Chapter 28 The Unwanted Sitting Arrangement

1218 Words

Richard As Raven and I crossed the threshold into the bustling hall, the atmosphere shifted palpably. It was as if a spotlight had suddenly fixated upon us, drawing every gaze in the room like moths to a flame. I'd grown accustomed to the sensation; after all, Raven possessed a magnetic charisma that seemed to effortlessly captivate all who beheld her. Hand in hand, we navigated through the throng of attendees, their curious stares trailing after us like wisps of smoke. It was a peculiar sensation, being both admired and overshadowed simultaneously. While I was accustomed to the attention my presence often garnered, I couldn't shake the feeling that, at this moment, it was Raven who truly held the spotlight. As we were escorted to our designated table, a knot of apprehension tightened i

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