Separate Them

1316 Words
[William’s POV] “S-seduce!” The word leaves Abbie’s lips in an almost whisper as anger crosses her baby doll features, making her look more like a vixen over an innocent angel. “You heard me.” I snap, once again feeling that odd emotion I felt when I saw her flustered earlier on. “Get the hell out of here.” Growing quiet, I wait as she stares at me with a look of both disbelief and anger. But in the end she does as told, turning on her heel and storming away. “Aw, man.” Austin sighs, coming up beside me and clapping my shoulder. “Just when things were getting good.” “What the f**k do you think you’re doing?” I demand, turning on him. “Isn’t she completely different from your usual type?” Honestly, of all the damn she-wolves he could play with, he chose her. Was he that damn bored? “It is because she is different that I thought it would be fun.” Austin chuckles. “Aren’t you also bored with picking women who throw themselves at us? I wanted a bit of a challenge.” “That didn’t look like a challenge.” I point out. “It looked like all the others.” “Not quite,” Austin counters in annoyance. “Right before you showed up to disrupt things, she was turning me down.” “Turning down,” I repeat, inhaling deeply so the scent of Abbie’s arousal attacks my senses, causing my wolf to stir and whine. “I highly doubt that’s true.” “But it is,” Austin sighs, slumping against me. “Even after I pushed a bit. She’s going to be a hard shell to crack, but that just makes me more interested.” “Too f*****g bad.” I huff, shaking him off of me. “She’s off limits.” As I speak, I begin to move while Austin follows behind me. “Why?” He whines, falling into step beside me. “This is the first time I’ve ever seen you actually say no to any woman.” Opening my mouth, I prepared to argue, but he was right. She was the first. Since I was young, all the she-wolves were more than willing to squirm their way beside me and Austin. It was almost like a right of passage to them. Could they seduce the alpha twins, could they become our future Luna, or could they possibly be our mate? It was all the same and so f*****g annoying. “They’re different,” I say before I can stop myself. “Oh?” Austin chuckles, stepping in front of me and stopping me. “What was that?” Opening my mouth, I prepare to tell him to f**k off, but stop as arms wrap around my waist and large breasts press against my back. “William!” Rachel cooes as I turn around to meet her excited gaze. “I was looking for you.” For a moment, I don’t speak as I stare down at her, wondering what the hell she even wanted? I was certain that I made it clear that I wasn’t interested in the campus w***e. “Remove your arms.” I growl, grabbing one and plucking it away. “I think I’ve told you before not to touch me.” At my words, her smile falters, but she quickly recovers, giving me a look of endearment. “I know, I know,” she sighs, flirtatiously touching my arm. “You don’t like to be touched or crowded. I get it.” Did she really think that was the reason I continuously told her to stay the f**k away from me? “Yo, Rachel,” Austin says as I prepare to correct her. “How’s it going?” “Austin!” She chirps happily. “I didn’t see you there.” “Of course you didn’t.” He chuckles, grabbing my shoulder once more. “I’m sorry to ruin your opportunity to speak to William, but we really need to get going.” “Going,” Rachel whines, pouting. “Already?” “Sorry,” Austin says, giving me a tug. “But we’ve got a report to finish.” “Oh!” Rachel gasps, pretending to understand despite my knowing that she was pissed. “I’m sorry! I didn’t realize.” Sure, she didn’t. I huff inwardly, rolling my eyes. She knew damn well that we were in the process of working on a huge report that would count for half our grade. It was the whole reason we were even hanging around Andrew recently since he was part of our group. Honestly, our new friendship was going to his head, and his actions were beginning to annoy me. “You heard him,” I say, not wasting the opportunity to get away from my stalker. “We’ve gotta go.” Grabbing Austin, I begin to move, ignoring Rachel as she prepares to say something. It is only when we step outside and the bright sun overhead attacks my eyes that I release him. “Thanks,” I huff, beginning to head in the direction of the packhouse. “Where ya going?” He calls at my back. “What do you mean?” I ask, frowning. “Isn’t it obvious?” “We have to go to Andrew’s.” Austin counters. “I was being serious about having to work on our project, you know?” Frowning, I realize that he’s right. We did make plans to go over there to work on our project, but was it such a good idea after what just happened? “Invite him over to our place.” I say, deciding that keeping Austin away from Abbie was the most important thing. “From here on out, we will work on our project there.” “You know as well as I do that that isn't a good idea.” Austin says quietly. “Not when she’s there.” She… He had to be talking about dad’s new mistress. Of course, no one on the outside knew that their alpha and luna were estranged due to some strange woman coming into the pack. If we were to bring Andrew into the packhouse, then there was a chance he would find out. If word got out, then not only our parents image but even ours would be ruined. Fuck. Why was anything involving women so damn complicated? “Fine,” I sigh, turning and heading in the opposite direction that I was going. “Let’s go, but don’t you dare say a word to Andrew about what you tried to do to his little sister.” I continue, grabbing Austin’s bag and pulling him along behind me. “And don’t you dare attempt to try to find her either; do you hear me?” “I got it, I got it, warden.” He chuckles, giving me a look of innocence. “I’ll be good, alright?” Nodding, I release him, but it doesn’t mean that I actually trust him. However, the sooner we finished this project, the sooner Abbie would be out of his sights. At least, that was the plan. However, when we arrive at Andrew’s place, Abbie is the one to answer the door because the bastard Andrew wasn’t home yet. From how guarded her expression is as she ushers us inside to wait, I know that she is expecting not only me but even Austin to try something. I don’t know why, but I don’t like the slight hint of fear that I see on her face, and I don’t like that I don’t like it. Fuck. What the hell was up with these conflicting feelings, and why did I even give two shits about figuring them out?
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