Her Father's Will

1427 Words

[Abbie’s POV] I stare at the door in front of me, waiting, watching to see if the twin princes would actually leave or whether or not they would come back for another round of... Of s*x. We had s*x. We actually had a threesome. My first time ever being with a man, and I wasn’t with one! I was with two! And I actually liked it. I encouraged it. And... I was inspired. When neither man appears, I jump out of bed, ignoring the pain that shoots through my nether regions and not caring that I’m butt ass naked, and plop down in front of my computer, clicking on the mouse to bring the screen to life, and then open my documents so that I can write each and every detail of what just happened. By the time I’m finished, soft rays of sunlight dance across my bedroom floor, making it clear that I was

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