Chapter 4 Subway Romance

1375 Words
The entrance was crowded with people. Trains passed by in the tunnel, and the whistle sounded rather sharp. The lights on the train were reflected in the platform. The colors of orange, dark blue, and red flashed, which was extremely beautiful. I put the wallet in the inner pocket of my jacket, slung the backpack over my shoulder, and stood among the crowds waiting for the train. Next to me were a few foreigners who came here to travel. One of them was a pretty woman reading an aviation magazine. Her skin was lily-white and her eyes were deep and bright. Her hair was in a loose bun. She was wearing a uniform in silk, which made her look aloof and beautiful. The beautiful lady dressed exquisitely. I guessed she was from a country where women always dressed elegantly. If such a beautiful lady could travel around the world with me, the scenery of the journey would definitely be more pleasant to the eye. As soon as the train arrived at the station, I simply ignored where the train was going and got on the train while following the beauty. It was a bit crowded inside, giving me a reason to follow her closely, which even allowed me to press my chest on her back. The train was crowded with people. I stood behind the beautiful woman and smelled the fragrance of her body. Suddenly, I felt relaxed and delighted. I simply forgot all the unpleasant things that happened last night. The people who got into the train later squeezed in, and I was forced to lean my body closer to the beauty. I was already feeling the softness and warmth of her back and waist. The beauty realized that I was too close, glanced sideways at me, and noticed that I was wearing branded clothes and a Rolex on my wrist. She remained silent. She might also regard me as a rich kid and she even leaned her head back slightly. I was tempted. I truly wanted to wrap my hands around her waist. I was wearing a tight black T-shirt while my jacket was open. I could feel the beautiful lady's white silk shirt against my chest, conveying a feeling of warmth and chemistry. At this time, I found that the beauty's ears were pink because I was breathing heavily behind her, which blew her hair and probably made her feel tense. In fact, in my opinion, she didn't need to feel tense. It was simply a romantic feeling among young people. The subway passed several stops, and several groups of people came up. The train became more crowded, so I got closer to her. She and I swayed with the crowd together as if our bodies were reluctant to leave each other. At another stop, the train slowed down. She leaned back. Her feet slipped, and she let out a soft cry. I immediately wrapped my hands around her waist and supported her. The beauty turned her face to the side and whispered to me, "Thank you!" Seeing that she was being so polite, I wanted to let go, but I felt reluctant. Hence I continued to hug her gently, like protecting my girlfriend. Her pretty face was blushing, and she began to pant a little. She didn't struggle, nor did she resist. I felt like she was enjoying herself. The train continued to move at a consistent speed. She suddenly turned her head while I was looking at her sideways. Her lips touched mine lightly but then left instantly. Her face turned redder and my heart beat faster. My heart was pounding, and she might have felt it clearly from her back. I lowered my head and smelt her hair gently. She leaned against me softly. At this moment, I felt so happy. Now I already got rich and was about to have a romance. It was a pity that the subway train soon reached the terminal. As the crowd in the train gradually dispersed, I had no choice but to loosen her waist and watch her bow her head slightly and get out of the train shyly. After she got out of the train, she looked back at me with a charming smile on her face. I was enchanted by her smile. It took me a while to realize that I should chase her. She was swiftly walking through the passages. Her slender waist swayed, and her hair swung like waves. She moved with natural elegance. I couldn't help but quicken my pace to chase her. ... But, at a corner, she started running suddenly and instantly disappeared from my sight. I tried to catch up with her but only saw the people coming and going, but I couldn't find her again. I arrived at Huangmere International Airport, used my ID card to collect the ticket, and then went through the security check with my backpack and boarded the plane. As soon as I entered the cabin door, a beautiful flight attendant standing at the door smiled at me, "Welcome to this flight, where is your seat?" The beautiful flight attendant had a classically beautiful face. She looked delicate and elegant. Her long straight hair looked black and bright. With a blue flight attendant uniform on her slender body, she looked tall and sexy. Her long and curly eyelashes on her eyelids fluttered slightly as I gazed at her. Her fair arms were gently resting on her flat belly, and her voice was soft. I knew that she was leading the way for the passengers. When I saw her looking at me, I took out my flight ticket and handed it over, saying, "Ma'am, please help me see where my seat is." She took my ticket, took a quick glance, and said politely, "Please come with me." I followed her to a cabin that was the closest one to the cockpit. The entire cabin was full of well-equipped and luxury seats with decently dressed people. There was no doubt that I bought the ticket for first class, which was the most expensive one. The beautiful flight attendant took me to my seat, and I sat down. She said softly, "Please take a seat. Can I help you with your luggage?" My luggage was a backpack. Should this be put in the overhead compartment? "No, thanks." I indicated that I still needed to use this bag. The flight attendant nodded. "If you need anything, please tell me. You just need to press this button." She said and pointed to a green button next to my chair. Originally, I wanted to chat with this beautiful flight attendant for a while, but unfortunately, she was called by an old man behind me. The moment she left, I looked back. She happened to turn around, so we looked at each other in the eye. I raised my eyebrows. She quickly looked away, leaving me with her beautiful back. I buckled my seatbelt and reclined on the big plush chair. Looking at the aisle, there were three or four flight attendants moving around, serving the passengers. I found that every flight attendant was dressed in dark blue. They were elegant, gentle, and quiet, constantly wearing a smile. Their white stockings gleamed, and their black high heels set off their beautiful feet. Every female flight attendant was highly selected by the aviation company. Their nice hips bewitched people. After a while, the flight attendant said in a sweet voice over the radio, "Dear passengers, welcome to take this flight. I wish you a pleasant journey." She paused, and then said, "The plane is ready to take off. Please don't leave your seat. Please fasten your seat belt." The plane taxied for a while along the runway and then took off. It was my first time taking a plane, so I felt an uncomfortable feeling of weightlessness the moment we took off. However, the flight soon entered a stable flight state. I unfastened my seat belt, stretched myself, and was about to adjust my seat and sleep comfortably. However, I saw a familiar beautiful face when I turned sideways. Damn! The beauty who was flirting with me on the subway just now was also a flight attendant.
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