Chapter 4

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Tyler Pov I f*****g hated tuxes. Why I needed to wear this ridiculous thing for that snotty princess’s birthday party was beyond me. Of course, it was in her pack, which was normal, but I hated coming here for her parties. I had nothing against the pack itself, but for some reason, when it was time for her parties she was always throwing the biggest and fanciest things, as if she needed to show off to the whole world how popular and wonderful she was. Okay, she has magic. Okay, her mom’s the freaking witch Queen. But did she really need to have everything so over the top? You’d think after everything that went on last night she’d want to downsize everything, move her party from a thousand to maybe a group of four, and let the rest of us people who didn’t give a s**t about her leave. “Tyler, quit growling,” I ignored him as I continued to walk towards the stupid building, the bright lights blinking different colors so brightly around the whole building like it needed to announce to the planes above where to land. I wouldn’t be surprised if they hired some stupid airshow just to find another way to be extra. I felt a smack on the back of my head as I whipped around with a frown, rubbing the back of my head as my pop Colt glared at me. “I told you to quit growling. It’s a freaking birthday party, lighten up and smile.” He said with a sigh. “Damn I hate tuxes,” he mumbled, pulling at the top button as my dad Emmett started to laugh softly next to him. Dad whispered something in pop’s ear that had pop blushing like crazy and I sighed, shaking my head at the two of them as I walked to my doom. “Hey, bro. I got your back,” I turned to the right with a sigh of relief, bumping my fist into Eliot’s as his parents, Teddy and Cammie, started to talk to my parents. I was starting to believe they forced all of us to gather for these stupid events just so they had an excuse to sit around and talk to each other. Not that they couldn’t before, but I guess they’re usually too busy running the packs to really have a night to themselves. Eliot bumped his shoulder into mine, wagging his eyebrows at me as he opened his suit and showed off a bottle of vodka with a grin on his face. “It’s going to be hilarious watching everyone wobble around wasted,” he snickered. I shook my head at him, grinning. There were always different bowls of punch at parties like these, the tables separated between kids on one side and adults on the other, so we didn’t have to worry about Eliot accidentally getting a child drunk, because anyone over sixteen usually went to the adult side while the little kids stayed on their side. Why the parents brought their kids to these parties just so they could sit to the side watching TV while we all danced and mingled was beyond me. “There are the guys,” I said, motioning my head towards Wesley and Zack as they stood by the doorway talking. They had been prepared, their tuxes already in Zack’s car, but Eliot and I had forgotten ours at home. Freaking annoying driving an hour home just to drive a few hours back here for this ridiculous party. “Hey, guys, ready to party?” I asked as Eliot casually opened his suit jacket, wagging his eyebrows at them. They cheered as my pop came up behind us, casually slipping his hand down Eliot’s side as he reached into his tux and grabbed the bottle, pulling it out easily and giving us a look. “Don’t start your bullshit, guys,” he warned, handing the bottle to my dad. “We know your tricks, Eliot. We’ve all been kids before.” Eliot started to pout as the parents walked past us laughing, before Zack opened his tux and grinned, showing off his own bottle. “I figured you’d get caught, you always get caught. They always know to watch you,” he said with a laugh. Eliot sighed, rolling his eyes. “They need to loosen up a little. It’s not my fault they’re boring, how else are we going to get through this party without motivation?” He wondered. Honestly, I couldn’t agree more with him. I was already dreading going in and I hadn’t even started walking towards the doorway yet. I wanted to grab the bottle from Zack and chug it but there were people all around us walking into the party and we’d definitely get caught. “Hey baby, here you are,” I rolled my eyes as Isobel walked out the door and draped herself over Eliot, instantly smacking her mouth against his while Zack made a gagging sound. “I don’t want to watch my sister lose her virginity, come on guys,” Zack muttered, pulling on Wesley’s arm. I snickered, watching Eliot half walk, half kiss Isobel as he tried to follow us. I draped my arm around Zack’s shoulder and sighed, patting his chest. “I don’t know how to break this to you, but I’m pretty sure she lost that a while ago,” I said, not bothering to add in that it was definitely before she was even with Eliot. Zack sighed, shaking his head at me. “Don’t remind me. In my mind, she’s still that innocent little wild thing with bare feet and bushy curls.” He said with a lingering sigh. “At least you don’t have to worry about your sister. She’s like the most innocent gumdrop. I’m sure if she even tried to look at a guy she’d squeal and run away.” “Pfft, like anyone, even tries to talk to Tessa. Tyler is so scary and intimidating, even now that he’s not in high school with us, no one has the balls to ask her out.” Wesley said. I nodded, pleased with myself. They better leave my sister alone or we’ll have problems. “Eliot, we’re going ahead, good luck!” I called out, waving my hand at him as he ignored us, his mouth attached to Isobel’s. I was kind of jealous, I hadn’t slept with anyone in a while and it would have been nice to bring someone here just to have something else to do besides stare at all of the overabundance. As expected, the moment we walked inside it was an attack of the brightest, sparkliest party ever. I felt like I needed sunglasses, I couldn't stop blinking as I growled in frustration, Zack pulling on my arm to lead me while I rubbed my eyes. “Why is everything so sparkly,” I mumbled as Zack let go of me. I opened my eyes to see they were just going to jump right into spiking the punch. Wesley was standing next to me for cover as Zack went around the table and poured in the whole damn bottle of vodka, putting the cap on it and rolling the bottle under the table. “Might want to break it or put it back in your jacket, they might trace your scent or something on it,” Wesley said as Zack walked back around the table innocently to stand next to us. Zack shrugged, grabbing three cups and handing us all our own, before pouring some spiked punch into his cup. “Then at the next party you can spike it, they won’t expect it from you. They think you’re too young to be corrupted,” he said as Wesley snorted at him. “Look, the next party is mine, and I’m spiking my own damn bowls,” I muttered, already dreading it. I was never one to be tied down, having a girl here or there every once in a while, and the idea of possibly finding my mate disturbed me. I wouldn’t really say I was a w***e or anything like that, there was nothing wrong with two consensual beings having a night together and ending it on a good note. I never had a problem with any of the girls I slept with, no drama, no strings attached, no care. I looked around the bright room now that I could see, my eyes adapting to the sparkles as I put the rim of my cup to my mouth, taking a deep gulp and wincing at the burning liquid rolling down my throat. We’d definitely get found out for this pretty fast, it was way too obvious with how much he poured in, but instead of freaking out, we simply clinked our cups together and took another sip, not caring. Yolo, as they say, right? What were they going to do? Kick me out? Damn, I hope so. I looked around the room, seeing the kids in the corner watching cartoons, a few Omegas walking around with cups of punch and plates of food, and the designated babysitters. I kind of snickered under my breath as I watched them, wondering how funny it would be if the babysitters accidentally got drunk on the punch and had to try to watch the kids at the same time. It’s not like they'd get in trouble for accidentally getting drunk if everyone was accidentally getting drunk. We moved to the side as more people started to get drinks, the three of us whistling and looking around inconspicuously as we tried to blend in, a few of the adults gagging and staring at their cups like they were confused, before shrugging and drinking it anyway. Many couples were dancing, a bunch from my pack and a bunch from this one, tables filled with couples and so much talking that it was clashing with the soft melody that was playing around the room. Of course, it would be some soft classical type music for the princess’s party. I was surprised they didn’t have a damn dance bar in the middle of the room so her highness could strut around and dance and show off how perfect she was. I nearly spilled my cup as arms wrapped around my waist and I cursed under my breath, before sighing, a smile lifting the corners of my lips as I hugged Tessa back. She looked adorable with her dark red hair curled and her bright amber eyes peering up at me, a soft smile on her face as I handed my cup to Zack so I could pinch her cheeks. “Hey gumdrop, you look adorable,” I said, a bright grin on my face as she pouted. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and hugged her tightly, ignoring her squeals of protest as she complained about me messing up her hair. “Tylerrrr, my hair! I told you to stop calling me that, I’m not a baby anymore,” she grumbled as she punched my chest. I shook my head at her, grinning. “You’re always a baby to me, little sis,” I said with a grin. I had always been the ultimate brother's keeper over Tessa. It was a known fact about me and her. It didn’t matter that she wasn’t blood-related to me, she was my sister and always will be. She rolled her eyes, pulling away from me as she fixed her dress and tried to fix her hair, her cheeks red from where I pinched them. She grabbed a cup and a ladle as I grabbed her wrist gently, my boys already knowing as Wesley walked off to the kids' section to get a cup of punch for her, while Zack pulled the ladle out of her hand. “What? I’m just getting some punch, Tyler.” She whined as I spun her around and made her giggle. Wesley put a cup of unspiked punch in my hand as Tessa fixed her dress, a smile on her unsuspecting face as I handed her the cup. “Your right, gumdrop, here’s your punch. I’ll quit messing with you,” I said with a grin, slipping a strand of her hair behind her ear. She pulled on my tie as I lowered my head for her to kiss my cheek, before walking off towards our parents. I sighed, looking around the room once more, realizing I didn’t see her anywhere. I could see Eliot getting dragged around by Isobel as she pointed at the decorations and tried not to laugh over the bored look on his face. Wesley and Zack were close enough that if I needed them I could call out to them, but Wesley was playing a game on his phone while Zack flirted with some girls. I could see Tessa twirling for my dad as he clapped at her. Hell I could even see Jules and Evelyn sitting off to the side with books in their laps and their chairs leaned back against the wall while they ignored everyone and read. But no matter where I looked, I didn’t see Josie anywhere. I sighed, annoyed with myself, because why the hell was I even looking for her, to begin with? Eliot said earlier I was in love with her and it was messing with me, because there was no way in Hell I’d ever be in love with that uppity princess. Just the thought of trying to love someone who would stand there and scold me for not having my clothes wrinkle-free and the best grades disturbed me. “I’m going to go to the bathroom, watch Tessa,” I muttered, patting Zack on the shoulder as he nodded his head at me. I sighed, already pulling at my tie as I walked through the doors to the staircase. I sighed, looking up the stairs towards the few small conference rooms up there, knowing there wasn’t a bathroom up there, but honestly, it was a lie. I just wanted some space away from the glitter, away from the loudness, away from the thoughts. It’s funny, how I walk up the stairs and all I can hear is sniffling, all I can see is her, the main problem that’s been wrapped around me since the beginning of the day. Josie looked beautiful in her ocean blue dress, her long black hair curled and hanging around her shoulders, a hair tie on her wrist telling me she had it up at some point before taking it down. Her high heels were pulled off of her feet and thrown to the other end of the hallway, and all I could do was stare at her. Where was the pristine Josie? Where was the meticulous Josie? Where was the Josie that I grew up knowing to always be perfect, to never cry, and never show fear or sadness? Who was this girl crying in the middle of the hallway, her knees pulled to her chest and her arms wrapped around her knees, her shoes thrown to the side, and her hair messily cascading around her shoulders? I felt a throbbing in my chest as I stared at her, trying to figure out what to do. I’ve always hated her, and I knew she felt the same. What would I even do, hug her? Pat her shoulder? I felt confused, unsure of what to do or how to proceed, so I simply walked back down the stairs, sitting down on the middle step, staring down at my hands. I didn’t know how to comfort her, but I could at least sit here and make sure she wasn’t alone, make sure she was okay, and make sure no one bothered her until she was finished. That was the least I could do, right? It was all I could do for her, but for my chest? The painful banging inside me, I wasn’t sure what to do with that at all, and as I sat there clutching my chest I frowned, trying to figure out what was going on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because of reasons I can't explain on here, I'm giving a warning of removal. I will be continuing to update this book daily right here until Friday. Friday, this book will be taken down. I'll be leaving the first five chapters on here so the book itself won't be getting deleted. There is a very big, very important reason for this. If you haven't already followed me on my Fac.ebo.ok group, then I hope you take a minute to do so. The newest pinned post will explain everything you need to know about this book, why I'm taking it down, and what I'm doing after that. I'm putting this message on the end of all of these chapters to warn everyone, since I don't know where they are at reading the book. I really hope you take a minute to follow my group and allow me to explain what's going on. The group can be located by simply typing into the search bar in Fa.cebo.ok: Mallory Grant-DImages Writer Or here is the URL if you would rather type it in. https://w**************m/groups/1138416983613450/?ref=share
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