15: Naked

1046 Words

LISA “My name is Rory by the way.” The blonde said, shooting me a smile over her shoulder. I nodded awkwardly at first, not knowing what to say. Before it clicked din my head to induce myself too. That is what normal people do. “I’m—“ “Lisa. Yeah, everyone kind of knows already.” “Oh.” I said, a bit awkwardly. I didn’t expect anyone to know me. Even tough Rhysand has been doing his best to make sure everyone knew wi was his. “Don’t worry. I haven’t heard any bad thing about you.” She stops walking which makes me also come to a halt. I watch her glowing eyes as she smiled. “Just that you’re pretty. And they were definitely not wrong.” I looked down, my cheeks flaming at the compliment. “Thank you.” I patted myself on the shoulder for not stuttering or gaping like fish out of water.

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