Heartbroken Queen

1507 Words
Prince Mavin stares at his mother and sees the horror looks in her eyes, as her eyes holds great sorrow with tears threatening to drop. "Yes mom, he was stabbed to death" he tells her. "My goodness!. By who?," his mother burst out crying hysterically and her maid immediately rush back into her chamber as they hear her scream. "No!, don't tell me that Chief Douglass is gone. He cannot be dead Mavin, he cannot!" his mother screams as she cries and he stares away from her and stand up to leave, turning his back on his mother, and not able to watch her break down. Her two maids, walks back to comfort her and he walk closer to exit the door. "Don't tell me that he's truly gone Mavin?. Tell me is all a lie!" his mother screams out and he shakes his head and finally step out from her chamber, slowly closing the door behind him and not wanting to stare at his mother heartbroken nature as he almost broke down crying with her. He didn't cry or feel any thing after hearing about the deceased chief at the initials but seeing how his mother reacted, he almost cried not even knowing his mother's relationship with the man. Was he related to his mother?, he shakes his head as he walks back into the ground hall. Most of the elders has already gone back home with only his father and Silas and two other Chiefs left in the hall. He's about climbing the stairs when his father voice paused him. "Son, you're needed here." He turns and stare back to his father seated on the throne and Silas standing beside him and he breathe out heavily and walks back downstairs to meet his father. "I heard your mother's voice now, hope all is well with her?" his father ask as he dismissed the two remaining chiefs standing in the hall. "Yes father" he respond and stares away, wondering when his father started caring about his mother. "Hmph.. I know Douglass meant a lot to your mother even after her past relationship with him she still misses him" He turns to.face his father. "What do you mean by that father?" he questions out in anger as he tries to keep his cool. He stares to Silas who's still standing beside the throne guarding his father and not even shifting an inch to give them some privacy to discuss. "Son, you shouldn't have informed your mother about him. I hope she doesn't get suicidal as a result of your mistake." "What's that supposed to mean father?," he question again as he stares at his father angrily like he's about to pounce on him for hurting his mother all these years. "Don't stare at me like that son, Unless you want me to jail you for treason." "Hmm" his rage silently growls as he breathe out heavily, holding his father's gaze on him. He finally sighs and walk backward a bit, wanting to turn and exit the hall and his father speaks. "Douglass was your mother's lover before I got married to her. He was truly in love with her and she loves him too, but your mother love for materialistic things made her left him even after he propose to her to marry him, she rejected his proposal and agrees to marry me instead, not minding the fact that Douglass was patience with her all those years watching her grow into a beautiful young lady." He paused and stares back to his father who continues with a smirk on his face remembering the past as he continues. "She came to my twenty-fifth birthday party here in the palace then and offers herself to me, even knowing I am a flirt and loves women. Although I promised her I will stop after breaking her virginity but I cannot help it.." He walks away not wanting to listen to his father's remaining revelation. Now he understands better, why his mother is really heartbroken with the news of the chief's death. "Son!, I am not thru with my conversation yet and that's not the main reason why I summoned you here!" his father thunders but he didn't stop to listen to his father as he quickly rush up the stairs in the ground hall and going upstairs to his room. "Your majesty, should I go after him?" He hears Silas ask. "No, let him be" his father reply. He pause at the stairs above and stares down to his father and Silas standing beside him. He's patiently waiting for the day he will wrestle sword verses sword with Silas and beat him to a pulp as he's training secretly hard for that day to arrive. He glares at them and quick away from the stairs above going back to his chamber to rest. He cannot believe that his mother actually left a man who loves her very much for material things and just to be queen. Now she's ashame to even parade herself as the same reason she left her lover for a womanizer called king. He sighs and pushes his room door open as he walks in. It already late and the heavy rain start dropping. He stands up and walks closer to his room window to shut it close as the heavy winds blows heavy rain drops into his room. He stares out thru his room window and shut it, he hoping silently that the beautiful woman and her daughter has gotten to their home before the rain start. He walks back to his bed and decides to take a night bath, not calling any of the maids to come prepare his bath as he doesn't like how the young maids ogle at him whenever they're ask to prepare his bath, while the middle-aged ones only smiles to him. He prepares to take his bath by himself, as even as the weather is cold, he's feeling extremely hot and sweaty thinking about the beauty. He feared at first when he saw his mother heartbroken and thought probably the late chief was her brother as that will definitely spoil his chances of getting closer to the beauty, if they're siblings. He sighs and take a deep into the filled bathtub of water as he takes his bath relaxing in the bathtub.. *** Fiona gets back home with her mother and as they step into their house the heavy rain start pouring down heavily, wetting the whole floor and areas. She immediately rush to their parlour window and shut it close. The guards had taken her father's corpse away and probably buried him in the village cemetery as their parlour was clean and no traces of blood spotted. She walks to the couch in their parlour and sit as she cries with her mother again. It's a cold and lonely night as they don't even bother to prepare anything to eat. Later her mother stands up and walks back into her room to take her bath and change her clothes as she's typing only wrapper which is already dirty. Fiona stand up too and walks over to her room to take her bath too and to remove her previous night gown. it already late and she's very hungry as she haven't eaten anything since the previous night she was dragged by the angry village youth and taken to the palace as a prisoner. She quickly takes her bath and after that she's thru, she steps out from the bathroom to her room and dress up, wearing another simple night gown. She step out of her room to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the night as she's so hungry. She decides to cook for her mother and her to eat as she knows that her mother won't make any attempt to cook, knowing as she's very sad about the dismiss of her husband who was also her father. She walk to their local kitchen at the back and the window was left open because they weren't home the previous night and probably the guard who came to investigate their home didn't remember to shut it close. She close the window as start cleaning the heavy drop of waters on the kitchen floor. Thru she gathers the wet firewood and throws it out in the rain to cook with the stove instead as the weather is very cold.. She prepares a quick jollof rice with mix concoction and as she's thru, she walks back to her mother's room to inform her and discover her mother has already slept off. She walks back to the kitchen to serve out the food before carrying it out in a tray and takes it to her mother's room. She wakes her mother up as she has already lost her father, she doesn't wish to loose her mother too. "Mom, wake up!" she wakes her mother who's already fast asleep and she stirs and wake. "What's the problem Fiona?" Mrs Gloria ask as she stirs up..
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