Chapter : 10. Family discussion..

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Hope’s point of view :- ------------------------- “I’m so proud of you, my kids. You did it. You worked as a team and caught your enemy. Never forget that as long as you are together, no force in this world can defeat you. Keep this trust and believe in each other. It will make your life easier.” Mom’s loving words after we won the challenge, made me the happiest in the world. I can’t express to you how glad it made me. Even all my brothers and sister praised me for having the great idea of searching inside the water. I wasn’t sure at first. It was just a thought for me. But when I took the leap and dived in the water, I found her sitting on the depth of the lake calmly, like she found her peace in there. Once I found her, I went near her, grabbed her hand, and pulled her out of the water. We finally succeeded in her challenge. After the challenge was over, we got an entire day free to ourselves. But first we went to eat something. This hard challenge made us hungry like a pig. So we went to have some food and found almost all of our family members hanging in the dining room. “Uhh.. Our kids are here. So, how did today’s training went?” Dad E asked us when he found us coming there. “It was really great. Hope did an excellent work today.” Truce gave him the answer. “All of them did a great job today. They proved to me today how much trust they have in each other. All of them planned against me perfectly and gave me a hard time to test their talents. From today’s challenge, I think I am sure about who is going to rule what supernatural kind. But I am not revealing it yet because we are just a day far from the truth. I want them to find it themselves first.” Mom stepped forwards and praised us a little. “Yeah. It’s their 16th birthday tomorrow. Maybe their second powers will come out then.” Aunt Lola said to everyone. She is the youngest among all of our parents and godparents and understands us a lot. “But be careful, kids. If you think some changes are happening inside you, get out of the public place at that instant. Especially, avoid your school. It is not going to be only scary for them but, they might get hurt in the process. Who knows how it’s going to come out?” Uncle Ryan warned us about the possible danger. “For me, I got those powers when I was in trouble and needed the power the most. I hope it dosen’t happen to you as well and you can get your second powers easily. Stay aware all the time.” Mom said to us. “Maybe you should skip school tomorrow. See how things are going before getting among the humans.” Hearing Uncle Cody’s suggestion, my eyes got wide. We can’t stay home tomorrow. It’s our 16th birthday. It’s a very important day for us. Maybe we are going to find our mates tomorrow. We can’t just sit back home and miss the fun of the day. “Don’t say that. It’s their big day tomorrow. They should be out in the city enjoying the day to celebrate their special day. We can’t suggest that they stay home on such a day.” Aunt Lola is the one who talked in our favor while the rest of them were thinking about the same idea. “No. We can’t stop them just because we think they are going to get their powers. They are grown-ups now. They can handle the situation very well. Exactly in two years, they will be crowned as the king and the queens of us. They have to learn to handle difficult situations.” Mom announced the final decision, and I got relieved to hear that we are free tomorrow. “And besides. They are going to find their mates tomorrow. I am really dying to know who their other half are. I am wondering if they will get a mate for two like their twin fathers, or will they get one each? It’s really nerve-racking.” Aunt Michell’s words hit me at that moment. I never thought about the chance that Faith and I can get a mate to share. If our twin fathers can get one mate. Maybe Faith and I will get one, and Truce and Mirth will get one. Maybe we will get one for each of us. Or maybe we four get one mate as we are quadruplets. No.. No.. that can’t happen. I don’t want to share a mate with my brothers. Maybe with Faith, okay. But please moon goddess.. Don’t give all four of us one mate. Please.. “I am having the same thoughts. But a little differently. I am wondering that if I am going Faith as my daughter-in-law, or Hope. Or do I get both of our girls as my daughter-in-law..” I was already having hard time by thinking about the possibilities of sharing a mate. And now on top, aunt Mia is putting pressure on getting Callum as our mate. I don’t want Callum to be my mate. So does Faith. He is like a brother to us. How are we supposed to have a relationship with a brother like figure? “It’s not happening. Stop saying the same thing repeatedly. Callum is not going to be our mate. He is like our brother. We can never think of him as a mate.” Just as I was thinking about it, Faith spoke up to fight against the thought. She is more strict about this matter than me. “You don’t know who the moon goddess has made for you. The closeness you three shares and the way he adores you two girls, I am sure he is going to be your mate.” Uncle Oliver made us more angry at that matter. “Well, we will see what happens tomorrow. Can we drop this matter for now? I am not comfortable with this subject.” Faith finally made them stop. “I wonder who my boys are going to get. If she is going to be an alpha blood or just an omega?” Just as Dad A said that, all of our heads snapped towards him. “What difference does it make?” My mom’s one hard look is enough for him to shake on his knees. They really do fear our mom. “It’s not something serious. I was just saying that as a simple interest. Don’t get mad at me for expressing my thoughts. I am not into dividing powerful or weak. Everyone is equal in the new world of ours.” He told with a nervous smile towards mom and we couldn’t control our laughs even if we try to. “I am wondering if they will get a girl at all or not. I fear that their mate is going to be a male.” All of sudden I expressed my thought that came out of nowhere in my mind, attracting everyone’s attention towards me. “Hope.. What are you saying? Shut up..” Truce got embarrassed at that instant to hear that. “What? I am expressing my thoughts like everyone. It’s a fact. I have never seen you two have an attraction for a female. You don’t even spare a glance at them. That only means that you are not interested in female species. There is nothing wrong with having a male mate..” I said with uncontrollable laugh. “Hope. Shut up before I slap you on your face. Making jokes about everything is not funny.” Mirth became serious about the matter I just picked up. “And for your information, we are attracted at females. It is just we don’t want to show them because we only wane to be our mates. We don’t want our mate to feel cheated or betrayed even before we meet them. We are not like you two to drool over any handsome men, like a dog.” Truce immediately offended me by saying that I drool over men. “Correction. Not a dog. It’s more like a horny wolf..” Mirth also supported his brother against us, “Hey.. We don’t do such things.” Faith stood up for both of us. “Yes, you do.. What about that weird new guy you always stare at? Do you think that we didn’t notice? Why do you think we warned you to go near him?” Truce started fighting with Faith. “Hey, we stare at a weird guy, that dosen’t mean we are horny for him. We are just curious about what is happening to him. Don’t say such a thing about us without any proof.” I also stood up to fight against them. “Then why are you saying such a thing about us when you have no proof?” Mirth also came beside Truce to fight with us twin sisters, which is now leading towards a fight among us. “Kids. Shut up and sit down. I don’t want any fuss in my house. Specially when we are having a moment together.” Mom scolds us for arguing with each other, which made us become silent and get back in our seats. “And you were saying they work together perfectly.” Aunt Mia whispered in mom’s ear, which was clearly heard by all of us. It was not because we have sharp ears. It’s because it was not silent enough. “Wait a second. Your brothers said that you stare at a weird guy in school. Who is this weird guy?” Dad A caught the right point and picked it up to drag this matter forward. I think we are going to get into trouble now. Why did I had to open my mouth and tease my brothers? And why did these stupids had to mention about Gordon in front of our family? They will definitely have to pay for their mistake. “It’s a new student in our class. He is a bit of the silent and lonely type. His aura is way too dark for an alpha male around our age.” Faith informed them about Gordon. “And do you know dad? He has this huge mark on the right side of his face, which starts from his forehead and ends in his jaw. It’s a claw mark.” I also told them the rest of his identity in excitement. “No wonder why he is so lonely and silent. He might feel out of place among all perfect kids.” Mom said those words with such emotion like she can feel his pain. “But that dosen’t mean we have to ask him to join our group, does it, mom? Faith and Hope stepped forward and asked him to join us. And we were not even with them at that time.” I looked at Mirth with killing eyes. How dare he is to say that story to them? “What? You two did that? Do you know what consequences it might cause you? What if he got mad at you and attacked you? How could you be so irresponsible?” Dad E’s words broke our heart. Did we really did such a huge mistake? “They did correct. Truce, Mirth, you are the ones who are wrong. You two were supposed to stand beside your sisters when they took the step. You are the future kings and queen of our world. You have to make everyone close to yourself, no matter if he is weird or broken. We have to bring everyone together.” Mom’s speech brought a braveness inside of us. So, we did the right thing. “But we didn’t succeed in it, mom. He strictly said that he is not going to join us. He hates us.” Faith told our mom disappointedly. “Don’t worry. Don’t become sad because you failed on the first try. Keep trying. I’m sure one day he will understand your sincerity and your friendly nature and accept you offer. One day he will become your friend.” Mom finally brought a smile to our face by giving us inspiration. Now e know that we can never back up just because we failed one time in that mission. We will keep trying. No matter how long it takes. “Honey? Do you think it’s safe for them to go near a kid like that? What if..” “Don’t treat your daughters li a child. They are growing up now and know very well how to fight away their dangers. Now stop this discussion and go to your works. Aren't all of you are getting late now..” Just as she announced it, everyone remembered their left over work and rushed to complete it. But we are just happy that it’s our free day and we have nothing to do now except of resting.
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