
Let's play pretend: CEO's "escort" girl


"I suppose we have a deal," he said, and I accepted the handshake to prevent myself from changing my mind.

"Within this year, you are not allowed to get jealous, fall in love with me or get pregnant by me, should we find ourselves entangled in the sheets," he said, staring at me with his no-nonsense expression. I didn't care about his words. He wasn't the type to fall for. I just nodded.

I knew I shouldn't, and I might be walking into a f****d up situation, but I couldn't help my thirst for adventure and need for the financial freedom it would bring.

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Chapter 01 At The Club
Raven. I am not the club type, but that is precisely where I found myself tonight. My friend Jane had a date, and her date asked her to bring her friend, so she asked me, and I obliged. I mean, I would rather be at the club with loud music, talking to strangers I might never meet again, than sitting in front of the television with a bowl of ice cream, crying about the misfortune that had befallen me a few hours ago. I'd rather drive the thought to the recess of my mind and barely remember him again, even if temporarily. When I say him, I mean Derek, the asshole that I had the misfortune of dating for eighteen months. I actually thought we were heading somewhere. I really did; I guess I got it twisted; we were heading somewhere, just not where I thought. Unfortunately, we were heading to the end. I caught him in bed with his so-called 'bff' Cindy, and he wasn't even remorseful about it. Apparently, they had an on-and-off thing that I wasn't privy to. The b***h had the nerve to tell me she let me have him. Since Derek is from a wealthy family and one of the eligible bachelors in Kalroy, I knew it was a lost cause. He was done with me; those were his words. I had to commend myself for saving my tears until I left the building. "I'll send your stuff to Jane's place," were his last words to me. Which meant he didn't want me coming by anymore. How can a human use another human and dump them as if they meant nothing? My heart was still wrenching. It was as if there was a lump in my chest, and it wouldn't dissolve. Maybe it was because of all the tears I was holding in. I couldn't say, but I knew Derek was never coming back to me. Cindy even had the nerve to tell me I was a dreamer and could never get with a man of the same calibre as Derek. It didn't bother me because I wouldn't want to be with another Derek. So here I was in Ryder's and Snyde's high-end club with my friend Jane, waiting for her date. Did I mention that Jane was an Escort? No, I didn't, but now you know. Indeed, my bestie is an escort, and it is not for lack of money or financial stability. Jane actually comes from a wealthy family. Though their money is dirty, they are still rich nonetheless. Jane is an escort simply because she loves being one. She does not believe in love and does not believe that monogamy is right. "A committed relationship is boring and a waste of time," She says, and tonight, she adds, "Just like you and Derek, see how it turned out?" Yes, she was that kind of friend, but I loved her the same because, guess what? When everything seems hard and over, she is always there to pick me up and tell me I am not alone. So when she asked me to be her extra for this 'date', I said yes. I am not an escort, but there is no harm in accompanying my friend to the club to get Derek off my mind. We sat sipping a sweet Pinot that I couldn't get enough of. I knew I should take it easy on the wine, but who cares? I wasn't the one on a date, and I sure wasn't there to impress anyone. I was there to drown my sorrow and have a break from heartbreak, even if it was just for the night. I'd cry about Derek in the morning until my eyes were dry and I had no more tears left. "Is he coming?" I asked Jane, and she smiled at me. "Chill, men like Thomas like to take their time; besides, he was the one that wanted an outing. I usually meet him at his penthouse at Lamour. He just called me this afternoon and said we should meet here, and I should bring my friend for company," she explained the situation to me for the umpteenth time, and I nodded. A FEW MOMENTS LATER. "Jane," I heard a deep masculine voice say while I sipped my wine. Looking up, I realised it was none other than Thomas Walsh, one of the wealthiest business tycoons in Kalroy. Jane really had an impressive clientele. He wore a tailored suit with a black t-shirt underneath and jeans to give it a casual feel. He wasn't elderly, possibly around thirty-three or even younger. With ginger hair and a fit appearance, not to mention a noticeable stubble, it was clear why Jane found him attractive. Standing alongside him was a tall, handsome man with a tan and dark hair. He sported a shirt and trousers with the sleeves casually rolled up, and his well-groomed stubble added to his appeal. With strong jaws, he exuded an even more impressive presence than his friend. While undeniably attractive, he emanated a somewhat cold and unfriendly aura. His dark, smouldering eyes seemed capable of tearing a soul apart. Where did Jane find these hot men? "Jane, meet my friend, Richard; he will be hanging out with us," Thomas said, and Richard didn't bother to smile; he just nodded and sat down. He looked proud and disrespectful, but I couldn't care less. Most of these rich men had sticks up their asses. To me, he was one of the assholes. "Thomas, meet my friend, Raven. She will be hanging out with us as requested," Jane said, and Mr Walsh just nodded in my direction. I sat there for over an hour, drinking and staring at people. I listened to Jane and Thomas's conversation, and that was it. I didn't speak, nor did I engage with anyone. Richard spent the entire time on his phone as if he wasn't a part of our party. Thomas tried to get him to have a drink, but after a bit, he relented and let Richard be. Another hour passed, and Jane got up at the same time as Thomas. "Where are.." I started, and she bent and squeezed my hand. "I will be back. Have fun," she said, glancing at Richard and telling me to have fun. There was no way I was having fun with an arrogant, I-am-better-than-you, rich guy. Anyway, she left me, and I was left with this guy. Since we had nothing to say to each other, I doubled on the alcohol, and the last thing I remembered was Richard helping me up.

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