Chapter 22

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updated Casey’s P.O.V I knew I had to ask these questions and before I could graduate I had to answer them. Those were the rules of the pack and if you couldn’t go by the rules, then why be in a pack in the first place. You might as well be a rogue if you couldn’t live by the rules. Every graduation has questions that are different and determined by the head of the warriors, this time that was me, so I thought hard about my next question. “What do you do when an unmated pack member decides they want to try and mate with a mated she-wolf or male. The mated and unmated do the deed, but what will happen when the Alpha and Luna find out?” I asked and straight away Zea raised his hand. “The punishment is death to both the mated and unmated pack members that did the deed because there is a lot of pain towards the innocent mated wolf and it is almost certain to cause that person's death.” Zea replied and I nodded. “That's right, Zea. The innocent one of the mated couple is almost certain to die and that is why there is a rule against it. Please come up front.” I said and he nodded, stepping forward and standing next to Stephanie. “Okay, what happens when you find your mate and they are in another pack, but we are at war with that pack and your new found mate decides to keep fighting against us?” I asked and this time three people raised their hands. “You reject them on the spot and you fight against them. You protect your pack at all costs. If they change and are willing to fight with you, to join your pack and are sincere in their intentions, then you accept them, but you must confirm it with the Alpha first.” Suzy, Java and Mocha replied together, but Suzy was looking slightly sad and I nodded. “Yes, that's right, please step forward.” I said and she sighed and held her head up high as she stepped forward and stood next to Zea. Everyone in the pack knew what had happened to Suzy a few years ago, but I had to see if she still felt the same way and would still follow the rules of the pack if or when she met her second chance mate. She found her first mate, but it was during the last war and he wanted to defend his pack. He was following Kevin and would die for him and his beliefs, there was no changing his mind, so she rejected him and then killed him on the battlefield. She earned the respect of everyone in the pack that day and every day since then. “Okay guys, you all did an awesome job. The rest of you that are still standing in front of me are now going to become fighters. The ones standing beside me are going to become warriors. Congratulations, you have now graduated. Now all of you go and rest up for tomorrow because it's going to be a rough day for all of you. After training you will be going on your first shift, so rest up good. I will see you all at six tomorrow morning.” I announced and everyone cheered, pleased with themselves at graduating. They all thanked Devon and I, then left to do as I had said. “Casey, can I talk to you?” Devon asked and I nodded. Devon stood next to me as we watched everyone leaving and heading back home. When we were finally alone Devon cleared his throat and I could tell that he was nervous, but I had no idea what about. “Listen, I know that you have a mate and I am happy for you, but I also can’t help feeling something for you. We’ve grown close over the past few months and….I’ve imprinted on you. I’m not saying that I’m in love with you, I’m trying to say that I want to see you happy. I have cared for you for the longest time, but I know I need to step back and let you lead this class. If you ever need my help you know where to find me.” Devon said and to say I was surprised was an understatement. I had no idea that he felt this way about me, but then I started remembering all the side looks he would give me and how he looked away when I saw him. I remember the way his hand lightly brushed against mine, as he walked past me. It was all coming back to me now and in all honesty it was giving me a headache. “Wait, Devon, please, I didn’t know. I’m so sorry. If I had known I would have never agreed to be captain. I never meant to lead you on like that, we all know the rules and if things were different then I would have imprinted on you too, but things are the way they are and I have a mate….I’m sorry, but I can’t.” I replied, shaking my head and with that I ran off, unable to say anything more to him. “There is no need to be sorry, Casey, you never led me on, it just happened. When a wolf hasn’t found their second chance mate they imprint, it just happens and there is nothing for you to be sorry about. I’ll see you tomorrow at training.” Devon said, mind-linking me. I sighed as I felt my headache becoming worse, but if he was okay to work with me then I didn’t see a problem with it. I had made my feelings clear and he knew that nothing would ever happen between us, but I still wanted to make sure he understood. “Fine, I’ll see you tomorrow at training, but that's all it is. We are just training partners, that's it. No hitting on each other, no nothing other than friendship. Understand?” I said, mind-linking him back and laying down the terms of me coming back. “I understand and I promise nothing will happen.” Devon replied and I ended the link. I ran all the way back to the pack house and straight up to my room, closing the door behind me and collapsing on my bed. “What the hell is going on? I’m not even attractive and yet I have a mate, then another mate out there and now Devon has imprinted on me, so what gives?” I said to myself, shaking my head, frustrated with the whole situation. I slowly got up off the bed and took off my sweaty clothes, throwing them in the hamper and going into the bathroom. I got in the shower and washed off all the sweat and dirt, but also his scent from where he had been standing right next to me. I didn’t want to smell like any male except for my mate, Kirk. When I was done I got out, dried off and went back into the bedroom, putting on my night shorts and shirt. There was only one person's voice I wanted and needed to hear right now and it was that of my mate. “Hi love, I hope things are going good out there. I just wanted to tell you that I miss you. You might see us out there tomorrow, the class graduated.” I said, mind-linking Kirk. I didn’t want to tell him about Devon because it would only stress him out and piss him off, besides I had already dealt with it. “Hi sweetheart, it will be great to see you. I hope I won’t be too far away when you come into the woods. I found a few rogues, but nothing serious. I have to go now, but know that I miss you too, goodnight love, I love you.” Kirk replied, mind-linking me back. I ended the link and lay back in my bed, thinking of the week I had just had. It had been a hard week of training, the sparring, bruises and everything was coming out right, but I still missed my mate. I laid in bed, closing my eyes just for a second when suddenly I opened them back up. What the hell did he say? Did he just say he loved me?
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