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Ma'am Eleanor is a substitute teacher because our original English teacher had an accident. I felt strange when I first met her and since then she disliked me. First of all, I really don't want her as a teacher anymore, because I don't like the feeling when she is close. And I know she dislikes me too because she seemed very hot-tempered towards me. When she sees me sleeping in her class, she immediately throws an eraser at me. Is it okay for a teacher to do that? Is it a crime to fall asleep now? I can’t help it when class is just too boring. “What happened Phia? Why are you just standing there?” Lianne asked. Suddenly she pulled my ear and dragged me at the same time. We reached our next class 1 minute before starting. Fortunately, we arrived there on time. If not, Lianne will yell at me again. “Did you hear the news that there will be a dance showdown between 1st year to 4th year college?" asked our male P.E. teacher. We all nodded in response. “Well then, I don't have to explain to you every detail of our upcoming event but it is 10 days from now.” he added. I covered my face with my hand when the class started because I got drowsy right away. I feel like I want to sleep again! “Sophia!” “Ouch!” I was surprised when Lianne suddenly hit me. “What did I do for you to kick me?” I complained. “Phia!! Don’t think of sleeping again," I just smiled bitterly. “I won’t. Why would I do that?” I sighed when she turned her back at me. Lianne is really good at reading what is on my mind every time, she knows me well. But when everyone was busy, I took that opportunity to slip away. I quickly ran to the back of our school. Our school’s backyard has tall trees so the breeze feels good. When I got there I sat under the tree and I closed my eyes then went to sleep. A strong gust of wind woke me up. I opened my eyes when I felt an unusual presence. I followed where it came from but when I approached it. I was not surprised to know who it was. This presence belongs to ma'am Eleanor! I was about to leave and return to my sleep when she suddenly called me. “Sophia!” “Yes, Ma-am?” I replied. “You feel strong when it comes to strange things, but I tell you right now you have to be careful of the things you enter because that strange ability of yours will also bring disaster to you." She said mysteriously to me. I was a little terrified by what she said, she left immediately. I just watched Ma’am Eleanor as she walked away. That teacher is really weird! I just shook my head and then went back under the tree where I had slept before. She's so weird! ~~~ I slowly yawned and rubbed my eyes. It was only 7:30 am, I arrived very early today. I looked around and there were only a few students coming in and I was one of them. I sighed deeply and could almost see my own breath due to the cold weather. “SOPHIA!” I turned to the caller and I was sure it was just Lianne. “Good morning Lianne,” I said casually. I was surprised when she suddenly hit me. This woman really has the strength to strike. “It's too early for you to hit me Lianne,” I complained. “Whatever!” she said and went ahead. I just smiled because of Lianne's cuteness. That’s how she greets me good morning. I stopped when I suddenly felt dizzy. So, I massaged my head and took a deep breath. Maybe I'm just tired, that's why, I feel like this. I have not been sleeping well lately. I shook it off and walked quickly to class. I took my seat near the window on the left side of the classroom. I took out my headset and started listening to relaxing songs then stared at the sky outside the window. While watching the sky, I felt a cold breeze coming from the window. Then I noticed that the clouds seemed to be moving faster. I looked around to see if anybody else could see it.
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