#43 The Hunters

2352 Words

Ivan's POV I prayed for Mia's safety to the moon goddess as I rolled my sleeves to face the hunters. I took a deep breath. Then I gave the hunters a death glare before letting out a bone-chilling sly smirk. It was a warning for them to run while they were still alive. It seemed like the hunter organization was growing, and that too real fast. They have come prepared to intimidate me. I mean, fifteen hunters against one alpha? Well, they still don't look very confident. I couldn't help but smirk at their foolishness. If they still doubted their victory despite the number difference, then why even try and bear casualties? One of them finally stood out against me when he stepped out. At least, some fight I was going to enjoy! "You have got some balls, hunter!" I chuckled, rolling my e

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