Chapter 21

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Updated  Casey’s P.O.V   After Devon’s announcement I waited for everyone to turn their attention to me, although I was the head of the warriors, I was still new and still had a lot to prove, but I was getting there and they were starting to respect me even more. Suzy, Carlin, Stephanie and a few other women started to listen, while Java, Mocha and a few other guys made their way over to us and joined the group.   “Alright ladies and gentlemen, todays the day that you have all been waiting for. I want all of you to run fifty laps around the training ground, you know the drill, so line up and let's do this.” I announced and one by one they all started running, with Devon and I at the front, leading them. It took a while but everyone made it back and was finally done with the laps, all except Stephanie. She was at the back of the line and when she did show up she was limping. She walked over to me and I could see that she was slowly healing with every step she took becoming easier to take.   “What happened?” I asked, but she shook her head and leaned in closer to me.   “Suzy tripped me.” Stephanie replied, whispering so that no one else would hear her. I nodded and let her go so she could join the rest of the group. She was fully healed now so she jogged back and joined the others, standing in line.   “Devon, Stephanie just told me that Suzy tripped her, what do we do?” I asked, mind-linking him. His head spun to face me, but then he quickly looked back at the group.   “We will watch what they do next, if it's true then she will fail. I won’t have cheating among pack members, especially when it comes to training.” Devon said, mind-linking me back and I immediately agreed.   “Alright, let's do this.” I said and ended the link between us. I looked back at the group to Stephanie standing as far away from Suzy as possible, which made me curious as to what the problem is between them.   “Alright guys and girls, the next step is sparring. I want Stephanie and Suzy upfront now. I want you two to spar because whatever you have against each other today ends today. I want you to settle it right now because if you become warriors you will be working together, not against each other. Now spar and get whatever it is over with.” I announced, but Suzy looked really confused when I said that they had a problem.   “Casey, I don’t have a problem with Stephanie. I have nothing against her.” Suzy said and she looked like she was being honest, but I couldn’t forget what Stephanie had told me.    “She said you tripped her, if that's not true then fine, but if you don’t spar then you will fail.” I replied, shaking my head.   “Fine, come on Stephanie, since you think I don’t like you then let's do this. By the time we are done you will be pleading with me to stop.” Suzy said and I couldn’t help notice the look of shock on Stephanie’s face. Which one was telling the truth about this? They both stepped forward and got into their fighting stances, facing each other and waited for Devon to tell them to begin.   “One….two….three...begin.” Devon announced and they began to spar.   Suzy’s P.O.V   I can’t believe she would lie like that, I would never trip her, hell I didn’t care enough to trip her, so what was her problem. I was going to get to the bottom of this, but first I wanted to teach her a lesson about lying. I did a round kick, kicking her in the face and then punched her in the stomach. I picked her up, tossing her back on the ground. Stephanie got up growling at me, then did a sweeping kick, trying to trip me, but I jumped over her leg and quickly grabbed it, swinging her around and throwing her into a nearby tree. Stephanie hit the tree with a loud thud, but I was nowhere near finished with the lying b***h. I walked over to her and stepped on her hand, stopping her from getting back up.   “Do you submit? Do you admit that you lied?” I asked, stepping harder on her hand and causing Stephanie to scream out in pain from her broken fingers.   “YES!! YES! I SUBMIT!! I LIED!! I LIED!! I TRIPPED OVER A STUMP!!! I DIDN'T LIKE THE FACT YOU WERE HITTING ON DEVON BECAUSE I LIKE HIM!!!” Stephanie screamed out for everyone to hear. I stepped off her hand and helped her to her feet, shaking my head at her childishness.   “I was flirting because I like to flirt. He’s single, I’m single and as far as we all know Devon isn't yours, Stephanie. I’ll flirt with whomever I want to as long as they are single. Now either we both work together or we both fail and there is no way in hell that I am failing after working so hard to get here.” I replied and she nodded.   “Fine, we can work together because I am not failing because of you.” Stephanie said, making me roll my eyes. Everyone clapped from the fight and talk we had, as we walked back over to the others.   Casey’s P.O.V   Seriously? This is what it was all about because Stephanie was jealous someone else was flirting with Devon. That's pathetic and a complete waste of time. Suzy is right, she and Devon are both single and are free to flirt as much as they want, even though I know Devon doesn’t like her like that, but it's still his choice who he flirts with. Stephanie and Suzy rejoined the group and all Devon did was roll his eyes and shake his head at them, annoyed with the reason.   “Alright, you two ladies had better work through more of this s**t or you will fail and won’t be allowed to try out next month. So either you make up right now and put this petty s**t behind you or you can go home. I won’t be a babysitter to any of you, so it's your choice.” I said, looking at both of them. I meant every single word of what I said and when I looked at Devon he was standing firm beside me, nodding in agreement.   “Fine.” Both Stephanie and Suzy said together, reluctantly shaking hands.   “Good, now questions for today. What do you do when you are told to find a rogue and bring them back to be questioned?” I asked and Stephanie immediately raised her hand.   “We hunt them down and hurt them just enough to knock them out, then we bring them back and put them in the cells until you are ready to talk to them. If they are too big or heavy for one of us to bring back, then we mind-link for help while keeping the rogue unconscious.” Stephanie replied and I nodded. I still didn’t trust her for obvious reasons and it made me question if she really wanted to be a warrior or if she had just joined the training to get closer to Devon, but she had answered correctly, so I had to be fair. I would still keep an eye on her though, to make sure she was serious about being a warrior.   “Good, come to the front please and make sure you don’t ever lie to me again. Is that clear?” I asked and she quickly nodded. She hung her head low as she walked to the front and I could feel how ashamed she was of herself and her actions.   “Yes, it's clear. I’m sorry for lying, it won’t happen again. I don’t want to fail. I want to be a warrior.” Stephanie replied and I gave her a quick nod as she stood to the right next to me.
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