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“Sophia?” Everything returned to normal when I saw Lianne standing in front of me, waving her hand in front of my face. “Are you okay Sophia?” she asked. I shook my head thinking I was just daydreaming again. “Sophia?” Lianne called me again. “Yes, I'm fine, don't worry.” I answered her. She stared at me, looking unsure of what to do. “Are you sure you're fine Sophia?” I reached for her cheek and gave it a light pinch. “Yes, I'm fine, don't worry about me, go back to your chair.” I said assuringly. It was not long before Ms. Sanchez, our Math teacher, arrived. “ATTENTION!” our class president announced then we all stood up. Smiling, Ms. Sanchez entered our classroom as we greeted her politely. Ms. Sanchez nodded before she answered. “Good morning class. Hopefully we all have a great day today. You all may sit down now.” Then we all started to sit down. Soon, Ms. Sanchez started her class and not long after, I started to feel drowsy. I'm sleepy again, maybe it's not bad to sleep, is it? I put on my headset again and started bending over my desk. I relaxed my body and closed my eyes. I haven't slept for a long time when I feel the same feeling I felt before. I raised my head and noticed that my classmates' bodies started blinking. They seem to be slowly disappearing. My comrades gradually disappeared until only Lianne remained. “LIANNE!” I shouted and quickly ran towards Lianne. Lianne's body is slowly blinking and she will definitely disappear just like everyone else. “No Lianne!” I've been running and running, but I don't seem to be leaving my place at all. Lianne slowly turned to me, but I could not see her face because it was covered by her loose hair. It was as if everything stopped when I saw Lianne suddenly disappear in front of me. I collapsed with my chest tightening and cried. Why? Why is this happening? Why can't I do anything to help my friend? I just kept crying until I noticed that I was completely surrounded by darkness. “Ms. Connelly, are you sleeping in my class again?” It was as if my body automatically moved and immediately got up from my seat when I heard Ms. Sanchez's voice. I saw that almost all my classmates were looking at me while holding back their laughter. That just a dream? It seemed so real! I just bowed as an apology for what I had done. After that incident, our class resumed but that time, I could not focus anymore. The class ended quickly and even the second class ended without me noticing. Maybe because my mind was floating. I saw Lianne approaching my seat. As she approached, suddenly my dream flashed in my mind again. So, I got up and slapped my desk so everyone looked at me. I realized what I did so I just avoided her and left the classroom. “Sophia?” Lianne said as she pulled me back. I faced her sadly but I quickly changed it to a smile when I saw her worried face. I do not like her to worry about me. I patted her head and stroked her hair. “I'm just going to the rooftop. Lianne don't worry about me anymore.” I said, smiling at her. “Are you sure Sophia? Are you okay alone?” she asked me sadly. “Of course, am I the one and only Sophia? All right, talk to them first. Do not worry because I will be back later too.” I replied to her. We have our break time now and our teacher won’t be there for the third subject, so we have a very long break. I decided to just go to the rooftop to spend time and so that I can rest without anybody interrupting me. Because when I sleep in the classroom, many people bother me just like the teachers who always wake me up. It was not a very long time until I reached the rooftop, but I was disappointed to see a man sleeping there while wearing a headset. The wind blew too hard and I just saw the sleeping man earlier approaching me or should I say getting out of the rooftop. The frustration I felt earlier was replaced by happiness because I was alone on the rooftop again and most of all there was nothing to disturb my sleep anymore. So I immediately sat down and put on my headset and then lay down on the rooftop floor. It's nice to sleep here and the air is relaxing. When I’m alone here, I feel like I just got rid of all my problems. What are these dreams of mine? What does it have to do with me? Is it just a random dream? Or a vision that may happen in the future? Looks like I need to rest properly. I just wanted to live a normal life, but since that day everything has changed. Once again, I remembered the things that should have been forgotten. There are things that should not be taken into account, but they enter our minds without us realizing it. That's why sometimes, I feel sad when this happens because I become an over-thinker, which is sometimes difficult to control. It's hard to be human, especially if those around you are pretending to be human beings but deep inside they are monsters. We are born human beings with monsters hiding in the depths of our being. This is who we really are.
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