Chapter 02 Where Am I

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Raven Upon awakening, I found myself in an unfamiliar bed—soft and comfortable. The room sprawled widely, adorned with floor-to-ceiling curtains in tones of grey and cream. Despite a slight headache, the ambience lacked character, exuding a sense of basic luxury. The space resembled an upscale apartment, perhaps even a penthouse. I was a bit slow in the reasoning department, but soon, it hit me that this wasn't Jane's apartment. Fuck! Did I follow a man home? I looked under the sheets and found myself in a man's t-shirt with nothing underneath. I couldn't believe I had done this to myself. Yes, I was mad and heartbroken, but that didn't mean I wanted to have s*x with a stranger. The thought of it alone made me feel worse. Darting my eyes about the place, I tried to look for my clothes but couldn't find them. Please don't tell me that mystery guy ripped the flimsy outfit I had on. I knew I shouldn't have worn the dress, but Jane would not let me wear anything else. Unsure where I was or who I was with, I darted my eyes about the place once more, hoping I would see a picture frame of some sort so I'd have an idea of who I spent the night with, but I didn't find any. As I said, the place lacked character, and I suspected this could also be said about its owner. I got off the bed and was glad the shirt was big enough to cover my butt. I had never done this before, so this was new. Glancing around the room looking for my clothes one last time, I realised it was a lost cause. The room was neat. The only mess there was the bed; I was sure it was because I was sleeping in it. Thirst gripped me, urging me to hydrate and counteract the effects of the alcohol saturating my system. Prioritising quenching my thirst, I set out to locate the kitchen before contemplating my next move. Venturing down a hallway, I emerged into a spacious area that seemed to be a living room. My movement halted abruptly as my eyes landed on two individuals: an unfamiliar woman and Richard—yes, the same Richard from the previous night. As the pieces fell into place, I realised this was his apparent abode, and I had unwittingly spent the night in his bed. A wave of horror swept over me as I pondered the events that might have unfolded the night before. While my intention had been to put Derek out of my mind, I certainly hadn't planned on sharing a bed with a complete stranger. The shock was palpable in their expressions as they gazed at me, and I could sense the mirrored astonishment on my own face. The living room was massive and modern, and the tall glass windows and walls gave it a lot of light. We were indeed at the top of a building, likely a skyscraper. The woman with Richard paused when she saw me. A tinge of jealousy flashed in her eyes as she examined what I had on—Richard’s t-shirt. "I see you moved on quickly," she said, looking at me. I was flabbergasted and was about to protest when Richard hurried towards me and pulled me to his body as if we were indeed together. I couldn't believe this dude. I didn't know whether to push him off or play along, but something had to give. He kissed my neck sensually, and his lips felt softer than I could have imagined. I also felt something poking me that I believed wasn't his intention. "What? I thought you were dating your French manager now. Can't handle seeing me with someone else?" he asked her, and she looked at me, then at him, and then she chuckled. "I guess we are done then," she said, growling at him. "I will send my driver to get my things," She said and stormed out of the apartment, enraged. It was clear she was jealous, angry, rich and unhappy. If I had heard right, she and Richard were in a twisted relationship. The moment she stepped out, he pulled away from me as if he had never held me close and made his girlfriend or now ex believe that we were together. "Where are my clothes?" I asked him, not caring what had just happened. "Good morning," he said, reminding me of my manners, and I was ashamed of myself. "I already instructed the maid to bring you aspirin when you wake up. You really overdid it last night," he said and went to sit on his plush three-seater couch. He lifted the remote and turned on the television showing the news channel. "As for your clothes, I trashed them. You vomited all over it last night. I couldn't salvage the thing," He said, and I balled my fist by my side. It was nothing a little laundry couldn't fix. That dress was quite expensive. It cost money. I saved up to buy it. I was going to wear it on my next date with Derek since he always complained that I always underdress in cheap clothes. I guess it was never meant to be. I had lost both Derek and the dress. Signs that I needed to move on. "My driver will take you home, so you won't have to walk about looking like that," he said, and I nodded. "Do you take transfers, cheques, or cash?" he asked me, and I frowned at him, not understanding what he was talking about. A maid walked in with aspirin and a glass of water around that time, and I took it from her and drank it. She left immediately. I turned to look at him afterwards, and it seemed he was waiting for me to say something. "Well, come on. Transfer, cheque, or cash? I don't have all day. Besides, I never told Thomas I needed an escort. It was all his plan…" he started, and I realised what he was talking about; I was about to speak when he continued. "I didn't sleep with you. I am sure you would know if I did," he added, the arrogant bastard. I was in shock, so I just shook my head. "I am not an escort, sir. I just accompanied my friend upon her request," I said, and he chuckled. "Sure you did. Not everyone is proud of their work, and I understand. You have no reason to lie to me. I will never judge you. So tell me, transfer, cheque or cash?" He asked, and I wanted to toss something at him. I found a throw pillow and put it to good use. I picked it from the couch and tossed it at him. "You bastard. You don't only throw away my dress, but then you have the nerve to insult me. Just ask your driver to take me home. I can't deal with this s**t," I said, sounding genuinely pissed because I was very angry. How dare he say that about me?
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