Chapter 5

1459 Words
A cold, yet comforting air hit me in the face, and my eyes fluttered open.I rose a bit, and a tired yawn left my lips.I stretched, moaning in bliss at the sight crack I heard in my lips. That was one hell of a good rest. I laid back and then shut my eyes. Only for them to fly open again. "The f**k!" My eyes widened, and I looked around. I was in what appeared to be a bedroom. There were a few drawers and a large mirror to my left. To my right was a door, which probably led to the bathroom. The room was definitely made of wood. If my guess was correct, I was in a cabin. "What the hell happened?" I muttered with a hand over my head as I tried to think. Okay, the mission yesterday. I got a shot and knocked someone over. Then what next? An explosion. Yeah,the ground felt like a trampoline, and I was thrown off like a ragdoll. Then what? Those fuckers were coming for me. And then? I groaned and racked my head. Then it hit me. The wolf. But..what happened! I heard footsteps and became alert. Soon enough, someone entered the room. It was a man. His muscles were hard to ignore as they bulged through the gray tank top he wore. He slacks showed how perfectly muscular his legs were. Someone definitely did not skip leg day. He had brown and curly hair and coffee brown eyes. His narrow red lips were framed by thick facial hair that surrounded his jaw. I felt my heart kick start like an engine. How can someone so scruffy-looking look so tempting? His eyes perked up as soon as he sighted me. "Oh good, you're awake." The little enthusiasm was detected in his tone. "At least you didn't die in my bed." I made to retort when I felt the breeze hit my skin. I looked down and was hit with reality. I was naked beneath the sheets. "What the actual f**k!" I yelled, anger washing within my vein. "You took advantage of me." A bemused expression was shown on his face before he was wiped away. "Your gratitude is highly charming." He rolled his eyes. "For saving your life, this is what I get? And here I was thinking a damsel in distress was the best company to indulge myself with." "Bullshit!" I felt the claws protrude from my fingers. At that moment, I gave in to my animalistic rage. I charged towards him, forgetting my state of undress. I swiped for his face, which he dodged. "You took advantage of my unconscious state, you fucker." I aimed for his face, missing just by an inch. I tried other attempts, which he dodged. His expression showed he was either unimpressed or amused by my attempts. The way he easily dodged my attempts showed he had some sort of experience. Either that, or I really needed to brush up on my physical abilities. Maybe Dad's recurring advice on taking sparring lessons doesn't sound so bad now. I turned my attention back to the smug stranger. I wonder how he would fare with the gamma wolf of my pack. "Alright, I've had just enough of this bullshit." He grabbed two of my hands and pushed me to the bed. We landed roughly on it with him on top. Shaking my head from the impact, I stared into those eyes. Angry-looking coffeebrown eyes that sent my heartbeat multiplying tenfold. Thankfully, his eyes stayed on mine and did not drift down to my naked body. Our gazes were locked for seconds that were like eternity.I shook the surprise away and glared at him in return. "Well?" I said. "What are you waiting for? Finish the job. You've already done it once. Why not help yourself to seconds?" "Oh, for f***s sake!" he cried, jumping off the bed and rubbing his hair violently. The action ruffled his hair and added more ruggedness to his look. He took a deep breath and then spun around to glare at me. "Get over yourself, sweetheart," he snarled. "I didn't rape you. Even if I wanted to, there wouldn't be much on your body to enjoy anyway." That demeaning comment stuck a nerve. Anger stirred within me, and I vibrated with fury. How dare he? "I'm the one who is the f*****g victim here," he added. I rose from the bed, covering myself with the sheets. "What are you talking about?" He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance and paced the room to and fro. My eyes followed his movements, and I felt dizzy. "Would you stop that, please?" I groaned. "Last night was all about my big score." He stopped pacing. "Those men your pack were after was my mission. Getting them would lead to my target." "Say what now?"My brows furrowed in confusion. He glared hard at me. "Thanks to your interference, I failed, and they got away. All I met was an amateur werewolf who knows nothing about stealth." "Hey!" "Please." He rolled his eyes. "Any sharp wolf would detect the wires." "Huh?" I blinked. "My point exactly." He rolled his eyes again. "I made the lines, genius. You tripped over them, setting the explosion and ruining my mission. I brought you here after I found you. Be grateful I did. I can give a thousand guesses what those men were going to do to you if they had gotten their hands on you. And trust me, none of them involves charity." "So that's it?" I said. "Yes," he sighed, rubbing his forehead, which was beginning to show lines. "And...and nothing else happened?" I stuttered. I had to be careful. Rescuer or not, he was a stranger and thus unpredictable. "Oh, for goddess sake!" He threw his hands in the air. "You're a woman, aren't you? If I had touched you, you would know right now!" "Why didn't you?" I blurted before I could stop myself. Seconds later, I realized the absurdity of my question, and my eyes went wide. He mirrored my expression, his mouth dropping open. "Are you for real, right now? Are you seriously asking why I did not rape you?" "Well..." I sank into the bed in embarrassment. He shook his head. "You still haven't figured it out?" I shook my head. "This is rich." He shook his head again, this time in an amused fashion. "Listen to your heartbeat." Scowling, I closed my eyes and I did so. To my shock, I heard my wolf whine. The word'mate' was repeated several times. I opened my eyes in shock and glanced at him. His slightly amused demeanor behind the stern glare told me all I needed to know. "Figured it out yet?" He lifted an eyebrow. "No!" I shaken my head vehemently. "You've got to be kidding me. How can we be mates?" "Trust me, I was as surprised as you were, sweetheart." He folded his arms. There was silence. I clutched my head at intervals, wishing this to be some sort of nightmare, even if it wasn't one of the usual types that had plagued me. What kind of sick joke was the moon goddess playing at the moment? Whatever it was, it wasn't funny, and I sure as hell wasn't laughing. I heard a loud sigh, and I looked up. The stranger shook his head in an exhausted fashion. "Your clothes are over there." He pointed to the pile on the table. "You can leave when you're ready." He walked out, leaving me with my thoughts. I jumped off, and in seconds I was dressed. I then discovered something. My cellphone. It was gone. I must have lost it during the explosion. Terrific. That would increase the worries I had for my pack and vice versa. If everyone was safe, they would be worried now, being unable to reach me. I entered the living room and spotted the stranger looking over his phone. A steaming cup was beside him. I looked at the living room. It was cozy, I'll admit. A TV mounted on the wall and a rug on the floor. Even the fan looked modern. Whoever did the wiring in the cabin was a genius. I turned my attention to the stranger. "I'll be off," I announced. "Whatever." He didn't look from his phone. I saw his lips twitch upwards, and I didn't know what to make of it. I advanced to the door and held the handle. What followed next was brief and quick. I felt it. Pain. A jolt of electricity rushed through me. It ate away my consciousness. I slipped into darkness for the second time in the span of twenty-four hours.
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