Chapter Sixteen

2257 Words

Luckily, we only had to ascend two flights of stairs before reaching the top. Halfway up the second one, I was secretly grateful my mates insisted on not letting me walk on my own until now. At the top of the second flight, Sammy took us through a door that was out of place amongst the rest of the building. While the entire structure we were inside looked broken, run-down, and moldy, this door was new and nice. I don’t know what I was expecting when we stepped inside, but it was very plain. The hall was bare, the walls a blue-grey color; it felt cold and clinical. I gripped my mates harder, feeling uneasy. We passed plain doors along the hall, all of them identical and non with identifying information. A chill crept down my spine. When we neared the end of the hall, one of the doors

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