Chapter Thirteen

2719 Words

REMI Sammy left the packhouse before I could check on her. She stayed gone for the following two days, and Gentry was a mess. His parents came to get Grayson after I called them. Calder, Cullen, and I barely spoke over the next couple of days as well. I was frustrated with them for so quickly turning their backs on their best friend and his mate. Just because she wasn’t a werewolf didn’t mean she wasn’t a part of the pack. I spent most of my time in my office, trying to find anything I could on witches. Carson even helped. I spent a few hours at the pack daycare, playing with the cutest members of the pack as well. It was getting easier to be around the four age group as I spent more time with them. The three age group had the most questions about my pregnancy, all very curious about

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