14: Don't Be Weak

1021 Words

LISA I felt like a trophy on Rhysand’s arm and that is not a compliment in any way. I have to admit though, the dress he picked out fit me so well. Everything he has ever picked out fit me like a glove. Like it was made just for me. It actually was. Because a few days after we got here, a stern faced woman had come in and took my measurements. Days later, I woke up to people bringing racks and racks or clothes in. The woman didn’t seem to like me. She looked like she was a few years older than me. At first I thought we could be friends but after seeing the dirty look she gave me the two times she was here. I got rid of that hope. It was good though, because it worked as a reminder for me to know these people aren’t my friends. They don’t like me. Thinking I’m a Lucan like them didn’t

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