Three's Company

2323 Words

(Lucas) Anger was rolling off me, I felt it in waves radiating from me. Even my brother took a step back before hitting the wall. Confusion, fear, hurt, anger. Anger. Anger. Anger. “Lucas.” Sam risked a step towards me and I knew it was a struggle for him, “Take a breath, I see Jasper coming out and humans live all around me.” He put his hands up in front of him, a peace offering of sorts. I closed my eyes and saw hers, wide, dark brown, and beautiful, instantly calming me down as much as I can be in this situation. Sam lets out a breath as I came back into myself, repressing that brute, beast side of me. He goes and opens a cabinet as I sink into the couch and comes back and hands me a large glass of whiskey that I down in one gulp. “Now, um, do you want to fill me in?” He take

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