s not poison,” Abigail says in between bites, staring at him hiding her smile behind her sandwich. “I just, I’m not used to eating in this kind of company.” “The rif-raft, he means,” Abigial nudges me and Anderson’s eyes go wide. “N-no, Luna. Of course not, I just don’t usually keep company with ranked members.” “Relax, I was joking.” Abigail gives him a smile, “Aren’t you close to the ranked men though?” “Working relationship, not personal really.” He says before taking a bite of his sandwich, “This is actually incredible, thank you.” “Don’t thank us, just trying to keep my new companion happy as possible,” I say biting into my pickle. We eat in silence, not comfortable silence, but I was determined to make Anderson as comfortable as possible. One day. “Do you have much work left?” Abigail asks, putting out plates in the sink, I shake my head. “I have a check-in call with Gianna about pack renovations and some last-minute additions to the new omega village at the Northern Campus. Besides that, most of today’s work is done.” “Think you could sneak away for some reading before the call?” Abigail looks so excited, I couldn’t say no. “Of course.” I look at Anderson, “Let’s show you to our secret clubhouse.” Abigail laughs and Anderson looks a bit confused. He definitely didn’t sign up for this when he became a lead warrior. ___________________ Sorry, babe, we might be longer than expected. Everything okay? We got a lead, we think at least. Someone came to visit Jennifer the first day after your Luna ceremony, and we have reasons to believe it wasn’t her dad Who was it? The dungeons are kinda dark, so he didn’t get a good description. Lean, dark brown hair, possibly blue eyes. General, like I said. My stomach dropped, Jennifer wouldn’t be too much of a threat alone, but with him on her side, there was no telling what they could do. No, I shake my head, there was no way that was possible. Isla? Oh, sorry, I was just thinking. I’ll link you when we’re done Show him a picture of Alpha Benjamin, er Benjamin He doesn’t say anything for a moment I have to go, thanks. Love you He cuts off the link (Jackson) Lucas and I are debating our next moves while Cam talks to his captain alone. He was furious as soon as Jake left that no one told him about the unsupervised visit and that they were so sloppy leaving one person to man the door, no matter if it was for a few minutes. “I’m going to need to tell Isla that we’re going to be late.” “Can’t we take a break for lunch?” Lucas rubs his stomach, “I’m withering away down here.” I give him a look, “I’ll have someone bring sandwiches down, we can’t lose the momentum.” I link Isla to let her know, disappointed I wouldn’t see her for another few hours. Show him a picture of Alpha Benjamin, er Benjamin Why didn’t we think of that first, I honestly never even paid too much attention to what he looked like, he was just there. Boring, didn’t stand out, someone you would forget as soon as they left the room. I have to go, thanks. Love you “Lucas, do you have a picture of Benjamin on your phone?” “Yeah, it's my lock screen.” He looks at me and I don’t react, “Fine, I think I have one in my emails that we sent out about him being a wanted fugitive.” He scrolls through his phone for a moment, I felt my whole body start buzzing with adrenaline. This would make sense, I needed a conclusion, and I didn’t want to believe anyone in my pack would betray me like this. On the other hand, I didn’t want to think that he and Jennifer could be working together. Both people whose whereabouts are unknown. “Here it is.” He hands me his phone, a photo of Benjamin, dark brown slightly graying hair with dull, cold, blue eyes. Unremarkable. “Get Cam back in here, I don’t care what Cam is doing.” “On it.” Lucas’ eyes cloud over. Cam comes in after a few minutes. and takes a deep breath, composing himself. “I’m sorry, Alpha. My warriors have let you down.” He hangs his head. “Cam, you’re the best in the business. We all f.uck up sometimes. From what I’ve seen today, I am d.amn proud of our warriors and the work that we, specifically you, have put into their training. There is always room for improvement, and we found one of those areas today. I’m not mad at you, frustrated with the situation, yes, but it’s not your fault. You can’t be everywhere at once.” I say honestly. Thinking about it it really wasn’t anyone's fault, just a few unfortunate miscommunications, and I knew Cam wouldn’t leave room for those miscommunications in the future. "Lucas, get Jake." Lucas goes to the door and I turn back to Cam, “Take a seat, Jake is coming in a second.” Cam composes himself and sits down, stoic and unwavering, back being the perfect Gamma. “Alpha, Beta, Gamma.” Jake comes back in and takes a seat. “I need you to look at this man, let me know if he’s familiar.” I signal to Lucas to show him his phone and he slides in across the metal table. “Uh- yes.” “Where do you know him from?” I ask faster than I intended. Jake looks at us confused, “This is Jennifer’s dad?” Cam looks at us before Lucas retrieves the phone and shows the picture of Benjamin to him.
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