So Not Honest

1263 Words
[Austin’s POV] I stare up at the kitten, enjoying the way her cheeks flush from her frustration and how her lips twitch adorably into a frown. She’s cute when she’s mad, but I wasn’t satisfied with only getting to see this expression. “Why?” I ask lazily, though I have an idea. “Weren’t you the one that didn’t want anything to do with me?” At my question, Andrew’s gaze snaps to me, and a look of confusion flashes across his face. “Uh,” he says, looking from me to his sister. “What exactly…” “Austin,” William mutters under his breath. “What did I...” “It’s fine,” I say, getting up so that my chest presses against the kitten. “If she wants to speak with me, then I’ll go along with her.” Ignoring the stares that begin to burn into my back, I start to move, not bothering to see if the kitten is following me since I was certain she was. “Your room?” I ask, beginning to head up the stairs but stopping as her hand shoots out and grabs the back of my shirt. “Guess not.” “Outside,” she hisses, clearly hating how easily I was taking all of this. “Please.” “Lead the way.” She doesn’t bother saying anything more as she heads out the front door while I follow, and it is only when we are standing beneath a large oak tree in the front of her yard that she whirls around on me with her gaze narrowed. “What do you think you’re doing?” She demands, her anger exploding. “Why did you purposely make me a target for all of your fan girls?” “I don’t know what you mean.” I say, stepping forward so she is left stumbling backwards until her back presses against the trunk of the tree. “I don’t remember doing anything to make you anything. You’re going to have to be a bit more clear.” As I speak, I reach out, pressing my palm against the solid wood of the tree, trapping the kitten so that she can’t attempt to run away from me. “What is it that I did?” “You,” she says, her cheeks turning even more pink. “You did that in the classroom and...” “That,” I repeat, frowning. “I don’t know what you mean. What was it that I did?” Smirking, I run a finger along her cheek, letting it lazily travel down her jaw to her throat, and then her chest. Stopping, I meet her gaze, waiting for her to tell me to stop touching her, but when she doesn’t, I just want to move even more. “Why don’t you show me what I did so I understand?” I husk, leaning even closer. “If it upsets you so much, I must know what it is, so I don’t do it again, unless... You want me to.” “You... you,” she whimpers, the scent of her desire beginning to erupt around us. Goddess, she really was a sensitive little thing. Even the slightest touch, the easiest of words, turned this kitten on. Maybe that was why I wanted to push her. Or maybe it was because despite her body, her face, and even her scent giving way to how much she wanted me, she continued to fight. “You touched me,” she whispers, biting her lower lip. “There.” A bark of laughter escapes me at her words. It’s both funny and endearing how innocent she was acting after I read the things that she writes secretly. She was such a contradiction, and I was beginning to f*****g love seeing the different sides of her. “Where is there, kitten?” I ask, beginning to move my finger again so it runs over the thin fabric of her shirt. “Was it here?” I ask, stopping between her breasts. “Or,” I continue, moving to her belly. “Maybe here?” “No,” she rasps, swallowing hard as her small hands clench and unclench. “It wasn’t there. You know where...” “Do I?” I ask, c*****g my head to the side and letting my finger trail dangerously low. And when it finally reaches the top of her pants, I attack, shoving my hand between her thighs. “Maybe here.” Eyes widening, she opens her mouth to respond, but never gets the chance as a hand grabs my shoulder and I’m pulled. “Austin!” William’s enraged voice echoes around us, ending my fun with the kitten. “What the f**k do you think you’re doing?” “Just having a bit of fun.” I respond, peeking back at the kitten who remains in place. “Why do you keep having such horrible timing?” “Didn’t I already tell you that this can’t happen?” He snaps, his eyes flashing. “She isn’t good enough for...” “I KNOW THAT!” The kitten screams, taking not only me but also William by surprise. “I know that!” She repeats, stepping up beside us so I can see that there are tears sparkling in her eyes. “Since I was young, my parents made it clear that I wasn’t good enough for anything other than becoming some wolf's wife!” Now that she is speaking, the words are erupting, flowing out of her mouth like a river. “I don’t need you to tell me these things. But I wasn’t the one that approached him and I…” Stopping, she looks from William to me as she works to get her emotions in check once more. “I just want to continue with my peaceful life, but because of him!” She snaps, pointing to me. “I can’t do that! I only brought you out here to tell you to tell your fans to back off.” Finished speaking, she storms toward the house beyond, not once stopping to look back at us, and when she is out of sight, I turn my gaze to William to find him watching where she disappeared with an odd expression. Frowning, I examine my brother’s face, trying to figure out what it is that I see written on his usually expressionless features. “Don’t tell me,” I laugh, drawing his attention toward me. “You’re saying she isn’t good enough was just a front.” At my words, William flinches, and a look of shock crosses his face as he turns toward me. Oh, this was rich. Getting to see him so shocked and out of sorts rarely happened. “Come on,” I push, wrapping an arm around my brother’s shoulders. “You want to have a taste of Andrew’s little sister just as much as I do.” “I don’t.” He says, though his words don’t seem very confident. “I was just...” “Just what?” I ask, beginning to lead him back toward the house. “Just be a bit more honest.” Giving him a squeeze, I release him and stroll inside, where Andrew waits, looking bored, and the kitten is nowhere to be seen. Oh well. I think inwardly, plopping back down in my seat. We’ve got time for him to come to terms with his thoughts, and then the fun will begin.
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