Chapter 1

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~GWEN~ I thought the excitement in the lake would cure my boredom and bring me out of my wandering thoughts. Boy, was I was wrong. Somehow the noises of the excited people around did little to soothe the mental disturbance that dwelled within me. Each time I looked at the happy faces at the lakeside, the laughter and screams of the children, I was even reminded further of the fact that I needed a quick reprieve. Nobody knew about it but I had been having disturbing dreams of recent. Each time, the images I saw within seemed blurry, only getting clearer each time they occurred. A nudge by the shoulder shook me from my wandering thoughts and I blinked to reality. I glanced to my left to see the curious blue eyed gaze of my best and childhood friend, Christine. "Gwen, I've been calling your name for ages," she said. "It almost reached the point that I should have been screaming like a banshee." I scoffed. Leave it to Christine to be the symbol of melodrama. "Where did your mind wander to?" she queried. "Oh?" I scratched at my cheek. "Nowhere. At least , not anywhere interesting." Her blank gaze slightly masked her disbelief. "Right." she drawled. "Anyway, have you checked out Dane over there?" She nodded to our right. I followed her gaze to a hulking blonde who was lounging on a small chair by the lakeside, no doubt keeping a lookout on the little kids who might tend to wander away from their parents. I scanned him from head to toe and shrugged. He was a looker though, I would have to admit. His curly blonde hair framed his face perfectly and his deep blue eyes was mesmerizing. Chizelled muscles came to play, fitting for the gamma wolf of our pack. As if he knew his name was called, he looked over to us. Cristine averted her eyes. "He saw us, didn't he?" she whispered, keeping her eyes on me. I glanced to his direction and saw a smile on his lips before he turned away. "Eh." I shrugged. "Doubt that." She looked back at him. "Gosh, he is such a dream boat." "Right," I said. "Not really. Blonde is not really my favorite color, anyway." "That's a pretty poor excuse." Christine rolled her eyes. "No hair color seems good for you." "What's that supposed to mean?" I arched an eyebrow. She stared me dryly. "Come on, Gwen, you barely give the men of our pack a look." "That's because that's not my priority at the moment." I frowned. "They aren't everything, you know." "Even the walking s*x on legs?" She gaped in utter disbelief. "If I hadn't known you since we were kids," she smiled evilly, "i would have said you were batting for the other team." I felt offended, although I felt the urge to play her game. I gave her a cheeky grin in return. "Glad you know me. If I was batting for the other team, I would have made a move on you years ago." "Ew." Her face scrunched in disgust. "At least you have the looks." I prodded. "You and I know that." It was true. My best friend had the looks and she would be the perfect match for the blonde guy that she was practically drooling over if she just put on her big girl panties and made the move. She had a curvaceous figure for a wolf. I would put it to the fact that she was a partial wolf and a witch. She was the grand daughter of Elder Marcus, one of the elder wolves of our pack who had mixed wolf and witch heritage. I guess that was why she lacked muscle. She had deep green eyes and thick hair, a bit darker than mine. On the left side of her cheek was a little spot which was obviously a birthmark. It was the perfect finishing touch to her facial beauty. I was content with my athletic figure. Being the pack's dietician and nutritionist would do a lot to the body. I took my job seriously and the results was to my satisfaction. My only irritation was that no matter how much i was careful with my diet, I couldn't prevent the obvious growth of my glutes. "Would you stop making me uncomfortable?" She shuddered. "Me? Make you uncomfortable?" I feigned shock. "I was the one suspected of batting for the other team." "Alright, you've made your point." "Now, you know how it feels." She pouted, but said nothing. We turned our attention back to the lake. I couldn't help but notice her gaze being drawn to Dane again. When the blonde turned on instinct to our direction, she averted her gaze again. I rolled my eyes, tired of their cat and mouse game. "You know you should talk to him," I said. "But we aren't mates," she protested. "He probably has girls flocking about him." I held the urge to facepalm. "Trust me I have a feeling he has eyes for you only," I said, trying to keep my voice calm. "For real?" Before I could reply, I saw her gaze beyond me. I turned around to follow her gaze and groaned inwardly. The muscular, dark haired, blue eyed man coming our way was Zack. He was the son of Alpha Xavier, our pack Alpha. He sure as hell had pride in the title. "Hey ladies." he smiled showing his white perfect teeth. "Zack!" Cristine piped. "I thought you would be a no show." "As if." He smirked sitting next to us. "I had some things I had to help dad with." A long, awkward silence hung in the air, before Christine stood up abruptly. "I'm taking a dive," she announced. She sent me a discreet wink before I could utter a word and then dived into the lake. She appeared seconds later and waved at us before making her way over to the blonde. 'Attagirl,' I thought with a grin, proud of her finally giving it an effort. Although, part of me was a bit upset at the timing. "So," Zack said and I glanced to his direction. "How have you been?" "You know..." I shrugged. "Busy. Dealing with stuff and clients. Also matters of the pack. Nothing new." "Cool." He nodded slowly. "It shows you are really think of your work seriously. I'm glad you're getting to terms on becoming future Luna." I cringed, hoping he didn't see it. One of the things I hated was the day Alpha Xavier came to my family home to see my family. My dad happened to be his beta, so they all thought a union between me and Zack was on the ropes. To be sincere, I had no issues with Zack. He was good looking just like most of the males in our pack and he had a slight charisma that would make him popular with the ladies. But I just didn't see a future with him. And the fact that we weren't mated made the whole situation even more uncomfortable. I exhaled slowly. "Zack..." "I know." He cut me off with a wry chuckle."You don't have me as a priority. But at least give it some thought." "I have," I said. "Look, you are a cool guy and I've known you for a long time. I have nothing against you. But I prefer our relationship to be cordial, except the moon goddess says otherwise." "Does everything have to be what the moon goddess says?" he raised his hands up, exasperated. "Well, yeah?" I quirked up a brow. "That's how it has always been. She determines the bond between mates." "But I really like..." "No, you don't, Zack." I shook my head vehemently. "This feeling you think you have is an illusion. A thought forcefully projected into your mind by your dad. I know a part of you knows I'm right. I plead with you to reason with that part." He just stared at me. Whatever protest he had next seemed caught in his throat. I was thankful for that. I stood up. "It's getting late." I placed a hand on his shoulder. "See you around." I walked away before he could say another word. My words may or may not sound hurtful to him, but I hoped that he came to see things my way in future. *************** "Hello, honey." I was engulfed by a hug before I could even make a sentence as the door opened. The assailant was no other than my mum. I winced. The woman bad one hell of a hold. To be candid, it was nothing compared to my dad. The old man was built like a bear. Speaking of which, I saw him by the couch watching TV with a beer in one of his large hands. "Hey, dad," I said as soon as mum released me "Gwen." He looked away from the TV and gave a curt nod in return. I rolled my eyes. As the first daughter of the family, he kept a kind of soldier like relationship with me. Seeing me as the potential Luna had an influence in his views and as much as he respected my job as the pack's dietician, I knew he wanted me to engage in activities more physical. The second child of the family was a different story, however. "Gwen!" I heard a a sqeaky-like voice coming from the kitchen. Then followed the footsteps. Soon a little girl stepped out and rushed towards me. She jumped on me and I caught her. That was my little sister, Olivia. "Hey, Liv." I winced through a smile. "Wow, your gaining a lot of weight." "Hey!" she pouted as I put her down. "I mean it in a good way." I ruffled her thick red hair, which she inherited from mum. Her blue eyes narrowed in disbelief. "Really, I mean it." I put my hands up. "Hmmm." She rubbed her chin. "I'll hold you to it." "As you wish." I chuckled. "Let's get to dinner then." Mum closed the door and I walked in. Dinner was rice, bacon and a health splice of broccoli and lettuce. I chose the latter two as the majority of my meal because, of course, I was watching my figure. A nutritionist had to show example. I enjoyed a peaceful silence until dad had to clear his throat. "Alpha Xavier has called for a meeting," he said. We all looked at him. "Any reason why?" Mum asked. "It's something concerning strange activities occuring close to our border of recent," Dad replied. I sighed. That's just the last thing I needed to hear. "When is it happening?" I asked. "In the next two days." He turned his gaze to me. "You would be free then, right?" I racked my head for a schedule and nodded. "Yeah." There was silence again and I was happy to put the matter behind when he cleared his throat again. "Have you considered it?" he asked. "Considered what?" I raised an eyebrow. "Zack, I mean." I dropped my fork and sighed. "Dad, I thought we have had this discussion. I can't see myself as Zack's mate." Dad exhaled heavily and he rubbed his forehead as if suppressing a migraine. Well, if he had one, it was going to be nothing compared to one I would get of he pressed on the matter. "You know it has benefits," he finally said. "Having you get together with him greatly increases your rank..." "And my welfare?" I asked. "My happiness? What happens to it?" Dad muttered something incoherent and I shook my head slightly. "Dad, I know you have a reputation to uphold but I need you to respect my wishes. At the moment all I care is the welfare of the pack. That will be my priority until fate says otherwise," I said with a tone of finality. He looked at mum whose eyes had a pleading message in them. Liv seemed not to care about the discussion and was concerned about the big piece of bacon on her plate. Sometimes, I envied her child like innocence. Dad sighed and resumed his dinner. The silence that came next was the longest and best one I had in years.
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