708 Words

I arrived in school too early again. “Sophia!!!!!!” I heard Lianne shout.I smiled when I heard Lianne's naughty voice again. She immediately ran towards me. “Good morn-” I couldn’t finish what I was about to say when Lianne suddenly hugged me. Well this is different, what did she eat this morning? “Good morning Sophia!” Lianne greeted me warmly. I raised my brows in surprise but instead of asking and ruining the moment I smiled.. “Good morning Lianne!” After that meeting Lianne and I headed to our classroom at the same time. We reached the classroom together and our first teacher arrived just in time. Our first teacher started teaching, soon my mind started to wander and felt sleepy again. I stopped myself from closing my eyes when I saw Lianne watching me. I sheepishly smile as though

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