Chapter Three

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**Tillie POV** Today is the day. I have worked for this for six long years and it has all come down to this final step. I aced all my classes. I passed my NCLEX-RN. I did my time working as a registered nurse in the maternity and NICU wards. Today, I will receive my Master’s degree in nursing and officially be able to work as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. “Do you want to have a party to celebrate this huge accomplishment?” my dad asks as we drink coffee on my small balcony overlooking the parking lot of my apartment complex. “Um, no thank you. I’m fine if we never have another party ever again,” I say through a half laugh. I will never forget my high school graduation party for as long as I can remember. The day my heart shattered as Jake Armstrong walked out my front door, never to be seen or heard from again. At least not by me. “Honey, you kind of brought that one on yourself. You should have told him before I announced it,” he says gently. We’ve had this conversation so many times in the past six years. “I know, Dad. It wasn’t fair to him, but the way he acted wasn’t exactly fair either,” I counter, trying to take less responsibility for the state of Jake’s and my nonexistent relationship. “He was hurt. He felt betrayed. It wasn’t fair, but he did lash out in anger. Both of you were unfair to each other. That’s why Rob and I kept you guys apart before you left,” he says matter-of-factly. I nod in response until his words click in my head. “I’m sorry. I don’t think I heard you right. There’s no way. What did you just say?” I ask my dad in complete disbelief. “Rob and I kept you two apart those last couple days before you moved here,” he repeats, as if that isn’t the most cruel and blatant boundary-crossing decision they could have made. “And what makes you think either of you had the right to do that? We were eighteen and nineteen years old. Our relationship… Our future was for us to decide. Not you two,” I say, raising my voice a little bit as I stand up. “You needed to follow your dreams, Tillie. You didn’t need to be weighed down in Brookhaven, never knowing how far you could go. You’re better than Brookhaven. You deserve more. Jake would have kept you there and I didn’t want that,” he reasons, as if that makes finding this out six years later any better. “Who… Who even are you? I cried myself to sleep for months. You knew how broken I was, and you just let it happen. My dad would never do that to me,” I spit out bitterly as the tears fill my eyes. “Tillie. Sunshine. Don’t be like that. I did it for your own good, so you could have the future you deserve,” he says quietly, approaching me with his arms open. “I DESERVED JAKE! I deserved to be with the man I loved. You took that away from me,” I scream at him, tears flowing freely now as I shove his arms away from me. “Tillie Anne, I’m still your father. Watch how you speak to me,” he growls out in a low tone. “No, I won’t. Jake and I could have fixed everything and you stopped it. How could you?” I yell at him, my heart breaking all over again. “Jake had already ended it. You couldn’t fix it,” he says coldly as he stands with his arms crossed. “I could have apologized. I could have done so many things differently, but you took that from me,” I say, staring at this man I’ve known my whole life as if I had never met him. He scoffs, walking back to the balcony and sitting down with his coffee. I follow him slowly, calming myself before I speak. “You can stay to watch me get my degree, but after that I want you to leave. Leave and don’t come back. Don’t call me, write me, or text me. I just… I can’t believe you’re the same man who raised me,” I say before sliding the back door closed and walking to the bathroom to get ready. I rush to the bathroom, lock the door behind me, and slide down the wall as a fresh wave of tears breaks through. Sobs rip through my body as I grieve the man I love once more. My thoughts drift back to that night. I had gone to Jake’s house the day after my graduation party, but Rob met me at the door and told me Jake didn’t want to see me. Was that even true? Did… Did Jake know? I close my eyes, my thoughts bring forth Jake’s face in my mind. His honey-brown eyes and dark brown taper-cut hair were the most beautiful things I had ever seen, even in Newhurst. The way he so effortlessly had muscles without exercising or working out. The way he always dressed so casually and still managed to look put together. He was everything to me. He was perfect. He probably still is. I have frequently wondered what he’s doing or how he is these last six years but he has zero social media presence. My dad and Maggie have banned me from ever asking about him. Maggie had gone as far to tell me that she had seen how broken he was and I had no right asking her or anyone about how he was or what he was doing. I had hurt her too when I left, but she forgave me easily. Did my best friend know what our dads had done? I quickly pull my phone out and dial Maggie’s number, holding the phone to my ear as I listen to it ring. “Come on, Maggie. Answer the damn phone,” I mumble to myself. “Helloooo,” Maggie answers in a sing-song voice. “Did you know,” I ask, avoiding all pleasantries. “Did I know what, Till? That’s a pretty vague question,” she says laughing. “I’m so serious right now. Did you know my dad and Rob conspired to keep Jake and I from fixing things back then,” I say through gritted teeth. “What?! Who told you that?! They never said anything like that to me,” she shouts into the phone. “My dad, Mags. He just told me. Him and Rob kept us from each other,” I say, breaking down again. “Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry. I had no idea. I don’t think Jake knew either. I’m almost to your apartment,” she says gently. “My apartment? Why…” I ask confused by her arrival. “You didn’t think I’d miss my best friend getting her Master’s degree and finally becoming a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, did you? Honestly Till, do you even know me,” she says in a teasing tone. “I love you so much. You’re the best friend ever,” I whimper through my tears. “Yeah, I know. I’ll be up in a few. You haven’t changed the locks on me, have you?” she asks jokingly. “Of course not. Your key still works. I have to get my dad’s key from him. He’s on the balcony right now,” I say bitterly. “I’ll deal with your dad. Get ready to walk across that stage NP Pierce,” she says, making me smile even though my heart is broken. “I’ll see you in a little bit, thanks Mags,” I say softly. “Always,” she replies sweetly before ending the call. Moments later I hear muffled shouting in the living room and crack the bathroom door to hear what is happening. “Pack your bags and give me the key to her apartment. Now,” Maggie says with venom in her voice. “Who do you think you’re talking to,” my dad snaps back. “Half of the reason two of my best friends have had broken souls for 6 years. She doesn’t want you here anymore. Give me the key. I don’t care if you watch her walk the stage, but you’re no longer welcome in this apartment,” she says, getting increasingly more hostile as she speaks. “I think she can speak for herself, Maggie. You need to stay out of family matters,” he says coldly and she laughs. “I’m the closest thing to real family she has. She called me hysterical from that bathroom so, no, she cannot speak for herself. Give me the key and get out now,” she shouts at him. I hear the sound of metal bouncing on my kitchen counter before the front door slams shut, locking immediately behind whoever walked out. “He’s gone, honey. You can come out now,” she says tenderly outside the bathroom door. I open the door, her face falling as she sees my own. “I’m sorry they did that to you. Let’s get you all done up so you can go out there and be an NP for those sweet babies,” she says. “I need to call Jake, Mags. I need to talk to him. He needs to know,” I ramble, but she grabs my hands, shushing me gently. “Babydoll, Jake has moved on. Calling him is only going to break your heart more. Let’s focus on you and your future, okay,” she says as gently as she can with words that cut me to my core. He’s gone. It’s over. There’s no fixing it or going back. My chest feels like it has cracked open once more, the six-year wound still raw as ever. “Right,” I say, composing myself before walking to the kitchen for my ice roller. I grab the lavender and cucumber-infused gadget, sit on the couch, and massage my face. “Are you okay, Tillie,” Maggie asks, sitting beside me on the couch. “Yeah, I’m fine,” I lie with a small smile. “Are you sure?” she pushes. “Mags. Please stop. I’m fine. I just needed to get rid of the puffiness before I put my face on,” I say, standing to put the ice roller back in the freezer before walking to my small vanity. Maggie sits behind me, staring at me with concern etched on her face, but I ignore her as I apply my makeup. As I finish up, I look around the room. “That night, Jake accused me of not telling him about the school because he wasn’t going to make enough money for me. If he could see this little s**t hole, he’d laugh at me,” I say with defeat in my tone. “We both know Jake didn’t mean that, and he wouldn’t make fun of you, but please, let’s stop talking about him and focus on you. I want my best friend to be happy,” she begs and I sigh before I turn to look at her. “My chance at happiness was taken by my dad six years ago. The most I can hope for is contentment,” I say honestly. “That’s not true. You’ll be happy again, Till,” her words full of hope and encouragement do nothing to ease the ache in my chest, but I smile at her nonetheless. “Let’s go get my Master’s,” I say, standing from my seat and leaving the bedroom. Maggie follows behind and we part ways once we reach Angelwood. I take my seat in the bleachers and listen to all of the announcements. I find Maggie in the seats and notice my dad is nowhere to be found. Not only did he aid in breaking my heart, he couldn’t even be bothered to come support me. Who was this man I had idolized my whole life? The dean calls my name, listing my degree and accomplishments. As I walk across the stage, I feel a sense of determination take over me. I wasn’t going to let my dad ruin this for me. I worked so hard to reach this moment and I was going to find my happiness in my work. “Congratulations sweetie,” Maggie squeals, squeezing me with the brightest smile. I return her smile as we jump up and down in excitement. Maggie suddenly stops jumping and clears her throat as she tucks a section of hair behind her ear. “What’s wrong,” I say before I hear a man clearing his throat behind me, my body going stiff immediately. “Miss Pierce,” the voice says and I turn to find a handsome man standing before me. “Yes? What can I do for you,” I ask politely. “My name is Elijah Collins. I’m the hospital administrator at Angelwood Hospital. Do you have a few minutes to speak with me?” he asks, handing me a business card. “Um, y-yes. I think there’s a conference room right over here,” I say, gesturing to the doors of the auditorium. I wave at Maggie to follow as we make our way through the crowd blocking the exit. “What did you want to speak to me about, sir?” I ask politely as we sit down in the conference room. “Well, Miss Pierce, I am in need of a nurse practitioner in my NICU unit. I was here hoping to find a graduate that I thought would fit the position,” he says, my heart leaping into my throat immediately. “Oh, my goodness. Is this a job offer?” I ask with my emotions a mix of excitement and disbelief. “If you’d like it to be,” Elijah says with a smile so beautiful I can’t help but to return it. “I would love to work for Angelwood Hospital. What are the next steps,” I say a little too eagerly, making him laugh. I’m surprised to find that I like the sound. Guilt fills my stomach at the realization until I remember Maggie’s words. Jake has moved on, why can’t I do the same? “I brought the paperwork with me, if you don’t mind looking it over and signing so I can get it filed first thing Monday morning,” he says, a small smirk playing on his lips. My phone buzzes in my pocket, but I ignore it to keep my focus on Elijah. We go over my starting salary, hours, job duties, benefits, and start date. I sign on the dotted line and officially accept the job. Elijah stands from the table, extending his hand. I follow his lead and shake his hand. “I look forward to working with you, Tillie,” he says before walking out of the conference room. I sit down, letting my heart rate calm down as I pull out my phone to see a text from Maggie. “He totally has a thing for you, girl,” she says, throwing herself down in the chair across from me. “Girl, bye. He was offering me a job. I start in two weeks,” I say excitedly and she squeals. “It might have been a job offer, but I know the looks you both were giving each other. I fully expect a text or call telling me all about the first date,” she says confidently, making me laugh out loud. “How long do I have you here?” I ask, changing the subject as quickly as possible. “I’m only here until tomorrow afternoon. I couldn’t get any time off,” she says with a pout. “Chinese food and chick flicks at my place?” I ask, her face lighting up in response. “We haven’t had a night like that in ages. Let’s go,” she says, nearly running out of the conference room. We link arms and walk out of the room, heading for the exit doors. I see Elijah with his arm around a woman as they congratulate a young girl who just graduated. His face pales when he sees me and I shake my head in disgust. “Unbelievable,” Maggie says as we walk out of the building quickly. “Tillie,” I hear his voice behind me, causing me to stop and look at him with a cold stare. “It’s not what it looks like,” he says. “Mr. Collins, I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re my boss. You don’t owe me an explanation,” I say sweetly before turning on my heels. “Good night, Mr. Collins,” I say with a wave as we walk away, his face looking dejected as he watches me leave. “I think I’m just going to stay single and focus on my career. My track record is not giving me good vibes,” I say laughing. “One day happiness will find you, Tillie. I know it,” she says and I roll my eyes at her. We stop at the Chinese restaurant on the way back to my apartment. We order orange chicken, crab rangoons, egg rolls, fried rice, and fortune cookies to share before stopping at the liquor store to grab a six-pack of Jack Daniel’s Southern Peach Country Cocktails. “What movie are we thinking tonight,” I ask as I look at my limited selection of DVDs. “How about The Notebook? It’s one of my favorites,” she says and I happily grab it, putting it in the DVD player before getting comfy on the couch. It takes us no time at all to eat all of the food and drink three wine coolers each while watching the movie. My breath catches in my throat when the two characters reconnect after several years. “I want that to be Jake and me one day, Maggie,” I say without looking away from the TV. “If it’s meant to be, it will be. Stop obsessing,” she says with a hint of annoyance in her voice. We finish the movie and go to my bedroom, crashing on my bed just like we used to when we were kids. My eyes close as soon as I hit the pillow, only opening when the morning sunlight pours through the windows. I grab my phone off the nightstand to check the time. Ten thirty in the morning. “Mags, what time do you need to leave?” I ask without rolling over. “No later than twelve,” she grumbles. “It’s ten-thirty. Let’s go get some breakfast so I can spend some time with you before you leave,” I say, throwing my legs off the bed and stretching my body. “I hate that you live so far away, but I’m so proud of you. It’s really bittersweet,” she says, mimicking my movement. “I know. I miss you like crazy when you’re gone. Come visit more often,” I plead with her, and she laughs. “I’ll definitely try. Lord knows you’re not coming home for a while after the stuff with your dad,” she says and I sigh. I didn’t plan on coming home at all. I can’t see Jake living life with someone else. “Has he texted you or anything?” she asks curiously. “I told him he could stay for the ceremony but after that, he needed to leave and not come back. I specifically told him not to call, text, or write, so I won’t hear from him unless I reach out,” I say with a shrug. “I’m sorry. I know he was everything to you after your mom walked out on you. I can’t imagine how hurt you are,” she says, sitting beside me on the bed and wrapping her arms around me. “Nope. All done. We aren’t doing this right now. Let’s shower and change so we can go to breakfast,” I say, wiggling out of her hug and standing up. Breakfast flies by and at twelve-thirty Maggie is driving away from me to go back to Brookhaven, leaving me to my thoughts for the first time all weekend. I go inside and focus on cleaning up our mess from the night before. I grab my laptop once the trash is out, remembering that I have to write my resignation letter for the clinic I have been working at to pay the bills. A quick check of my email shows all of my orientation and payroll paperwork for Angelwood and excitement floods through me. This is my future, and I am going to find my happiness come hell or high water.
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